Our signature phrases/words
Posted by Allychristine on May 06, 2008 · Member since Dec 2007 · 15438 posts
I thought it would be FUN (all in good fun; love you peeps!) to post some of the signature phrases/sayings/words that we have noticed from our fellow vegwebbers' posts (things that we say/do a lot). I'll start (duh)!
" just sayin'.."
hesp: leaves everything in lowercase
pink: medical stuff!
this has some http://vegweb.com/index.php?topic=20268.0
i say p.s. a lot... but that might mostly be irl.
also i try to do uppercase sometimes!
Love this thread!
I also say *swoon* a lot. But mostly on the PPK boards because they have cute boys. We lack a preponderance of cute boys on vegweb. Just sayin'. The boys we have are cute, we just don't have very many. But I swoon over the ladies too.
I also say "hideous" a lot in general. And "oy." At least in real life.
I can't think of any phrases people say, but laurabs always says things really nice; carrot and heliamphora are always funny; bp is always matter-of-fact, straight-to-the-point, makes-me-think-about-the-world-in-a-different-light; HH, Cali and bookmama are always really helpful; LA and AC are friendly like they're your best girlfriends; and hespedal knows everything about nutrition and smart spending and bikes.
And capture is the picture queen!
I think secondbase packs the most funny into the fewest words/characters.
That's not everyone, of course. Too much love all at once! I'll have to come back to this later.
i say p.s. a lot... but that might mostly be irl.
also i try to do uppercase sometimes!
haha I see that you're sensitive about the lower/uppercaseness! ;) Yeah..sometimes...
I use parenthesis and ellipses (?) a lot..
VHZ tends to write longer posts and VS I think just started writing more in the forums..so I'm not sure..
the shift key is irrelevant for many of us. ::)
(it only becomes relevent in my work and in the work of my students. if i have another paper that is like "this is important bc u need 2 demonstrate ur writin skillz" i will scream.)
Shouldn't all papers demonstrate writing skills? I HATE seeing grammatical errors in papers..
I had a professor once who was lecturing on writing papers. He was emphasizing the importance of spelling and grammar. He wrote on the board, "Pay attention to spelling and grammer"
i'm fully of qualifiers: well, so, maybe, kinda, kind of, sort of...
and i waver between capitalization and none (why should the first letter be any more important than the rest? >:()<--excuse for laziness
I have been told I overuse the phrase "the mind boggles." Just checked through my posts, and they're right.
I have also been known to use the words "felicitous" and "notorious" too much. I read too much Austen.
I know that some of you have met each other 'irl'...so, were the vegwebbers that you met what you 'thought they would be?' Were their personalities the same as/different from what you were expecting? I'm curious. :)
As I was typing my last post, I realized that I like to use "So".
well, i know thisisroger, kennedy, lime green, and ummm that's it, i think and i guess they were pretty much what i was expecting...
Uhhhhhhh, I've spoken to the baypupster on the phone! :^ She sounded normal.
*blerg* <---------------- my most over used "word"
Uhhhhhhh, I've spoken to the baypupster on the phone! :^ She sounded normal.
oh thank goodness.
i've met many a webers, and they have all been awesome. i think i'm a little more reserved irl for ppl who know me, but idk.
oh yeah, this is bp posting as cammers. ha ha ha :^
I want to meet some peeps! ::)
I thought this thread would totally blow up...but..oh.. :oh:
ac, i want to visit you sometime!
i want to see montana. i just want to make my way to all the states.
ac, i want to visit you sometime!
i want to see montana. i just want to make my way to all the states.
There are so many of y'all I'd like to meet irl - maybe I should start planning vacations around where vegwebbers live ^-^
Seriously, though, if any of you plan on coming down to South Texas (Rio Grande Valley, 30 minutes from the Mexican border and 40 minutes from South Padres Island), let me know!!
I would recommend you wait until early fall though, as it gets WAY hot during the months of June, July and August :P
OK, so OFF TOPIC, but I am already thinking about what I am going to do during the summer in between my two years of teaching (not this summer, the next one). Now, I was thinking, oh, backpack through Europe, but really I should do a vegweb tour! I can make my way down the east coast, to the south, then back across the midwest, then ultimately out west! It would be awesome if gas wasn't probably gonna be $10/gal by then. But I have a goal of visiting all the states as well.