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So, This is What's Up

Hey everyone! It's just me... the girl who comes and posts a bunch for a while, then doesn't post at all for a while, then comes back again!

I read a lot of the threads even when I don't post, so I kinda feel like this is my little veg*n refuge, and I just wanted to update you all on what's going on in my life.

Uhh, first of all.... I went back to college after having to take a 4-year break. I couldn't pay for it, I couldn't get scholarships, I didn't know if I could handle working to pay the bills AND school... just a lot of worries. Then I realized I just had to swallow my pride, get loans, and do it, or I'd never be happy in my own life.

So, I did it! And I'm so proud of myself, and happy, and just all-around thrilled! I love being back in school, and I am so glad I have something other than my stupid job to focus on. I was getting kinda down about that. It's a lot on my plate... working full-time and trying to get all my schoolwork done, but I'm kinda thriving on it.

Also, I have the best boyfriend in the world. He's helping me out tremendously, and just making life worthwhile in general.


Okay, and in other news, I'm slightly worried about Hurricane Gustav. I've lived in Baton Rouge for over a year, but this will be my first hurricane, so I kinda don't know what to expect. We're trying to prepare... and we may even go stay with J's parents... but I guess I just feel this wariness. I know everything will be fine, but I also know that things might not be pretty. New Orleans is evacuating, which means they're coming this way. I guess it's a good sign when people evacuate TO your city, not OUT of it, huh?


Anyway, I registered with LSU as a volunteer. Hopefully I'm not needed, but just in case... I'd rather DO something than sit around watching the news.

So, anywho... wish me luck on both accounts! How are things for you guys?

I've never been through a hurricane, but I think going to a sensible place, having provisions, and a backup plan are about what you can do, and you've done that.

Congrats on school!  I graduated without student loans and decided to do something different with my life, so I went back to school on student loans.  It was the best decision of my life.  I work in a field I love, even though I didn't get started in it until I was 29.  No regrets.


Congrats on school! What are you studying? I hope it goes well for you!!

I lived in Houston during Hurricane Rita, which was a mess. It was right after Katrina (like, less than a month), so people were pretty freaked out, and it was supposed to hit right at Galveston. It was craziness. No gas stations had gas. People were getting into fights in the grocery store over the last can of tuna fish. The mayor told everyone to leave town, so everyone did (except me). People were stuck in 30 hour traffic jams, cars overheating and people running out of gas all over the freeways. I pretty much figured I was either going to die stuck on the freeway or die in my 3rd floor apartment. Then it took a turn to the east and didn't even really hit Houston at all, just bad thunderstorms and lots of wind.

Fill up your bathtub, get some food and flashlights and batteries and hunker down. Half the time hurricanes do something unpredictable anyway and go somewhere completely opposite where they were "supposed" to go. I'll keep my fingers crossed for you!


Congrats on going back to school  I've gotten both my degrees while working full time, so I feel your pain.  Good luck with that. 

Congrats on the supportive and wonderful boyfriend.

Hurricaine prep is a drag.  Been there and done that.


Congrats on school! What are you studying? I hope it goes well for you!!

I'm majoring in Mass Communication, with concentration in Advertising. I'm so excited, because I've always wanted to work in a creative field where I could actually SEE the result of what I had been working on.

And... fill up my bathtub... wow, I hadn't thought of that! Thanks!

HH and Tweety, I'm so glad you posted because I'm 25 and feel a little funny about going to college with a bunch of teenagers... and I probably won't graduate for another 2-3 years. Nice to know I'm not the only one doing it the hard way! I mean, I knew I wasn't the only one in the WORLD.... but just nice to know someone familiar has been there, done that.


Ha!  I was a MassCom major the first time around, before I went back to school. 

(Filling the tub is a great idea.)


Well, you know my husband, P? He's a manager a GameStop, too (remember? well, 3rd or 4th key..or whatever). Anyway, he's going back to school too! He started on Monday, and he's going back for Computer Science and Computational Physics. He felt pretty weird/nervous at first too..b/c "he hadn't been in school so long." But, he's really loving it as well. He never tried in school the first time's REALLY working at it this time. Yay for you both!


Of course I remember, AC!  ;D

Tell him congrats for me! We can start a "getting the heck outta the GameStop career" club!

So, I work in a mall, and they decided they're closed Monday and Tuesday, which is great. My manager is pushing for us to be closed tomorrow also, as half the stores decided to close today anyway. He and I live in the same apartment complex, and he plans to tell our district manager that my ceiling may cave in, and his living room might flood... so we're leaving town to go to our respective parents' houses. (Boyfriend's parents' house in my situation.)

Hopefully I don't have to work tomorrow and we can just pack up and go. J's parents have a generator and portable air conditioner... so it would be a lot better than staying here and worrying about the ceiling. I have reason to worry... but that's another story!



aww, good luck with everything. i hope the hurricane doesn't hit ya!
(and, crap! i have a friend in new orleans that i should probably see if he's alright!)

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