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slightly gross things you enjoy sharing with people

sometimes i find myself slightly grosser than the average population, i don't think it's very gross, but i get weird reactions out of people sometimes.

- i'm an 'if it's yellow let it mellow kind of person and sometimes i will see all this pee in the toilet and think "wtf, why has it been so long since i have pooped?" and realize that i pooped at work or summat.

- i think picking my nose is an enjoyable pass-time.

- sometimes i will brush my teeth and the toothbrush will be really red and i think that i cut my mouth from vigorous brushing but it's just tomato/strawberry/etc.

- i eat food off of the ground/questionable tables all of the time.

... please tell me gross things you enjoy sharing!

i doubt someone missed the toilet. i would think it had to be purposeful.


we made little sheets with samples of grains (flax seed and soybeans were included!! i was like yayyy flax and everyone was like whats this??  ::) ) BUT.
we had to do another sheet with samples of what goes in like..animal feed.

blood meal, fish meal, and meat and bone scraps were some of the things. barf.
here is blood meal. someone asked how they made it and the guy was like well when they slaughter the cow or pig, it's hanging and then they slit the throat and all the blood runs out and there's like this pool of blood...and i stopped listening haha.

not a personal story. but still. grosss.


they use blood meal as fertilizer a LOT. it's unfortunate, but one of those things you can't get out of unless you grow your own food.


don't they know they can empty their diva cups on the crops?  :D

no really, it's silly to use it at home 'cause good ole urine will do the same trick (useable form of nitrogen).


don't they know they can empty their diva cups on the crops?  :D

no really, it's silly to use it at home 'cause good ole urine will do the same trick (useable form of nitrogen).

yeah, i said unless you grow your own. blood meal is just super cheap (like all other slaughter bi-products) and easy for large-scale (well, even small scale, but commercial) farming.


i still think it would be grossly cool if we had a system that allowed us to recycle urine/menstrual business to more useful things. Why flush all the nitrogen away?


i still think it would be grossly cool if we had a system that allowed us to recycle urine/menstrual business to more useful things. Why flush all the nitrogen away?

maybe we will when our norm does not encompass the exploitation of animals  :D ;)b ;)


i still think it would be grossly cool if we had a system that allowed us to recycle urine/menstrual business to more useful things. Why flush all the nitrogen away?

Dont those grey water systems use this? I have seen people fit their homes w/ systems where they "yellow" water is flushed and filtered thru soiland into their gardens. It is, after all, how water would be *treated* naturally.


  So I guess I flunked out with my story at the hot springs as nobody seemed to think that was gross. Maybe it happens all the time?
  Now one from my life. When I was about three my parents bought a house in the country which did not have running water. Because of this we were forced to use an outhouse. No, wait thats the gross part yet! Well, on Halloween in that part of the world it was a common thing for young people to do weird things with outhouses like put them on top of a barn  ( how they would do that I don't know). While ours was maybe just too heavy to do that so it was only tipped over. My brothers who were all older than me decided it would be a fun game to jump over the now exposed outhouse pit. Should I finish the story or have you all figured out what happened next? Wellm since no body answered I will continue. Not one to be left out I took a big fast run at that pit but came up a few feet short of clearing the hole. I was saved by my mom, the clothes were buried and this story became a classic to tell at family gatherings and a popular explanation to explain why I ended up growing much larger than my three brothers.


printerguy: You win! I have no words but 'Ewww!' ;D


Hey, I just realized I have stuff to contribute.

During the past two summers I've worked at a cat hospital (to get experience hours for vet school apps!), and this last summer I experienced far grosser things:

- one of our resident cats (yeah, like people drop off their cat for a procedure and never come back) had a chin infection (?). Apparently some cats get acne, and if they scratch at it, it can get infected. Well this bump on the underside of the kitty's chin was as big around as a quarter. I only noticed it when I was trying to give him his meds (prozac  ;)b ) since he wouldn't let me touch his chin. I showed the vet tech and you know what she did? Stabbed it with a scalpel blade. I don't mind blood, but for some reason, I can't stand pus. She was squeezing that stuff out like some freakishly large pimple. And because it was stabbed, the pus was all run together with the blood and curdly looking. But since it was so inflamed, the kitty didn't even mind! Flushing it out was pretty nasty too. (His chin is fine now)

- at some point, our freezer in the back failed. This is where we store deceased cats (that the guardians didn't want) since our cremator guy only picks up once a month. Since it was in the back porch, we didn't realize this for a few days... Finally, we got a special biohazard service to come pick up the thawed bodies, but due to the construction of all the buildings, we couldn't take the freezer/contents out by the side of the building. They took it out through the hospital, and it was the WORST. SMELL. EVER. It lingered for the rest of the day... thank god we had no appointments the rest of the day.

- I participated in the neuter of a kitty, and after the kitty's under anesthesia... you have to remove the hair from the scrotum. It's theoretically possible to do this with electric hair clippers, but they're tiny and round, so the best way to do it is to pluck. it. out. This is the part that I did! It felt so wrong. After, the vet slices open the scrotum on both sides, pops out the testicles (like one would do edamame... which I can no longer eat.) and SNAP. for both. Ok, one she wound up having to slice the vas deferens for one. But agh! So painful to watch even though kitteh was none the wiser.


