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Poor froggy!

I am SO angry and sad! My best friend just told me they had a little frog living in a pail in their front yard. Well, her hubby made the mistake of showing it to some neighborhood kids. While my friends were out, some of the kids went onto their property, stole the frog, killed it, and dissected it! :'(  >:( My God, what's wrong with people?! I want to wring all their necks!


Holy crap.

I'm sure as a kid I was very curious about biology and stuff as well, but never in my wildest dreams would I have taken a living thing from its home where it wasn't bothering anybody and killed it myself. I would have gotten out an encyclopedia because I was a big dork.

In fact, if I were a child and witnessed some other kids doing that, I'd have probably started a fight (and caused some nosebleeds) and then ran home crying.

I just don't understand. I'm sure I've been disenchanted with other peoples' kids since working in a video game store and seeing what kids do when their parents let them run around alone. But this still gets to me. I can't fathom why on earth they thought that would be an okay thing to do... why is that cool???

I didn't understand kids when I was one of them, I don't know why I should expect to now.


Have I ever mentioned I hate people?!  Most on this board know I say this a lot and I truly don't hate people as a general rule.  How horrendous and cruel these kids were.  Yes, I do blame parents on animal cruelty when it comes to their kids.  Teaching love and compassion are important parts of raising children.  Half the parents where I live aren't even outside ever checking what their little ones are doing.

Years ago I went to a camp with fellow high school students.  The boys gathered many frogs and put them in a pail with the intent to kill them all.  My best friend at the time and I went out in the middle of the night and tipped the bucket.  They all got away.  The ones near the edge of the lake weren't so lucky.  The guys threw rocks and hit them.  They then flipped up on their backs dead.  We gave them all hell and told on them.  

I am so sorry about little froggy!


You wanna talk about sad froggie stories.....When my mom was little, she had a stream near her house where her and her (6) siblings would collect frogs all the time and let them go. One time my mom had a jar full of them and accidently left them out in the sun...forgot all about them, and came outside to a jar full of sun-baked froggies  :'(


Ohmy, that's horrible! I'm sorry to hear that.. Some kids are just cruel to animals, and some adults aren't much better.  :'(


Curiosity is one thing, but these kids need to be watched. Particularly the ringleader, whoever it was that suggested the "activity" as a good idea.  :P Childhood cruelty of this type  to animals is often indicative of later imbalance/psychopathic behaviour. Children are our future...and I shudder to think what the future holds in this particular case.


Good lord! That's terrible!!!! people make me sick  >:(


I agree with you all whole-heartedly! When I told my son, who's 15, he wanted to go kick some a$$!

Our kids just did a virtual frog dissection on the internet for Biology. They thought it was disgusting even then, but there is NO way they would ever choose to do that themselves. I even had a friend of mine who refused to do it for her college course this year and her prof failed her!

This is a sick world and it scares me to think of what the future holds. I wish that ALL parents would teach love and compassion. In general, I feel like humans are not only cruel, but extremely wasteful, just because they can be. Our furry and scaly friends are by far supereior!

Sorry for the rant...

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