Reasons to make the slanty face
Posted by Allychristine on Oct 02, 2009 · Member since Dec 2007 · 15438 posts
:\ You know, in between the smile and frown. I'm more often :\ ing.
P is gone to class, but will be back in a little over an hour. Also, he's going to a Street Fighter club thing tonight, that I would like to go with him, but I don't know that I'll be feeling up to it. The fact that he's going is a reason to smile, though.
Did your roomie ever get over his clock fit, fufu?
i dunno, i haven't seen him awake since yesterday.... we shall see!
I went with my roomies to our friends' house. Had several tasty long islands and had some good laughs. By the time I finally fell asleep, it was about time for all the guys to get up- to go duck hunting. :( Luckily they left them in the back of the truck while I was there. I was nervous that they'd bring them in and make me puke/cry. They like to taunt me about the whole vegetarian thing. It doesn't matter, though, because I think they're starting to realize that nothing they say can even touch my solid ethics. By enduring this and not backing down, I consider it a win. It's a shame it's a lose for the duckies though. Damn hunters.
I've decided to see someone for various annoying things like getting really incredibly down and not having a reason, crying uncontrollably for hours, almost crying in school for no reason, getting nervous and shaky also without reason, not being able to make myself care about school, and in general, crappiness that has started to wreck stuff. This is a reason to make slanty face because I'm worried nothing is wrong or I'm just being a drama queen. I don't even know what I'll tell the people and I don't want to talk about my feelings because I'm bad at that and I don't even know what the problem is. But at least there is perhaps a chance of not feeling like this and that is why this is not a reason to frown. :\
It feels good to have said that. Typed it. Sigh.
<3 cakes
I'm :/ because it's going to be so incredibly cold in the morning, and I have to bike. At least I have somewhere to bike. So cold, though.
I've decided to see someone for various annoying things like getting really incredibly down and not having a reason, crying uncontrollably for hours, almost crying in school for no reason, getting nervous and shaky also without reason, not being able to make myself care about school, and in general, crappiness that has started to wreck stuff. This is a reason to make slanty face because I'm worried nothing is wrong or I'm just being a drama queen. I don't even know what I'll tell the people and I don't want to talk about my feelings because I'm bad at that and I don't even know what the problem is. But at least there is perhaps a chance of not feeling like this and that is why this is not a reason to frown. :\
It feels good to have said that. Typed it. Sigh.
Been there. It sucks. I wish you didn't have to go through it!!! I'm glad you're going to see someone on your own terms though.. Definitely easier than being forced, although it's never really easy. Hang in there.
I have therapy on Wednesday and I have plenty that needs to be discussed that I've omitted from previous sessions. I've come a long way in regards to opening up (to professionals, at least), but I've never had one of the things happen and I'm honestly pretty ashamed of it. As for the other things, I'd hate to bring up because everyone up there thought I was doing so well.. which I was.. for a while.
hang in there!!! school is super stressful i know... i hope talking about it helps... i know it feels like somewhat of a relief for me to get an unbiased opinion from someone... i hope u feel better soon :)
I've decided to see someone for various annoying things like getting really incredibly down and not having a reason, crying uncontrollably for hours, almost crying in school for no reason, getting nervous and shaky also without reason, not being able to make myself care about school, and in general, crappiness that has started to wreck stuff.
Have you had your thyroid checked? Being depressed and non-functional are symptoms. Your school health center can do a thyroid test. It's an easy blood test.
The guys I work with are lecturing me on why war is ok and not wrong, and they have the typical dumb reasons for justifying it (the bible says it's ok because there will always be war, they hate our freedom and that we're a christian nation, if we didn't have war we'd be speaking a different language, etc., etc.).
War is rediculous. When has it EVER been productive? They say that history is taught in school to educate us on the past to avoid repeating mistakes.. yet I still see it happening.
War is 'technically' 'good' for these reasons:
Population control - kills off the idiots
Economy booster - more jobs for weapon building/design with less competition due to population control
Education booster - need smarter kids to engineer better killing machines
NIMBY (Not In My Back Yard) - as many religious zealots because they believe it is God's wishes to go to war
So really, what's everybody's problem????
please, everyone see I'm obviously joking here
Hahaha.. Hanashi.. :)
Population control - use condoms &/or the pill
Economy booster - spend money on our country rather than trying to be some super-country that believes it has every right to change other places incuding their government and culture
Education booster - less money spent on war = more money in schools
I have been sipping at the same smoothie for going on 3 hours now. I have come to the realisation I cannot finish it. It's all I've been able to try and eat today :\
awww Theo, not cool! you must be losing some major weight with this sickness...
My husband had a bad case of campylobacter a few years ago and lost 9kg and it took him years to get it back
hope your appetite/ability to eat come back soon!!!!!
I'm fairly certain I have a concussion :/
I'm fairly certain I have a concussion :/
I'm fairly certain I have a concussion :/
What she said...
oww - yea flatmates say I'm looking skinnier, I can't see it myself but maybe thats because I see me every day and don't notice (they haven't seen me for over a week).
I managed to eat some soup and crackers tonight! Now I'm feeling sick though...but oh well eating is good.
Yesterday: My best friend comes to visit after swearing he isn't sick anymore.
Today: wake up to the joy of a sinus infection.
You have been sick for awhile Theo - what do you have?