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Recycling Question

We recently moved to a small city that has a horrible recycling program! Most of the stuff that you should be able to recycle they won't accept and in to the landfill it goes, which really frosts our patooties! >:( My question is this, who would we contact to ask to have a revamp of our current recycling program? Our garbage people were of no help. Thanks!

Next town over at the cost of fuel to recycle or a private garbage/ recycle company?

That stinks (pun intended), lobby city hall and organize a city wide group proactive on recycling?

Just some quick ideas...


i agree that you should check w/ another town or your county.

check w/ your representatives, write them a letter and call!
especially w/ earth day coming up, you could get some info out there to your neighbors/ community. get letters or sign some petitions and pass them along to your legislators.
do you have conservation commision meetings in your town? they should have an opportunity to have the general public to weigh in on issues in town. check w/ your town hall.
you could write some editorials or letters to local newspapers.
basically, make some noise!


Your township should have a website.  Check there.  They probably list the sanitation/recycling department and staff.  Our township just submitted a petition to update the recycling program to accept glass and plastic (right now they only take paper and cans, and that's IF they get around to it). 


Yeah...someone in city planning should be able to help you--maybe there is even a dept. that handles the recyling program! I defintely agree with the others with checking with the towns near you too! I'm all about recycling--I'm a total nazi about it at home--I rummage through the garbage making sure my roomie didn't through anything out that could have been recycled!


Thanks for the advice everyone. I will look into all the options. It drives us crazy to have to throw out things we know should be recycled! We actually met the mayor of one of our neighboring cities last weekend, so perhaps we will pay him another visit and see if he has any ideas as well.


Thanks for the advice everyone. I will look into all the options. It drives us crazy to have to throw out things we know should be recycled! We actually met the mayor of one of our neighboring cities last weekend, so perhaps we will pay him another visit and see if he has any ideas as well.

Make a pest of yourself, and be prepared to do it for a long time. I am personally responsible for our having plastic/can/tetrabrik collection bins in the residential areas of my city. It took a couple of years but it was worth it! I would take my stuff to the only bins available (about a quarter mile away, on foot because I don't drive, and when the bins were full it was always muggins here who phoned in to ask them to come out and empty them. (Yes, you have to do that here. The city does nothing it doesn't have to.) They would always ask for my name and phone when I called in, so I would counter with, "OK, I don't mind...but when are we getting bins in my area? I have to shlep this stuff for blocks every time!"

Write letters, send emails, make phonecalls over and over. Get any fellow-Wombles (avid recyclers) in your area to help you do the same.

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