One year ago today, two years ago today, etc. what where you doing?
Posted by SnowQueen690 on Jun 23, 2008 · Member since Jun 2005 · 1569 posts
I have no idea why I like to reminise like this, but I keep a journal that I write in almost everyday, and have been for years. So occasionally I look back to find out what I was doing one year ago today, two years ago today, etc.
One year ago today, I was here in Houston, bored at work, exactly as I am today...only I wasn't pregnant. Same office, same project, hated this job then, hated Houston then, hate it today. Nothing has changed.
Two years ago today: I was driving to Alaska. That was 4000 miles, and took 8 days. On this day two years go I was going into Canada. My car was packed with stuff, and I had my two cats with me.
Three years ago today: I was working at the refinery in IL.
That's a really good idea....I should copy your journal idea!
I know one and two years ago today I was like you, at the same job that I hate. It's a great company, pays well, but my heart is just not in it. I'm getting more and more bored with that job as the years go by. I do however love were I live, Colorado is wonderful and I live close to my family which is important to me.
Oh, I so jealous about Alaska! Alaska is my favorite place on earth :)>>>
I know this is kind of a tangent (maybe I should start a separate thread) but I'm guessing you and I are not the only bored, dissatisfied people with there job. How does someone go out and do something they really want to do without going back to school (still paying for my first degree) and still making enough money to pay your bills, ect....??!! I would love to do something I actually like....
I like your journaling idea. I haven't done that in a very long time, but I do know what I ws doing two years ago. My husband and I were in the midst of planning a trip to Vegas to meet his brother for the very first time! It was awesome and it was like they had known each other all their lives!
I blog at
I used to handwrite journals in the 80's and 90s, but got out of the habit until about 3 years ago when I went electronic.
Here's my entry from a year ago. I was about to start the last class of my Bachelor's degree. Not much going on today. I'm going to mow the back yard today and relax. School is starting up on Monday and I'm not ready for that. The last few weeks I had access to the class, but starting Monday things are going to start becoming due. Then the countdown till graduation begins.
This day in 2006, I'm getting ready to start another semester: My last "no-work-no-school" day since I'm working the weekend. I have a few errands to run - gotta take John to return is rental car, grocery shop. The house is in good order, so not a lot to do there. Go to the gym, read and relax.
This day in 2005, talking about some crazy times at work the day prior. Good thing it's not the weekend because I had my alarm set for 8am and spouses alarm woke me up. Slept really good after taking a bit to wind down. I wound up taking a benadryl to help, which probably was pyschological, but placebo affect or not, I nodded off after some initial restlessness.
Gotta go. Hoping for a calmer day. It's either feast or famine, over the weekend we were bored, yesterday was out of control.
For fun I drug out an old handwritten journal from 1986 which has this entry on June 23, 1986:
Dear God, Fixin' to go to work. I wish I wasn't so tired. Had a light lunch - salad & veggies, though I don't need to lose weight. Cokes, coffee and ciggaretttes are how I punish myself now. David came by and will take me to work. I'm getting lazy. It's sweet of him. Only you know what's going to happen when I get to work. I'm glad I'm not a part of what went on last night. Be with me. Help me to be kind. Take away my defects. Give me serenity. I think I have it. Thanks for my many blessing.
The only other journal with a date entry today is June 23, 1987:
I'm getting weird. I did yoga with no lights on, candle lit (no other lights), played Kitar (I adore his music), and has insense burning. It made me feel good, but I'm stilll smoking.
I'm having a dinner party. I hope it goes well and people come.
Thanks for my many blessing.
David B. is gay. We went out to "Straps" It was nice. We were the only two there. When we got there, there was one fellow that I remember from emetings. I'm sure he was drinking because my coke glass was different from his. Bless his heart. I didn't get sober the first go around either. I hope he finds some sobriety soon.
I don't know exactly what I was doing 1 year ago today--but I do know that I was beginning to contemplate going vegetarian (second time around). I had rcently watched "Super Size Me" andwas just sick to death of the nasty food I and the rest of America were eating. Obviously I did make the decision to go veg, and in just a few days I will be celebrating my 1 year vegaversary!
Obviously I did make the decision to go veg, and in just a few days I will be celebrating my 1 year vegaversary!
And 1986 and 1987. WOW! In June of 1986 I was...8 years with my Dad in St. Louis same with 1987.
