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post college depression

i cant handle this sudden lack of friends and social life.  granted, i've been out of college for a year now, but the realization about the loneliness of my new life has been building and building.  michael doesnt understand, he doesnt really like people, and he never really had the same college experience as me.  i've been looking at jobs back in pittsburgh and austin in a thought that if i find that perfect job, maybe i can run away and either go back to be with my friends from school or move on to meet new people in austin.  bagh.  how did you deal with life after college.

where in KS? ponycakes lives in manhattan.

They have corresponded on the roll call thread!  ;)b

Yeah, she lives in Manhattan which is really far from me. I did a search and found a girl who lives in Lawrence, the closest city to me. I wasn't able to send a message so I added her as a buddy and sent her a wave hoping to get her attention. Is that the best way to start communicating with someone on this site? I just joined yesterday, so I am very new and would appreciate any advice.


I feel the pain of the group - and I've been out of college for five years.

I think it's the isolation part that gets me too. Unfortunately, I can't even buddy up to coworkers. I work in a satellite office, and I'm the only one here - except for Thursdays.

So yeah, it sucks.


get this!! this morning i emailed someone i found on craigslist, pagan liberal feminist girl.  so we met for coffee and then went to the asian market!  shes really neat, but is moving to austin in a couple months : (  but until then, i'll have someone to hang out with.  we might even do dinner this week.  anyways.  at least i have one friend now!  i'm still waiting for an email from another girl i found on craigslist. she seems pretty neat.  so we'll see.

Well done! Hopefully you can also meet people *through* her in the mean time. My new close friend (we'd known each other for four years, but only super close in the last year or so) has introduced me to literally DOZENS of great people in the last 8 or 10 months.

i wish!! thats how i made friends in college, but this girl just moved here from asheville NC and doesnt know anyone either, so shes getting out, lucky her!! heh.


Yeah, she lives in Manhattan which is really far from me. I did a search and found a girl who lives in Lawrence, the closest city to me. I wasn't able to send a message so I added her as a buddy and sent her a wave hoping to get her attention. Is that the best way to start communicating with someone on this site? I just joined yesterday, so I am very new and would appreciate any advice.

I'm sorry to hear about your Dad EJ.

You could always post something on the "Events" forum.  I have never seen any events in the midwest- maybe you can lead the way!  Who knows- post, be patient and see what happens!


Yeah, she lives in Manhattan which is really far from me. I did a search and found a girl who lives in Lawrence, the closest city to me. I wasn't able to send a message so I added her as a buddy and sent her a wave hoping to get her attention. Is that the best way to start communicating with someone on this site? I just joined yesterday, so I am very new and would appreciate any advice.

I'm sorry to hear about your Dad EJ.

You could always post something on the "Events" forum.  I have never seen any events in the midwest- maybe you can lead the way!  Who knows- post, be patient and see what happens!

Thanks so much greenT. I looked in the events forum which led me to a veg*n meetup group and found one really close to me! So I will go to their potluck this month. I just need to figure  out how to navigate this site. There are so many posts in the forums it can be a little daunting at first.


I'm glad I'm not alone in feeling that way too! I mean, I knew that the post-college blues were normal, but still, not a good feeling to have. Lucky for me, a lot of my friends were still in university up until last year, so I was still very much in the student life. But I've realized that when you start working on a regular basis, you're too tired to go out, or you don't want to go out because you don't want to be a zombie the next day. When I was in university, I stopped myself from doing many things because I didn't have any money. Now, well, I have a little bit more money, but I have more bills to pay, so I'm still not enjoying myself the way I would like to. Maybe I just can't enjoy the present time!!

I've recently started meeting people in this spanish-speaking group every Thursday and I was invited to this Salsa dancing party last Saturday and I've had tons of fun. I've met people that I had never seen before, and here I thought that Moncton was so small that I knew everybody. It was nice to have a change of scenery. AND a few of those people that I've met are veg*ans, so more things in common! I'm finding fascinating that Moncton has so many things that I've never knew about before because I was always hanging out on campus and in the same bars with the same people all the time.


I am feeling exactly the same way! I felt this way after I finished my bachelor's degree and to fix it, I moved to NYC and got a master's. I finished that about 6 months ago and now I am back in Boston, my hometown, and I am feeling totally depressed again. 

