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St. Patrick Day Plans?

Got any? Any traditionally Irish foods that you're looking to veganize?

I'm surprised we don't have a Whiskey Cake on VegWeb and I'm about to bust out my flour and sugar and get to veganizing!

Last year I tried to veganize Shepard's pie, but that wasn't such a rewarding experience. This year I am going to attempt a Chocolate-Irish Cream cheesecake in the name of sugar and alcohol. :D


I was thinking about making green cupcakes (Its also my birthday and we used to get those!!) I have no plans though. Haha. I'm just going to assume I'll be working that day.


One of the few things I don't like about living in Spain is that St. Paddy isn't even a blip on their radar. They know the name, they just don't know anything about him. Or care. And the Irish who live here are the sort who are desperately trying to dissociate themselves from that fact.  :-\


Irish whiskey cake is in the works.  ;)b

I generally make colcannon and irish soda bread...sometimes a stew as well.

The guys like corned beef and cabbage so the colcannon is a nice substitute. 


Evergreen- I used this recipe for sheperd's pie. I loved it, maybe you will too  ;)
yabbitgirl - That's horrible. Why would anyone want to dissociate themselves from being irish. I'm proud of being irish. So proud I have a tattoo of Shamrocks across my chest.

This is one of my favorite holidays (especially because it's the day after my birthday)

I'm planning to make a St. Patty's Feast.
Corned Seitan with Cabbage
Bubble and Squeak
Irish Soda Bread
and Irish Potato Candies

The only negative is that I'll probably be eating it all by myself  :'(


Cat actually arrives here for her visit on St. Patrick's Day - seeing her will be all of the celebration I need for that day.


^ ^ Aww.

I don't know what I'm doing, but I'll probably be wearing green so nobody pinches me. I got in a fight in elementary school because I wasn't wearing green once.


^ ^ Aww.

I don't know what I'm doing, but I'll probably be wearing green so nobody pinches me. I got in a fight in elementary school because I wasn't wearing green once.

Just don't, on any account, wear orange. Unless you actually like fistfights, of course.


^ ^ Aww.

I don't know what I'm doing, but I'll probably be wearing green so nobody pinches me. I got in a fight in elementary school because I wasn't wearing green once.

Just don't, on any account, wear orange. Unless you actually like fistfights, of course.

you shouldn't wear orange on St. Paddy's Day??


you shouldn't wear orange on St. Paddy's Day??

The colour orange is not the most liked as it represents the protestant unionists, and  William of Orange who led the defeat of Ireland at the battle of the boyne... or something...


I'm gonna get drunk and eat a cabbage stew with irish soda bread. And then drink more.


I'm going to do a combo of everyone's plans!! ~treehugginghippiefreak~ please put that whiskey cake up on VegWeb! Do want!


I'm going to do a combo of everyone's plans!! ~treehugginghippiefreak~ please put that whiskey cake up on VegWeb! Do want!

I just posted the picture on facebook but I will wait till all the guys taste it to see if it is vw post worthy. ^-^

It sure smells heavenly.


you shouldn't wear orange on St. Paddy's Day??

The colour orange is not the most liked as it represents the protestant unionists, and  William of Orange who led the defeat of Ireland at the battle of the boyne... or something...

Yes. And the Orangemen (Ulster unionists) have marching bands that march through Belfast to assert their domination of Northern Ireland. And all like that.
I'm not Irish myself, I just know this stuff.


you shouldn't wear orange on St. Paddy's Day??

The colour orange is not the most liked as it represents the protestant unionists, and  William of Orange who led the defeat of Ireland at the battle of the boyne... or something...

Yes. And the Orangemen have marching bands that march through Belfast to assert their domination of Northern Ireland. And all like that.
I'm not Irish myself, I just know this stuff.

Ahhh, it seems I sort of remember this stuff now that is is mentioned.


I'm Irish and I'm not particularly fond of paddy's day.
Its not that I don't like being Irish, its just that paddy's day is really just an excuse for everyone to take a day off work and get really horribly drunk.The only thing I like about it are the parade and the fact that its a bank holiday! I'm always interested to hear foreign people's take on St Patrick's day, they seem alot more fond of it than I am!
Also somebody mentioned eating bubble and squeak, that's more of a British thing.
As for wearing orange, yeah orange is the representitive colour of protestantism but I don't think its really a big deal. Usually you wear something green for paddy's day because green is just the colour you associate with Ireland, maybe its because I'm from Dublin and not religious but I don't think by wearing green you're making any sort of political statement.


I'm sneaking into this thread...I've never really celebrated St. Pats day & have no idea what peeps eat then...but I'm looking at doing a holidays book down the road (after this next book is finished) & would love to hear what some great vegan eats are on this day!!


Evergreen- I used this recipe for sheperd's pie. I loved it, maybe you will too  ;)
yabbitgirl - That's horrible. Why would anyone want to dissociate themselves from being irish. I'm proud of being irish. So proud I have a tattoo of Shamrocks across my chest.

This is one of my favorite holidays (especially because it's the day after my birthday)

I'm planning to make a St. Patty's Feast.
Corned Seitan with Cabbage
Bubble and Squeak
Irish Soda Bread
and Irish Potato Candies

The only negative is that I'll probably be eating it all by myself  :'(

I want to go to your house!! :)


I've posted the cake recipe on was worthy, lol. :)


Corned Seitan with Cabbage

Recipe please! :)



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