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St. Patrick Day Plans?

Got any? Any traditionally Irish foods that you're looking to veganize?

I'm surprised we don't have a Whiskey Cake on VegWeb and I'm about to bust out my flour and sugar and get to veganizing!

I'm gonna get drunk and eat a cabbage stew with irish soda bread. And then drink more.

That sounds like an awesome plan!


I think I have a paper due on St. Patty's day. I've never "celebrated" it before, but I think I'll give it the the old college try this year - I might be deserving of a green beer or two after handing in that paper.


I wear my " 100% not Irish" shirt on Paddy's day.  cuz Im German mostly, and not a bit Irish.  I still miss corned beef though, and I can't eat seitan so I don't know what I will do instead.


Corned Seitan with Cabbage

Recipe please! :)

This is the recipe I'm going to be using. I haven't tried it yet so I am going to test it out this weekend.


Evergreen- I used this recipe for sheperd's pie. I loved it, maybe you will too  ;)
yabbitgirl - That's horrible. Why would anyone want to dissociate themselves from being irish. I'm proud of being irish. So proud I have a tattoo of Shamrocks across my chest.

This is one of my favorite holidays (especially because it's the day after my birthday)

I'm planning to make a St. Patty's Feast.
Corned Seitan with Cabbage
Bubble and Squeak
Irish Soda Bread
and Irish Potato Candies

The only negative is that I'll probably be eating it all by myself  :'(

I want to go to your house!! :)

Come on over :) lol


Please let me know how it turns out... It sounds yummy :)


I just bookmarked that recipe ...I may serve that along with the colcannon. ^-^ It sounds yumyummy!


This is one of my favorite holidays (especially because it's the day after my birthday)

I'm planning to make a St. Patty's Feast.
Corned Seitan with Cabbage
Bubble and Squeak
Irish Soda Bread
and Irish Potato Candies

The only negative is that I'll probably be eating it all by myself  :'(

I'm 50% Irish. Too bad you are across the continent. I'd join your feast. I grew up on corned beef and cabbage. What is "bubble and squeak"?


This is one of my favorite holidays (especially because it's the day after my birthday)

I'm planning to make a St. Patty's Feast.
Corned Seitan with Cabbage
Bubble and Squeak
Irish Soda Bread
and Irish Potato Candies

The only negative is that I'll probably be eating it all by myself  :'(

I'm 50% Irish. Too bad you are across the continent. I'd join your feast. I grew up on corned beef and cabbage. What is "bubble and squeak"?

English version of colcannon...pretty much.


This is one of my favorite holidays (especially because it's the day after my birthday)

I'm planning to make a St. Patty's Feast.
Corned Seitan with Cabbage
Bubble and Squeak
Irish Soda Bread
and Irish Potato Candies

The only negative is that I'll probably be eating it all by myself  :'(

I'm 50% Irish. Too bad you are across the continent. I'd join your feast. I grew up on corned beef and cabbage. What is "bubble and squeak"?

English version of colcannon...pretty much.

We are having our open house for work that day.. having irish food for complimentary. Although it wont match our theme, thinkin it might bring us luck.


This is one of my favorite holidays (especially because it's the day after my birthday)

I'm planning to make a St. Patty's Feast.
Corned Seitan with Cabbage
Bubble and Squeak
Irish Soda Bread
and Irish Potato Candies

The only negative is that I'll probably be eating it all by myself  :'(

I'm 50% Irish. Too bad you are across the continent. I'd join your feast. I grew up on corned beef and cabbage. What is "bubble and squeak"?

English version of colcannon...pretty much.

Yeah I have never made it before. Usually I just roast potatos with my corned "beef" and cabbage but I wanted to try something different and somewhere I saw Bubble and Squeak and they were saying it was irish so I thought of making it but now researching it I do see it's English. So I'll go with the Colcannon instead. I'll probably make it with kale and bacos. lol


I test drove the colcannon. It was pretty good. I put mashed potatoes, onions, and kale with margarine and almond milk. It was even better with a little garlic in it. The corned seitan wasn't that bad but it reminded me more of meatloaf then corned beef. this i'll stick with my orginal corned "beef" and cabbage recipe.


I am a dud.  There is a new whole foods opening up next week, I plan to go check that out, I hear that they sell daiya cheese and I really want to try that. 

