Thank you Baypuppy!
Posted by redjen on Nov 17, 2007 · Member since Sep 2006 · 195 posts
I really want to thank you for all the work you do here. Not only as a mod (thank you to the other mods as well) but also with the care package planning, the iron chef battles, and for posting awesome recipe pictures. You really go above and beyond for our lovely community. I can't wait until the care package begin to arrive to the students. :) THANK YOU!
BayPuppy is my hero.
Oh, hell. Probably wouldn't hurt me to suck up, too. (I'm just kidding, gawd.)
Thank you, Baypuppy!!
Aww.... Tkitty is so sweet and sincere! Yeah, BP is pretty much the coolest. :)
All together now:
Shirt, shoes, sneakers, socks
Our Baypuppy totally Rocks!!
Wooohooo!! Puppy!!
aw, redjen, this is sweet!
thanks, pup!
The store where I bought my ton of BBV goods thanks you, too.
Arthur Fonzerella is jelouse of your coolness Puppy!
I think capture sums it up pretty well, but I agree, you're fabulous :)
I just wanted to echo everyone's comments here, you rock Baypuppy!
yeah Baypuppy, you do so much around here, you make the rest of us look lazy! ;D
keep on keepin' on...and such.
Thanks BP>.......!
You know....... that since I'm now living in NY again..... I need to change my address on my profile to reflect (per your previous instructions): Land of the BP! LBP! Fuck NYC (not really.....but anyway....Upstate NY rocks)...snow on the way tonight! Ready for it? ::)
I like to give Puppy a hard time...but deep down she knows I love her. :-*
I like to give Puppy a hard time...but deep down she knows I love her. :-*
i know... i'm going to go to the issaquah whole foods and hunt for you. what color is the troll hair... pink? is your stone really shiny? treasure trolls!
You mean PCC? Ahhh...I'm so in love with PCC! I would hump that store if I could.
Yeah, I have the hot pink standy up hair (as Jennifer Hughes described it). I'll be easy to pick out...I'll be the one going around flipping off people buying "happy meat." ;D
Yup, BP's supercalafragilisticexpialadocious. 8)
(Heh, did I just make the biggest twat of myself by saying that?)
agreed- thanks bp!
Seriously. Baypuppy is amazing and generous and funny and kind and cool...and...and...well, you guys all know. And I don't even think all our superlatives will even go to her head. Yay, pup!
i will have to find this PPC... where are they located..... up north more, eh? the east side?
There are about seven locations in the Greater Seattle Area. You'll have to go to all of them to search and find me. I like to be pursued. ;)
are you hitting on me? ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ::) ::) ::) ::) ::)
Who me? I hit on everyone, apparently. :) ;) :D ;D :o ::) :-*