Reasons to make the slanty face
Posted by Allychristine on Oct 02, 2009 · Member since Dec 2007 · 15438 posts
:\ You know, in between the smile and frown. I'm more often :\ ing.
P is gone to class, but will be back in a little over an hour. Also, he's going to a Street Fighter club thing tonight, that I would like to go with him, but I don't know that I'll be feeling up to it. The fact that he's going is a reason to smile, though.
UPS hasn't shown up with my tv lamp yet.
Trying to figure out how to get the :\ to show up in email notifications. weird :\
Have a headache :/
YEAH my slanty face goes the other way. Eat it.
And also my tofu is taking forever to cook.
I have to read Books 3 and 4 of Paradise Lost. :-\
And it's 10.30 PM and I need a shower, and it's too late to sit and watch the recording of one of my favourite shows. :-\
And the scale isn't going to like my banana bread consumption for the week. :-\
Street Fighter club thing
as in Brad Pitt, Edward Norton fight club thing?! That deserves a :o not :/ or maybe a : (
Street Fighter club thing
as in Brad Pitt, Edward Norton fight club thing?! That deserves a :o not :/ or maybe a : (
Interesting theory. I was thinking more along the lines of the video game popular in the 90's? Who is right?
Most likely the video game. P LOVES Street Fighter.
Is Street Fighter available for Xbox? I'd like to kick Andy's ass. I used to be awesome at that game.
hehe, I would not be :\ about a fight club thing, I'd be like >:(. It's Street Fighter IV..the most recent game. Yep, his fave. Erin, he says they have a SF IV for xbox..just IV apparently. Or HD remix.
Is Street Fighter available for Xbox? I'd like to kick Andy's ass. I used to be awesome at that game.
Oh yeah, and you guys could play against me and beat my ass.
AC, don't post when I post, it's totally rude.
If I rent it, will you play with us?
AC, totally rude.
When are you going to rent it and did you add me on Xbox live yet? I haven't been able to get on in about two months because of my tv.
AC, totally rude.
You did it again.
;) :-*
When are you going to rent it and did you add me on Xbox live yet? I haven't been able to get on in about two months because of my tv.
I just mentioned it to Andy and he's really excited. He wants to go get it now....assuming they even have it. But if you can't play now, then maybe we'll wait. And no, I didn't add you yet cuz I don't know how....whats your name again? I'll make Andy do it.
My gamertag is: H8SAVRTU
That's an eight, not an uppercase b. My avatar is pretty ridiculous.
I think SF4 is actually pretty cheap now, I think it's in the $30s. Just sayin'.