If you're vegan or aspiring to be, have you checked out the Boston Vegan Association. They are mostly a bunch of young people and they do LOTS of stuff together.


i am going through this right now.  my adjustment to the 'real world' has been a little rough, to say the least.  i went straight into grad school from undergrad, so i'm feeling this way at 26 now.  i don't have many real life friends (i'm a tad antisocial and socially retarded, plus i honestly just have not related to most people i've met here) so being in school every day was a way to get me around other human beings.  now i work a job in an office with 5 other people, all of whom are married and have kids, so there's no possibility for 'friendship' there.  they're all so engulfed in their own lives, are much older than me, and honestly seem to think i'm a weirdo.  i seriously have days where the only person i see is my boyfriend.  and i'd probably NEVER see anyone else if it wasn't for him.  he brings people over here. 

mostly, i miss the lack of deadlines.  something so very important to be doing all the time.  being an art major, i know i should still be making art, but not being in that art community anymore has seriously diverted my motivation.  i'm in a major slump. 

my main goal is to move away from here as soon as possible to a place that has a job for me in my field, or at least one i would enjoy, and also people that i can relate to.  right now, michael and i are thinking pittsburgh or portland, OR.  i'm rootin for OR, but it will all depend on how things pan out.  i really think i need a fresh start.  i've been in this town for almost 9 years now and i hate, and i've always hated it.  there is nothing for me to do here but drink if i want to go out.  there is NO artist community besides the college (and most of them are honestly a joke).  and there are NO VEGANS or vegan places to eat.  everything is just so limited here, and i'm ready for more. 

anyway, yeah.  i feel ya.


i am going through this right now.  my adjustment to the 'real world' has been a little rough, to say the least.  i went straight into grad school from undergrad, so i'm feeling this way at 26 now.  i don't have many real life friends (i'm a tad antisocial and socially retarded, plus i honestly just have not related to most people i've met here) so being in school every day was a way to get me around other human beings.  now i work a job in an office with 5 other people, all of whom are married and have kids, so there's no possibility for 'friendship' there.  they're all so engulfed in their own lives, are much older than me, and honestly seem to think i'm a weirdo.  i seriously have days where the only person i see is my boyfriend.  and i'd probably NEVER see anyone else if it wasn't for him.  he brings people over here. 

mostly, i miss the lack of deadlines.  something so very important to be doing all the time.  being an art major, i know i should still be making art, but not being in that art community anymore has seriously diverted my motivation.  i'm in a major slump. 

my main goal is to move away from here as soon as possible to a place that has a job for me in my field, or at least one i would enjoy, and also people that i can relate to.  right now, michael and i are thinking pittsburgh or portland, OR.  i'm rootin for OR, but it will all depend on how things pan out.  i really think i need a fresh start.  i've been in this town for almost 9 years now and i hate, and i've always hated it.  there is nothing for me to do here but drink if i want to go out.  there is NO artist community besides the college (and most of them are honestly a joke).  and there are NO VEGANS or vegan places to eat.  everything is just so limited here, and i'm ready for more. 

anyway, yeah.  i feel ya.

aw pgh has my heart <3. 


awwww, kelsi! move to minnesota! I'll be your friend!

Hey! I live in MN! What city do you live in? I'm in south Minneapolis-Uptown area! :)

Aaaanyway, Kelsi, I totally know how you feel. I have been graduated for about a year & a half, and am just starting to feel like I'm getting a grip on things. Post-college life is confusing, weird, exciting, depressing, discouraging, etc. (for me, at least). It's sort of everything all at once, and that can suck. Bad. I also still haven't found a job I love--though I have one I like okay--I still don't know what I want to do!

My boyfriend just graduated in May, and it sounds like he is also feeling a lot like you are. He was forced to go back to his high school job (making decent money at a golf course, but he didn't earn two degrees to do that! ;)) because he hasn't YET been able to find another position in his field with the shitty job market. As if getting a job straight out of school isn't hard enough! :-\ He's also thinking about going back to grad school ASAP (instead of waiting a few years like originally planned) because he is SO frustrated with his post-college experience!

Just know that you aren't alone. I know that doesn't really help (it didn't help when people said it to me), but it's true. I think 99% of people go through a weird funk post graduation, but keep your chin up. You'll figure things out sooner rather than later!


aw.  yall have really helped me out a lot : )  im glad i'm not the only one going through this.  so.  the other girl i met on craigslist emailed me back the other day and her, her husband, me, michael, the previous girl from craigslist, and another girl that responded to her post are all going out to dinner on friday!  i'm super excited.  i hope it goes well, i only know one of them, and luckily shes pretty awesome so far!  so we'll see how it goes!  eek!


aw.  yall have really helped me out a lot : )  im glad i'm not the only one going through this.  so.  the other girl i met on craigslist emailed me back the other day and her, her husband, me, michael, the previous girl from craigslist, and another girl that responded to her post are all going out to dinner on friday!  i'm super excited.  i hope it goes well, i only know one of them, and luckily shes pretty awesome so far!  so we'll see how it goes!  eek!

this is great!  have fun  ;)


alright.  so i just got back from the dinner, i feel like i totally ruined it by being super fucking socially awkward.  michael says i wasnt THAT bad.  but i think i made my initial friend mad by asking about her husband.  i dont know.  i dont know how to talk with people in the military.  i guess asking about a partner who is away in training is an innappropriate thing?  well.  i learned that tonight.  anyways.  the other people that we met were nice, and michael actually liked them.  so thats huge, because michael hates everyone.  he even suggested that we invite them over for dinner.  wowie.  i think i'm gonna make my own post on craigslist about finding other vegans.


