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So, I just quit my job

After taking last week off and spending a total of 12 hours driving in my car this weekend (thus having lots of time to think), I decided that I no longer wanted to work at the children's museum.  So, I just sent in my letter of resignation - effective immediately. 

I'm terrified because I'm not sure what I'll do, but then I also feel a huge weight lifted off my shoulders.  I have 2 month's worth of money put away and my rent's paid until August 12, so I'm okay for the time being.  I just was so unhappy and decided that it was stupid for me to be miserable - I woke up this morning dreading that I had to go to work and thought "life is too short to live this way".

So, now I just need to find a new job and figure out how to tell my parents I may be moving back in with them  :o

If you wake up dreading going to work it's definately a sign to leave.  I've been in that situation myself.  Good luck on your new job search. 


I think it is incrediblly brave of you to do that! It takes a lot of guts to not only realize you're working the wrong job--but to change what you are doing too! Good for you! Your're right, life is too short to be miserable and spending the majority of your day suffering!!!

You're my hero! And you will figure out what you want to do--as vegans we are all about a million times smarter than the average omni--so it won't take you long  ;D

Bug hugs and kisses for you!!!!


HH, I love your cartoon, that is great!  ;D

When I leave this job one day, I plan to do that to Houston as I am driving out of the city!  (of course, that is if I am not the one driving!)  But I like my bosses, and the people I work for, and the company is okay too.  But I wish I could quit!  I also wake up in the morning and dread going to work, most days.  But at least I dont' have anybody here who is a jerk to me or anything.  I work with some very decent people, and I have really cool bosses who are awesome.  I just hate the work itself, really boring.


Way to go Jewel.  It is scary to make such a huge change ...You deserve to be happy :)


I envy your courage! I wish I could do something like that.... of course my hubby might get a little upset when we didn't have morgage money but..... :P


Good for you!  ;)b  HOpe your parents understand!


Way to go girl!!

I had to do the same thing with my job. It was just getting in the way of my schooling and the employers really weren't the greatest of people. I was pretty unhappy and very stressed out. So, I quit.

You definitely do deserve to be happy


Thanks everyone!  I just picked up my stuff from my office and I'm waiting to go home tonight to break the news to my folks - eek!

On a good note, I have an opportunity to go to Michigan (cappy - we need to talk) and be a Production Assistant for 2 1/2 months with my BFF - he needs a PA on his new movie . . . take home's $2000/month but I'd have to pay for a hotel ($1440/month) and meals.  It's totally different from anything I've done.  The bad thing is that I'd have to literally move out of my apartment by Wednesday (a hurricane is headed straight for my town) and leave on Friday.  I think it'll take me about 3 days to drive the 1700 miles.  The job is low key, super casual and I'd be doing production work for a major film, cool huh?!?

Thoughts??  I need some good advice here because I'm not sure about this . . . financially I'd be able to pay bills through October, but I'd get back Oct. 20 and have to make about $500 to pay bills around Nov. 5th - not sure how I'd do that  :o


Where in MI?


Know that you're not going to come home with any money, but you could break even.

$2000 - $1440 (plus tax?) = $560

Will there be any crafts service or catering on set or will you have to buy all food? 

I found a PA guide online.  Have you been a PA before?


Ranu - a suburb of Detroit . . . evidently it's beautiful :)


Never been a PA before, but Eric said it's running errands, getting stuff for the set (which is why I'll need my car) and office work - all stuff I've done before in other jobs.  It's 12 hour days, 5 days/week, lunch is provided, so I'd just have to do dinner (pb&j would work).

I'll check out the PA guide - thanks! 


Um yeah we need to talk Jewel! I totally live in a "suburb" of Detroit! Do you know the name of the town? I know Drew Berrymore's company is shooting a film in the next town over, Saline--and I think a movie is happening in Royal Oak too--Michigan just passed all these bills and acts to make it really easy and cheap to shoot films here so we actually have several going on right now--it's really cool--but I have yet to see any one famouse, although I have gotten a lot of emails about extras being needed--but I just don't have the time to commit to all day or week long shoots :( I wish I could do-- i would totally do it *damn me and my loyalty to school!!!*

But yeah--totally email me--if you're going to be in my area--we need to HOOK UP LADY!!!! OH YEAH!!!


Eh, I would probably do the movie thing unless you have some other, more attractive deal closer to where you live. I was actually going to ask you if you had ever thought about moving to a different part of the country. Who knows. Maybe you can network a little there and find some other opportunities than in South Texas?

And the offer is still open to live with me! I will provide the house and sweet vegan eats. You can laugh at my jokes and work in my garden.


Congrats Jewel! Way to go! The fun part is just starting now.  ;)b

When I read that you thought about becoming a PA, I told myself... hey... that's what I do! But not on a movie set, I'm afraid. Sounds like a great experience, actually. I'm sure everything will work out for you.


I'm in a similar boat as you Jewel. And I don't think I have the courage to quit...


If you come to MI we should have a party! All the suburbs of Detroit are pretty nice, could be a fun time!


that sounds so exciting! i say go for the pA job. you know you will regret it if you don't

i think that its better to regret something you HAVE done than something you HAVEN"T, yanno???
what's the worst that can happen?


You should try and rent an apartment.. it would have to be cheaper, even furnished.



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