I don't remember EXACTLY what I was doing a year ago today. All I remember was that it was my first full day back on the east coast after looking for an apartment in the midwest. That apartment-hunting trip was DH's first trip to the midwest. (I had been out to my current locale for job interviews.) I was just so concerned that he'd like it; I hated having to take the job with him agreeing to move sight-unseen.
Two years ago today I was TAing a statistics class. It would have been a Friday so I would have definitely been up in front of the classroom in a computer lab. (I spent three Junes in a row in the same stats class--first as a student then as a TA for two years.)
Today? Sitting in my apartment (same one I picked out this time last year) right now. The apartment's been good to me. DH accepted a job out here today. I taught (psych, not statistics). Still teaching, like two years ago; still in transition, like last year. So much in life has changed, but so little has changed as well.
It is so cool that you have all of those entries! I am bad about stuff like that and I tend to go too fast with things. It is nice to journal things because it forces you to focus on the day at hand. I should start doing that more. Isn't it fun to look how far you have come!
Let's see, one yr ago today we would have been home exactly one month from China. I think a few days before she'd finally started sleeping through the night so I was getting to be in a better mood since I could sleep through the night. That night I was probably sitting in the recliner giving her a bottle and looking at her sweet face.
Two yrs ago, we'd come back from a trip to Veiques Puerto Rico because the adoption was taking longer than we thought and we needed to take our mind off of it. What is really cool, is that turtledove was born while we were there and if we'd gotten our referral in the timeframe we were supposed to we'd not have her, we'd have another little girl. That child probably would've been just a wonderful as turtledove, but it is so hard to imagine it so that we're glad things worked out the way they did.
Anyway, I have started a written journal for turtledove. All of the funny, silly, hairpulling things that she does. Sometimes I think I'm too imformative, but you never know, she might read it and laugh her a$$ off at herself.
No idea. I don't journal or remember. I was likely doing the same exact thing that I'm doing now, which is probably why I'm bored.
One year ago I was teaching summer school.
Two years ago I was teaching summer school.
My life is also boring, HH.
Three years ago I was teaching summer school, but in a different state, at least...
1 yr ago I was still eating rotting flesh, working at my previous job, hoping my paycheck wouldn't bounce.......
2 yrs ago......I can barely remember last week! I need to start journaling....
No idea. I don't journal or remember. I was likely doing the same exact thing that I'm doing now, which is probably why I'm bored.
I'm bored to HH (lol), happy but bored....I think that's why I'm on this dang site so much lately, I'm always bored ;)
Beginning to plan for all the renovations we've done since Jan.
Also, worrying about students which weren't calling. By July I was working like mad, though. I hope the same thing happens this year.
I used to keep a journal, but it was so long ago. I don't remember what I was doing exactly last year, but I was probably working at the same job, but having so much more fun.
Two years ago, it was my first summer at CBC, so I was probably working too.
Four years ago, I was in Ottawa doing my internship in a national radio network. That was fun, but it was so hot in the Capital that summer... almost unbearable.
Ten years ago, I was still in high school and the summer vacations were just starting.
Wow, I am not that interesting. I need to do something amazing so that in two years, I could say, like, one year ago, I was backpacking through SouthEast Asia or I was elected president of the world. ;)b That'd be neat.
I think I was just starting a summer job a year ago. And two years ago? Probably writing my last high school exams and getting ready for graduation!
Wow, I am not that interesting. I need to do something amazing so that in two years, I could say, like, one year ago, I was backpacking through SouthEast Asia or I was elected president of the world. ;)b That'd be neat.
I wish you were POTW. Then we could find more veg-friendly restaurants that didn't cost the earth! Honestly, a friend took me to one of the few decent veggie restaurants in town...10 Euros for 3 very small blackbean papusas with a little salsa and guac. Pretty on the plate (nouvelle bore style) but not much food. And another 10 Euros for a salad. And another 10 for the wine.
I paid for the wine and the coffee. The coffee was horrible, which is strange here in S. Spain.
I gave myself a goal to have my own vegetarian/vegan restaurant by the time I'm 40. I want to work in my field for a while, earn some money, then I'm opening my own place. Kind of a second career idea methinks.
I wish you were POTW.
??? Publically Owned Treatment Works (i.e., a sewering agency) ?
I definitely missed something.
POTW = president of the world, yeah? (based on mel's post)
POTW = president of the world, yeah? (based on mel's post)
Yes. ;)b