- I participated in the neuter of a kitty, and after the kitty's under anesthesia... you have to remove the hair from the scrotum. It's theoretically possible to do this with electric hair clippers, but they're tiny and round, so the best way to do it is to pluck. it. out. This is the part that I did! It felt so wrong. After, the vet slices open the scrotum on both sides, pops out the testicles (like one would do edamame... which I can no longer eat.) and SNAP. for both. Ok, one she wound up having to slice the vas deferens for one. But agh! So painful to watch even though kitteh was none the wiser.

Heh, this reminds me of when my organic horticulture class was doing a couple of weeks field trips to learn animal husbandry on a local biodynamic farm (yeah, not vegan). There happened to be a cow who gave birth at the time, and she had a boy. So, as per usual, the farmer castrated the calf - mere hours long after the birth, and apparently in the least painful/gory way possible.

Still, seeing the men in the class wince and cringe was classic... :-D


Funny thing happened yesterday - I made a lubi. Does that sound weird? Yeah, it does. Well, I was in a bathroom stall, taking out a tampon. I didn't notice until I was done everything, but when I pulled the thing out, blood etc. flew onto the stall door. It didn't (miraculously) travel under the door to the bathroom mirror, but it reminded me of lubi's story and made me laugh.

I was smiling for the rest of the day.


haha, thats great Laura!!!!


I like to tell everyone how I am able to express Colostrum from my boobs.  It is like my boobs have turned into these huge zits, and if I sqeeze them, I can get this milky fluid out of them.  I haven't been able to show anyone because no one is interested is seeing it, but to me it is the coolest thing ever.  I am "lactating"!  ;)b 

These useless globs of fat on my chest I have been carrying around since I was 13 are actually DOING something for the first time rather than just being a pain in the a$$.  It is so cool. 

I told my mom, that once the baby is born, and if they run out of cream for coffee, I will always have some they can use.  She grossed out.


pluck. it. out.

I like this. It reminds me of the baby tea leaf commercial. "You"


printerguy and faunablues..those were some seriously gross stories. 

pg...I don't think it is just a guy thing...I would be grossed out if I were sitting in a hot spring with some woman bleeding into it! ick!
Keep your bodily fluids to yourself unless it is mutual consent.

fb... your story was almost too gross for words. 




Yeah.  PG was the first person to truly gross me out.  I think it's because it likely got in his mouth.  And maybe he aspirated some of it, too.  *shudder*


I thought of a few more.

The very first hardcore (music, not porn) show that I went to was quite an experience.  There was a group of guys who were known as 'the Naked Army' and they would show up to these shows, get naked (with the exception of their socks) and mosh.  I'm not very sure why.  I don't know about you, but I don't want to see dicks flopping around when I'm trying to enjoy some anger management. ::)
Anyway, as one of the 'Naked Soldiers', or 'Swords of Skin' as we liked to call them, was moshing, he got tripped up.  I was standing on a couch having a good old time, but the guy who got tripped up fell on me.  His sweaty butt cheeks parted and engulfed my shoe.

When my little brother was a baby, he peed in my mom's mouth while she was giving him a bath.

I was at a friend's house, and we got hungry.  We decided to go to McDonald's (this was many years ago...) and get some food for us and his cousins.  We went through the drive thru, and as I was ordering, my friend who had went with me suddenly opens the door and starts puking.  He didn't get out, he just hung his head out of the car.  So, I'm trying to order while he's puking, which makes it very hard to order.  I pull around to the window, and he was still puking the entire time.  While I was paying and getting the food, he was puking.  Hahahaha, the manager came running out and gave us the dirtiest look before we drove off.  He puked ALL OVER the drive thru.
This was the birth of the Phantom Puker.

After a band practice, we all went to Golden Corral.  As we were finishing up, Josh (who I have another story for) started popping zits on Dustin's (guitarist) face.  Josh had some sort of thing about popping zits.  Anyway, in between popping a zit, Ryan (Phantom Puker guy) swore he saw Josh lick his fingers after he popped one.  Thinking Josh licked pus from a zit, of course, made Ryan sick.  He ran out of the restaurant and threw up right outside the exit doors.  This starts a chain reaction of throwing up.  Ryan threw up, our friend Brad started to throw up, Dustin threw up and was laughing the whole time he was doing it, and I think someone else ended up puking as well.  I almost did, but I walked away to avoid it.  Josh came out saying that he didn't lick his fingers.  Anyway, Dustin had a very hard laugh, so he ends up rolling around on the ground laughing...and rolls all in puke.  He gets it all over his shirt.  I almost punched him that night because he kept trying to get it on me.

Josh, who is one of my best friends, and I were roomies for a while.  One night, our ac wasn't working, so I went to the kitchen to get a drink and find a fan.  The living room was next to the kitchen.  I walked into the living room, and turned right back around and went to my room.  I walked in on Josh giving his boyfriend a blowjob.  C'mon Josh, that's what the bedroom is for.  This isn't necessarily a gross thing, I just didn't want to see it.

I'm sure I will think of more...



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