OK, so what's with my nose??
I've used the same body splash for like forever. It's a Spanish cologne that is reminiscent of St John's Bay Rum--lemony, clovey, cinnamony. Very refreshing. Suddenly last week my hands after using it smelled to me like rubber--you know, if you've been handling rubber gloves or whatever. DH told me I was nuts.
Then a student gave me a bottle of coconut scented cologne. On her it smelled yum, so I liberally sprayed myself. But what I was getting was the smell of dust--like the smell of a very dusty room when you disturb it. Everybody says I'm nuts.
Today, the cologne is back to normal, but the perfume still smells a bit "dusty" to me.
Could I have a mineral deficiency--or a brain wiring problem?? I know when I was adolescent I was diagnosed with a zinc deficiency because I had this wierd smell in my nostrils all the time--but that odour was like rancid fat. This is two different things, associated with two completely different scents made by 2 different manufacturers!
I know that perfumes/colognes smell different on different people based on individual body chemistry, so that could explain the coconut one. But I'm not sure why the usual scent would suddenly smell different - are you eating differently or taking a new prescription or something?
Oh nose! ;D
I have no idea. My mom's sense of smell went completely bonkers when she had children. omg, you're preggers! :D
If the cologne went back to normal, I bet you had something else on your hands that day that reacted with it in a weird way that day. And I think akmaser is probably right about the coconut--if you thought it smelled nice on her but not on you, then maybe it's just your body chemistry. :-\
I have no idea.
In a situation like this, I say go with your gut instinct, and it sounds like your gut is telling you to be proactive. I vote for getting a checkup. If it is something, somethings are always better treated early on. If it's nothing, an off day, you won't have the ongoing curiosity in the back of your mind.
:D If she's preggers, does that mean we get to vote for another name? :D
I am SO not preggers...not to put too fine a point on it, but I haven't had occasion to be for about 2 years now. And yes, I'm married. Go stand in the corner! ;D
Have you had a cold lately? I know that things smell wacky to me for a few weeks afterward - even long after the congestion is gone!
That might be it, I had a weird "thing"--no congestion but a very lowgrade fever, and I felt like my head was floating a few inches above my neck for several days. I told DH "It's unpleasantly like being drunk". He asked, "What's unpleasant about that?" and I replied, "Ask a glass of water!"
Did you use any nasal sprays? Some have an ingredient that temporarily kills olfactory neurons, which would change what you're smelling, if not cause t to cease all together.