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One year ago today, two years ago today, etc. what where you doing?

I have no idea why I like to reminise like this, but I keep a journal that I write in almost everyday, and  have been for years.  So occasionally I look back to find out what I was doing one year ago today, two years ago today, etc.

One year ago today, I was here in Houston, bored at work, exactly as I am today...only I wasn't pregnant.  Same office, same project, hated this job then, hated Houston then, hate it today.  Nothing has changed.

Two years ago today: I was driving to Alaska.  That was 4000 miles, and took 8 days.  On this day two years go I was going into Canada.  My car was packed with stuff, and I had my two cats with me. 

Three years ago today: I was working at the refinery in IL.

Man, a year ago I was right in the thick of an anxiety disorder and depression, wrestling with grad school and my marriage, basically having a miserable time of life... My sister's husband (my best friend) had just left her (still haven't spoken to him to this day), and I was just starting to develop a bit of a drinking problem! I am so happy to be in a muchmuchmuch better place today.

Two years ago, I was working a job that sucked my soul. I think that's where the mental health really started to decline, but things hadn't gotten too bad yet. In fact, right about two years ago was when I was promoting to Assistant Director of the school where I was teaching, which is when everything really went to hell at that job!

Today I am working a job I really love; my mind is quiet; my body is strong; my hair is short; my friends are wonderful; my life is full of music. Sorry for the sappy post, but it feels good to say these things!


I have no idea why I like to reminise like this, but I keep a journal that I write in almost everyday, and  have been for years.  So occasionally I look back to find out what I was doing one year ago today, two years ago today, etc.

One year ago today, I was here in Houston, bored at work, exactly as I am today...only I wasn't pregnant.  Same office, same project, hated this job then, hated Houston then, hate it today.  Nothing has changed.

Two years ago today: I was driving to Alaska.  That was 4000 miles, and took 8 days.  On this day two years go I was going into Canada.  My car was packed with stuff, and I had my two cats with me. 

Three years ago today: I was working at the refinery in IL.

where did you live in IL?  I grew up in IL



It is so cool that you have all of those entries!  I am bad about stuff like that and I tend to go too fast with things. It is nice to journal things because it forces you to focus on the day at hand. I should start doing that more.  Isn't it fun to look how far you have come!

Yes.  It's been years since I dug out those old journals.  I've definitely come a long way.  I still need to grow up though.  LOL


Man, a year ago I was right in the thick of an anxiety disorder and depression, wrestling with grad school and my marriage, basically having a miserable time of life... My sister's husband (my best friend) had just left her (still haven't spoken to him to this day), and I was just starting to develop a bit of a drinking problem! I am so happy to be in a muchmuchmuch better place today.

Two years ago, I was working a job that sucked my soul. I think that's where the mental health really started to decline, but things hadn't gotten too bad yet. In fact, right about two years ago was when I was promoting to Assistant Director of the school where I was teaching, which is when everything really went to hell at that job!

Today I am working a job I really love; my mind is quiet; my body is strong; my hair is short; my friends are wonderful; my life is full of music. Sorry for the sappy post, but it feels good to say these things!

Dear Sharway, don't apologise! You have every right to celebrate your survival. And it encourages other people to see that you CAN get your life back. I did, and I am grateful for it every day. Success is measured differently by each one. Quiet, strong, full of music--I'd say it's a winner.


Go Sharway, go Sharway, go!!!



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