My son's 18 month birthday is comming up coinciting with ST. Pats day.  I plan to change out his toys.  Ummm, let  me explain, he has a ton of toys, so about two months ago I took half of them and put them away in the closet.  So next weekend, I plan to take all those out, and then take the toys out now, and put them all way for two months.  It will be like Christmas, all new toys, only, they are just toys he hasn't seen in two months. 

I can't afford new toys, so I do this instead!


I think I need a St Patrick's Day feast. I may suggest it for after dancing to my dancing friends!


I found this delicious Lemon-Lime Blueberry Soda Bread recipe on the Los Angeles Times website, under St. Patrick's Day recipes, that looked like it could be easily veganized.,0,6720139.story

Lemon-Lime Blueberry Soda Bread
Active Work Time: 35 minutes

Total Preparation Time: 1 hour 30 minutes

Currants can replace the blueberries.

1/2 cup golden raisins

1/2 cup frozen blueberries

2 tablespoons melted butter

2 tablespoons oil

4 tablespoons honey

1/3 cup light brown sugar, packed

1 egg or 2 egg whites, lightly beaten

2 cups orange juice

1/2 teaspoon orange or lime oil, optional

2 teaspoons grated lime zest

2 teaspoons grated orange zest

3 1/2 cups unbleached flour

1/2 cup whole-wheat flour

4 teaspoons baking powder

1 teaspoon salt

1/2 teaspoon baking soda

1/4 teaspoon ground cinnamon

1 to 2 tablespoons caraway seeds

Nonstick cooking spray

1 1/2 tablespoons oatmeal

* Cover raisins with hot water and let stand 5 minutes. Drain, then coarsely chop. Place in bowl with frozen blueberries.

* Whisk together melted butter, oil, honey, brown sugar, egg, orange juice, orange oil, and lime and orange zests in large bowl.

* Combine unbleached flour, whole-wheat flour, baking powder, baking soda, cinnamon, salt and caraway seeds in another mixing bowl. Fold flour mixture into egg mixture, stirring well. Gently fold in blueberries and raisins and mix thoroughly.

* Spoon batter into 2 (7x3-inch) loaf pans, 2 (7- or 8-inch) cast-iron skillets or 1 (9-inch) springform pan coated with nonstick cooking spray. Sprinkle with oatmeal. Bake at 375 degrees until toothpick inserted in center of bread comes out clean, 35 to 45 minutes, 50 to 60 minutes if using loaf pans. Cool in pans 15 minutes, then turn onto cake rack to finish cooling.


1/2 cup powdered sugar

2 tablespoons orange juice

1/2 tablespoon grated orange zest, plus strips of zest for garnish

1/2 tablespoon grated lime zest, plus strips of zest for garnish

* Stir together powdered sugar, orange juice and zests to make soft glaze. Drizzle over cooled cakes. Apply decorative shreds of zest. (Can be frozen.)

12 to 16 servings. Each of 16 servings: 220 calories; 275 mg sodium; 17 mg cholesterol; 4 grams fat; 43 grams carbohydrates; 4 grams protein; 0.38 gram fiber.


ha. I worked all day, then adjudicated school kid debates till 9pm, walked back to my car through a green sea of drunkenness in town, and went home to bed. Happy St Patricks Day!


We had Seitan Corned Beef with boiled potatoes, cabbage and carrots. Yummo!  Irish Whiskey Cake for dessert.  :)>>> :)>>>

T'was fabulous.  ;)b


I wore fluoro green leg warmers and had a few drinks with friends. I like the celebration, but the drunken idiots being idiots piss me off. Fun night though!


I marked my hand with a green highlighter.


I am a dud.  There is a new whole foods opening up next week, I plan to go check that out, I hear that they sell daiya cheese and I really want to try that. 

My son's 18 month birthday is comming up coinciting with ST. Pats day.  I plan to change out his toys.  Ummm, let  me explain, he has a ton of toys, so about two months ago I took half of them and put them away in the closet.  So next weekend, I plan to take all those out, and then take the toys out now, and put them all way for two months.  It will be like Christmas, all new toys, only, they are just toys he hasn't seen in two months. 

I can't afford new toys, so I do this instead!

I think that this is such a good idea with the toys. I'm not saying it's anywhere close to the same level, but we do something similar with our doggy, Oliver. We trade out his toys every couple of weeks, because he gets bored with them. Now he's like "Whoa! New toy!" and plays with it for half an hour before getting bored again.

I used to baby-sit a boy that had more toys than stars in the sky, and he only played with a small fraction of them. We always wished we could take one toy every time we baby-sat and donate it to a charity. He'd never notice!



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