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sarcasm, and an interesting discussion by a peaceful fire, with a cup of tea

God I hate those fuckers........

seriously though, this is just me being a smartass.......but most of us were all vegetarians and such when we were "less enlightened"

more jokes?

(Just kidding omni/pesco/vegetarians.  I just really liked the emoticon.)


lol, new smilies ROCK.


so vegetarians are the same as omnis???

Is it against the new rules to call someone a jerk? Or do I still have to be nice?

Just askin


hey, where's the winky face?


so vegetarians are the same as omnis???

Is it against the new rules to call someone a jerk? Or do I still have to be nice?

Just askin

I wouldn't put them on the same level as omnis.... I'd say they're somewhere closer to the level of Pentecostals and Southern Baptists......


so vegetarians are the same as omnis???

Is it against the new rules to call someone a jerk? Or do I still have to be nice?

Just askin

I wouldn't put them on the same level as omnis.... I'd say they're somewhere closer to the level of Pentecostals and Southern Baptists......

You mean in terms of being saved? I didn't think you were religious, Dave.

Or did you mean political clout? Would it were so!


You mean in terms of being saved? I didn't think you were religious, Dave.

Or did you mean political clout? Would it were so!

one can dream!, i just finished watching some of the republican debates...this country is doomed


The stupidest groups of people I've ever met are rigid animal-rights activist vegetarians.  I can not stand hypocritical. Bitch if you're eating eggs and drinking cows milk, the animal who gave that up lived in squalor and was senselessly murdered after their production went down.  And their offspring?  Oh if they're the wrong gender they're killed too!

And cheese?  Some cheese isn't even vegetarian, as it contains enzymes from animal parts to coagulate.  But if you tell these facts to them they do not change, and keep on believing how awesome they are. >:(


I never liked cheese because I thought it tasted like spoiled solid milk.

And that's my contribution


The stupidest groups of people I've ever met are rigid animal-rights activist vegetarians.  I can not stand hypocritical. Bitch if you're eating eggs and drinking cows milk, the animal who gave that up lived in squalor and was senselessly murdered after their production went down.  And their offspring?  Oh if they're the wrong gender they're killed too!

And cheese?  Some cheese isn't even vegetarian, as it contains enzymes from animal parts to coagulate.  But if you tell these facts to them they do not change, and keep on believing how awesome they are. >:(

    I can appreciate your concern for animals, but I think this attitude can actually hurt MORE animals in the long run. That is by deterring away some of the more sensitive  activists  (sensitive to your negativity)  by not acknowledging or appreciating the steps and efforts that they DO perform. The way that their schools and others mislead/misguide them, I believe that we as caring veg*ns should have some sympathy about their victimization and offer them some understanding. What you perceive as hypocracy could largly/mainly be ignorance - a lack of education. They have already shown that they are a cut above the majority of this country, and they most likely have some kind of concern for animals or why would they be activists? Who do you consider the more villainous, - a person who does virtually nothing, or somone who at least has made some effort?


there is some truth to this, because an uneducated vegetarian most likely believes theyre doing far less harm drinking milk and eating eggs than consuming meat. Where we all pretty much know by now that they are doing just as much (or maybe more), seeing at supporting dairy supports the veal industry, and egg laying hens have probably the shittiest of lives outside Bile Bears and Foi Gras Geese

i think the goal is to educate as much as you can (because we all know some people dont want to listen and have their little worlds disrupted) and go from their. and in our own minds we can rant and rage our frustrations

I have to agree with Baypuppy, that at least theyre doing some good

by the way, I didnt really make this thread to bash non vegans...I was making a joke based on all the build up leading to this forum being created. But its a nice little conversation now



    I can appreciate your concern for animals, but I think this attitude can actually hurt MORE animals in the long run. That is by deterring away some of the more sensitive  activists  (sensitive to your negetivity) by not acknowledging or appreciating the steps and efforts that they DO perform. The way that their schools and others mislead/misguide them, I believe that we as caring veg*ns should have some sympathy about their victimization and offer them some understanding. What you perceive as hypocracy could largly/mainly be ignorance - a lack of education. They have already shown that they are a cut above the majority of this country, and they most likely have some kind of concern for animals or why would they be activists? Who do you consider the more villainous, - a person who does virtually nothing, or somone who at least has made some effort?

A person who is a AR activist should know the abuses of animals, otherwise, what are they protesting?  A person who sits and does nothing is WAY more likely to be ignorant/lacking education.  I think there is a difference between a vegetarian and an AR vegetarian, and I could see the argument that many vegetarians are unaware, but I am not sure that can be extrapolated to one who decides to be a defender of animals


cannot one be for animal rights and still consume meat?

I know according to how most if not all of us feel, you cant. But Ive met alot of people who think animals need to be treated much better...but still consumed. Its sort of bizarro logic, but I can see where theyre coming from, if I think in a bizarro convoluted way


cannot one be for animal rights and still consume meat?

I know according to how most if not all of us feel, you cant. But Ive met alot of people who think animals need to be treated much better...but still consumed. Its sort of bizarro logic, but I can see where theyre coming from, if I think in a bizarro convoluted way

yes, but only temporarily, the cognitive dissonance would slowly drive them completely insane.




cannot one be for animal rights and still consume meat?

I know according to how most if not all of us feel, you cant. But Ive met alot of people who think animals need to be treated much better...but still consumed. Its sort of bizarro logic, but I can see where theyre coming from, if I think in a bizarro convoluted way

Isn't it the lesser of two weevils evils?....... if people "can't help" but eat meat, ain't it better for the animals to live normal lives before they're killed?

Jeez, I KNOW someone's gonna jump on me for posing this question. But it's only, like, hypothetical for me... as I have learned the weevils evils of eating dead animals.  :-\


i have to agree, any increase in quality of life is better than none


i have to agree, any increase in quality of life is better than none

Yeah. I learned about biodynamic farming when I was a student of organic horticulture. As part of the animal husbandry classes, we were taught about the spiritual nature of each type of farm animal, and their need to live out their lives naturally, free-ranging, whether they're gonna be milked, egged or eventually sent to the (humane*) slaughterhouse. It was illuminating, to say the least. (I don't think I could do it.) Some of the biodynamic preparations they use to fertilise/otherwise benefit the crops and farm were made of animal bits. But they were treated with respect, inasmuch as humans know how.

* probably similar to kosher/halal slaughter... as little suffering as possible. (sorry to mention this, as I know any slaughter is antithesis to many of you, but it's part of a discussion. I'll stop if you want me to.)







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