I wouldn't worry about it. You probably felt more socially awkward than you actually appeared. And Michael just said that because he knows you so well and could feel your self consciousness.

I stayed in my college town for 2 years after i graduated and I hated it! i started to feel really old (i was only 23-24) and like a loser for still being there without a real job. you might feel the same if you moved back. I am glad I moved away to another state finally.

I have been graduated from college for (gulp!) 14 years now and  I still miss it at times. it seems like yesterday still (maybe cuz i dress and look almost the same?)
Maybe it  (the missing) never really goes away. There is just no other time like it, I think. its a time where you can be really self absorbed and everything is about you and its OK. in the real world we have real jobs and relationships and have to care about and for other people. its  a big change! now i wouldnt trade it for anything though (my current life)

Why did that girl move from asheville to texas? av is such a cool social place. I made more friends here in 2 years than i did in florida in 10 years (which was exactly 1, and i met him at the end).
Austin is ashevilles sister city though! ;)b


Kelsi, you need to meet up with Karen! She's not vegan...but you know.

L2A, I agree with all that you said (that pertains to me). College was a GREAT time, I absolutely loved it, I was happy to be graduated, and then happy/sad to move away. I was pretty homesick for the first few months away (basically depressed), but that went away relatively quickly .

Now, I just sometimes feel sad/empty because my college career did not take me where I thought it was going, but I made the decisions, and something (a career) will come along...some day!


l2a, she moved here because her hubby is in the military. 

i found out last night that michael likes asheville.  now i really want to go there.  it seems like a smaller version of austin, i love austin, but michael hates how many people are there and how big it is.  asheville seems like it might be a good fit for us.  smaller, hippies for me, punks for michael hehe, things to do for me, small town for michael, not really in the cold cold north, not in the hot hot south, in between both of our families, i actually KNOW some people there already! <3 vw friends <3  i just need to go there sometime.  : )


l2a, she moved here because her hubby is in the military. 

i found out last night that michael likes asheville.  now i really want to go there.  it seems like a smaller version of austin, i love austin, but michael hates how many people are there and how big it is.  asheville seems like it might be a good fit for us.  smaller, hippies for me, punks for michael hehe, things to do for me, small town for michael, not really in the cold cold north, not in the hot hot south, in between both of our families, i actually KNOW some people there already! <3 vw friends <3  i just need to go there sometime.  : )

COme visit! I will show you around! You will love it!!
the only bad thing about asheville is finding jobs. Its SOOOO freaking hard to get into the school system.  Its really a "who ya know" situation.  Its even hard to get a job waiting tables. Come visit and see if you like it....if you do, stay on top of the school websites and apply for everything that comes up! oh, and work on getting your nc license. it takes a while


I had just assumed this was what happened to everyone after college - I know it did for both me and my husband.  Most of us spent our entire lives thus far surrounded all day every day by people born the same exact year - and now all of a sudden, you're thrown out there into a world of completely mixed ages, and you have no model for how to socialize in such a different environment.  I was out of school three years, and then went to grad school, but my husband's been out of school since '02, and he still gets really excited whenever he meets someone his age.  We went to dinner the other night with my friend from school and her sister, and my husband found out her sister was born in 1980, and was so happy - he said, "What happened to all the other people born in '80?  Do you know any in Dallas?  You're only the second one I've met besides me!"  I don't know how long he's going to be like that, but... it's funny, but it weirds people out.

Man, does this thread ever make me miss Austin.  I can't wait until I can live somewhere wonderful again.


I had just assumed this was what happened to everyone after college - I know it did for both me and my husband.  Most of us spent our entire lives thus far surrounded all day every day by people born the same exact year - and now all of a sudden, you're thrown out there into a world of completely mixed ages, and you have no model for how to socialize in such a different environment.  I was out of school three years, and then went to grad school, but my husband's been out of school since '02, and he still gets really excited whenever he meets someone his age.  We went to dinner the other night with my friend from school and her sister, and my husband found out her sister was born in 1980, and was so happy - he said, "What happened to all the other people born in '80?  Do you know any in Dallas?  You're only the second one I've met besides me!"  I don't know how long he's going to be like that, but... it's funny, but it weirds people out.

Man, does this thread ever make me miss Austin.  I can't wait until I can live somewhere wonderful again.

so you live up in dallas?  have you been to spiral diner?  mmmm


awwww, kelsi! move to minnesota! I'll be your friend!

Hey! I live in MN! What city do you live in? I'm in south Minneapolis-Uptown area! :)

Oi! JC, I live in Austin, but I come to the cities at least one weekend a month, 'cause I'm taking grad classes at Hamline. The next weekend I'll be there is October 11-12th. I'd totally be game to meet up for dinner/fun activity sometime if you want!



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