Question only game.
Posted by SnowQueen690 on Nov 14, 2007 · Member since Jun 2005 · 1569 posts
Saw this on another forum and decided to give it a go here.
You can only respond with questions. Anything not a question is not allowed. Okay, I will start.
How are you all today?
Who here cares that other people care too much?
I don't understand what's going on in this thread, can someone explain it to me?
No, But can you?
are you sure it's a dude?
are you sure that's an arm? :o
Does that even make sense?
Why does everything have to make sense?
why wouldn't it have to make sense?
Why does it matter that senseless people need to make more sense out of such an already confusing life?
why are we trying to confuse things? can't we just let sleeping dogs, you know, sleep?
why are they sleeping to begin with? what did you do to them?
Why did you drug teh poor doggies to sleep
what if the dog wasn't drugged, what if he just ate some "mushrooms"?
where did these dogs come from and do they belong to the one-armed dude?
Doesn't it look like a one-legged parrot to you?
can't a newish person ask a question?
Do you think they'll stay once they realize it's a madhouse?
is the madhouse is this thread or all of vegweb?
Can't you tell? ;)
"To be or not to be"-- is that the question?