Reasons to be excited!!!!!
Posted by shelloid on Dec 21, 2010 · Member since Nov 2006 · 4427 posts
ok, not like we really need another 'reasons to...' thread, but a couple of times recently I had a reason to be excited, not necessarily reason to smile and so maybe other people do too!
My RTBE: I just bought my very first car!!!!! I get to pick it up next week, so have a little while before I get to drive it but yay!!
photos of Preston not touching your boobs better be on here!
haha. of course! It's my first time going there and I'm stoked!
Happy for sarah and preston :D
I just bought another new knife!!! N's parents gave me a fair amount of money for my birthday and told me to get something special that I would not normally buy myself, so I got this:
Sweet knife Shell! :)
Sweet knife Shell! :)
word... good knives are priceless... i hate when i get dumpy ones... i have 1 good knife, seriously need some more
I now have 2 reeeeaaaaaaaallllllllllyyyyyy good knives. I am totally in love with them and would marry them if I could. We have just purchased a magnetic bamboo strip thing to hold them. We debated for quite a while as to what we should get. Quite excited to get it through the post.
2.5 Reasons!!!
I talked to my best friend's girlfriend yesterday and she said...
1) My best friend has talked to her several times about moving out here to Portland!!!!! :D
2) According to her, my best friend is very excited to see me when I head to Ohio for a family visit!!!! :D
He's been my best friend for 14 years!! :D
PS. Fufuberry is back!! :D
shellllllll I can't wait to come and visit and CHOP SOME VEGES with your new knives!! except that will just make me sad to come home to my not-so-flash ones...
shell, good knifes are priceless.... my bff came over for a visit (about 40 mins away) and i gave her all my 'good' knifes and told her no more emergency room visits for an avacado cutting mishaps... she has always had horrible knifes...
ok.... so mostly selfish reasons on gifting to her..... still, fucking sweet knife!
shellllllll I can't wait to come and visit [
and CHOP SOME VEGES with your new knives!!
and this will just make it even better!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'm going to chicago today with Sarah and tomorrow is going to be like the best day ever. Any day that starts out with coffee and vegan donuts (and probably cake balls) is the best day. She's sleeping next to me right now and I'm just like :)>>>
ohmygoshyoutwoaretoocute <3
my super gorgeous 20 year old sister-in-law got engaged over the weekend!!
so excited!!!!!
she refused to tell us any details over the phone so we've invited them over for dinner tonight, yah, can't wait! : )
your sister-in-law is gorgeous! she looks just like my best friend from school.
vh, I know!! she used to be an internationally competitive triathlete, so she's super fit as well! She's going to be an unbelievably stunning bride!!
haha, maybe it's because I never had a sister of my own, but I'm so freaking excited about this!
more from my Nicole-is-a-freaking-babe file:
brother-in-law's wedding when she was 18 on the left, our wedding when she was 16 on the right:
also, Preston, Sarah, you guys better be back to blow up vegweb with photos of your awesome adventures!!
Congrats to you and your sil, oww!
My rtbe: I just got back from camping with a friend I went to undergraduate school with who recently moved to Arizona. It was hot hot hot where he lives (just under 110 F / 43 C) near Phoenix and gorgeous where we camped just outside Tonto National Forest. He's getting his PhD in Astrobiology and being around someone so intellectually curious has restored me. Plus, I love kayaking, but have no one to kayak with, and he has two kayaks and will drive them over so we can go kayaking. I soooo need to get in touch with more college friends.
vh, I know!! she used to be an internationally competitive triathlete, so she's super fit as well! She's going to be an unbelievably stunning bride!!
haha, maybe it's because I never had a sister of my own, but I'm so freaking excited about this!
more from my Nicole-is-a-freaking-babe file:
brother-in-law's wedding when she was 18 on the left, our wedding when she was 16 on the right:
also, Preston, Sarah, you guys better be back to blow up vegweb with photos of your awesome adventures!!
hh- that sounds awesome!
Congrats to you and your sil, oww!
thanks!! There was an awesomely romantic story behind the engagement and they are planning to marry in February. It's going to be a busy six months!!
Your camping trip sounds awesome, hope you get to go kayaking soon!! : )