Saul Williams
Posted by jeffykite on Feb 06, 2009 · Member since Oct 2008 · 70 posts
has anyone ever listened to this man?
if you have not (and are into poetry), i highly recomend you do.
has anyone ever listened to this man?
if you have not (and are into poetry), i highly recomend you do.
i've seen him perform at my school about 5 or 6 years ago. he was AMAZING. i was just listening to him yesterday. clickety clack clack. get me the fuck off this track. his poems are so creative and the way he does slam poetry along with music is pretty awesome. at least thats the impression that i got. that his poetry is in a slam poetry style and then he adds music to it after the fact. i dont know too much about poetry, i might be using the wrong terms. but . yeah. but anyways. his performance was mostly just speaking, but he would be speaking about something, oil, social issues, war, racism and then before you know it, hes halfway through a poem, and you just think, when did he stop speaking and when did he start reciting this poem. you just cant tell. he weaved it in so well. he talked about being raised by a baptist preacher and that thats where he got his passion for speaking out. i remember at the beginning of the kwanza festival, seeing him walking around and thinking, ooo i want to talk to him, but being too shy. he ended up sitting with my friends for the entirety of the festival, but i didnt want to make it too obvious to go over and sit with them just because he was there. (i was sitting with a boy i was dating and his friends). ohhhh memories.
I saw him perform at Earlham College in 03 or 04. I was blown away. incredible.
I prefer Saul Malone.
My friend likes him, but i couldn't pick him out.
I saw him perform at Earlham College in 03 or 04. I was blown away. incredible.
that must have been the same tour when i saw him!