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I know a lot of us have been irked recently at the continual resurrection of posts that were otherwise resting peacefully. On the other side of the coin, a lot of users post topics only to be told that a post on the topic already exists, and sometimes these posts are quite old. In your opinion, oh wise VegWeb, how long a period of inactivity is required for a thread to be "too old" to resurrect? I'm just curious.

PS: I don't know if there is a term for the activity of reviving old posts. So forgive me if there is a better word than necropost.

I don't know if there is really a set length of time.

I recently resurrected an old thread (dunno about 3 yrs old?) because I didn't want to start a new thread when one on the same topic already existed.  I acknowledged that it was an old thread and explained why I resurrected the thread, which I think is ok.

It annoys me when someone answers a question in an old old old thread or starts arguing with someone in a years old thread, especially if the person no longer posts.


It annoys me when someone answers a question in an old old old thread or starts arguing with someone in a years old thread, especially if the person no longer posts.


in  my opinion, re opening an old thread because you  have new discussion/questions for the vegweb community on the same topic as the thread is fine.

answering a question like what should I substitute for this egg when the person asked it four years ago and has probably figured it out by now is not fine
It's mostly the posts where people don't seem to realise that the thread is old/dead that are annoying... 


i propose "retroposting." necro- just reminds me of necrophilia and necropsy and necromancy and other dead things.

i guess it really depends on the post. i think it's annoying to have a new thread for a fairly simple question answered in an older thread. for not simple questions... haha, i get annoyed too. like every couple of months there seems to be a new honey thread in some form or another. a new-ish person brings it up, while the older members are tired from arguing about it a year ago.

it might be good to have some sort of archive system if a post is older than a specified length, where the old thread can be linked to but not posted in.


yeah, about that honey thing, what are your views fb?



honey ftw! it has magical healing properties, micronutrients, antioxidants, and magic!!


Well, getting irritated to the point of being offended is quite unnecessary when a post is like 4 years old, and the user hasn't been around in several years.

It's most annoying to me when someone brings something back, and then it becomes confusing for lots of people, because they didn't realize the post was brought back from years ago. I think it's fine to resurrect older threads, but signal that to others with a "bump," or "bringing this back," or something.

I also think starting a new thread is fine, but the person would benefit much more from doing a search, and reading all the old threads-if he/she actually wants to be informed. Most people are just going to ignore new topics that have been talked about (and still exist in the forums) 4 billion times.


people should always use the search function before they post a new thread. i mean, i KNOW that it's also kind of annoying to have threads that are super duper long, but if they are on the exact same thing it's ridiculous.

always say you are bumping a thread. but at the same time, if people don't realize it's their own fault for not looking at dates. that's what they are there for.

if there is major drama in the thread don't revive it (sometimes new people won't realize what "major drama" for the community was, though)


yeah, sometimes it seems like a new topic is posted because the OP doesn't want to read through 7 pages of it... but that's why they're posting the question/topic, right?


I don't know, I'm pretty new and I don't bring up old posts, especially not to argue with someone. I've read through a lot of old posts and I can tell there was some sort of "drama" going on so I just leave it there. I've been using the search enginge for specific posts as well and when I find a thread that has 7 pages or something I'm ecstatic because it's filled with info, especially since a lot of those people don't post on here anymore.


I don't know, I'm pretty new and I don't bring up old posts, especially not to argue with someone. I've read through a lot of old posts and I can tell there was some sort of "drama" going on so I just leave it there. I've been using the search enginge for specific posts as well and when I find a thread that has 7 pages or something I'm ecstatic because it's filled with info, especially since a lot of those people don't post on here anymore.

Great way to be!


Some people are using the serach function, or another function and then post because it's something they are interesting in posting to, especially newbies.  Othertimes people don't realize a thread is old and when pointed out, they usually apologize.

I say relax and don't sweat the small stuff.  Live and let live.  It's not like it's a huge problem.

How do you feel about abortion?


I think it's fine to bump fun threads, but annoying to rehash old debates.


I think it's weird when people start arguing with DaveDrum again. I also think it's kinda weird when there is a new conversation hanging off the back of one that has been inactive since 2008.

PS- I love abortion.


I guess it's good news that I can read "Davedrum" and my heart rate doesn't increase.  Fun times.

I eat abortion for breakfast.  It's best drizzled with magic honey.


abortion ftw! it has magical healing properties, micronutrients, antioxidants, and magic!!


abortion ftw! it has magical healing properties, micronutrients, antioxidants, and magic!!



i agree with you completely, aggplanta.

in terms of "drama" i guess i am just thinking of stuff from too long ago on vw, anyway, basically no one from then is around anymore (especially consistently, me included!), so i dunno if it's really even anything to ruffle feathers about.

ok, so to recap, what i don't like is people being mean.


aggplanta, That's exactly the jist of what I was going to say.


yeah, to quote a bumper sticker, "mean people suck".
i can totally see how some argument from way back would be annoying to people who've already gone through it.
luckily i haven't had anyone be blatantly mean to me on vegweb.  :)>>> hooray for nice people.

it's because you're nice! where in MA are you?

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