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Vegans suffering from Anxiety/Depression?

I suffer from anxiety and am just wondering if there's anyone else out there. When it hits it's sheer hell and I've been having a hard time today.

I just wanted to say I understand what you're going thru, I'm sorry you're going thru it, and I hope it balances out for you very soon.


Thanks man. I really apreciate it. My wife's the bread winner and I'm more or less a housewife, which I really don't mind. I love being able to spend all of this time with our 18 month old. But it's hard basically being silent all day, as I have a ridiculously active mind. My wife (of nearly 3 years) just had her first ever anxiety/depression attack, and she's been the one I've counted on to prop me up when I've had mine. So now I'm having anxiety about her anxiety! It's crazy but it's what's happening. Just had to get that off of my chest. This place is awesome and I've felt healthier every day since going Vegan.


:) I'm not married, no girlfriend, and no baby..but that's awesome you have that. Maybe someday for me.. Anyhow. I know what you mean with having an active mind and feeding off the other person's anxiety/depression. 

For me, I just pushed and pushed thru the noise in my head and the fog that surrounded me. I found my center; my balance. I believe that's what life is - balance/centeredness. You'll find that balance/center for you and this will open you up to so much awareness of you and the world around you.

You may fall down from time to time. I did. Sometimes I fell and wanted to end it all. I encourage you to pick yourself back up and continue looking for the balance. You'll get there. I know it! :)


PS. Going veggie/vegan cleared up my head as well.


i have crazy anxiety... it has recently gotten worse cause i started taking xanax regularly and now i freak out if i'm off it for a day and a half... stay away from that shit!

i hope your anxiety gets better and you can deal with your triggers in a good way... good luck :)


Sorry you're going thru a hard time.  Hope things get better for you soon.


Hey CST, I'm sorry for what you're dealing with.  I have GAD (generalized anxiety disorder) and I refused the meds and deal with it as best I can.  Do you have any little "twitchy" things that you start doing before an anxiety attack?  I ask because I do (a weird "repetitive motion" thing with my fingers) which helps me recognize what is happening so I can try to find my center again.  It doesn't always work, but sometimes it does. 



Thanks for all the support guys. My anxiety really seems to come out of nowhere. I DO take a couple of things proscribed me. Maybe there will come a time when I try to ween myself down, but for the moment I'm still on my BP meds, an anti anxiety/anti depressant/ and I have a bottle of xanax that I've tapped every once in a while. I too have GAD. I've had two full on meltdowns in my life, and I think I've been able to isolate the root causes of them. The first one was buying my first new car with my fiance (now my wife), the second was realizing what I signed up for having a kid.

One thing I now know helps me with them is COMMUNICATING what I'm feeling. Even if it's to strangers on a message board. I feel a lot better today and you guys are part of it.

What made this different is that my wife is usually the first to hear what I'm feeling, but this time, with her going through her own anxiety (which neither of us knew she was prone to), I felt like I had no outlet until I got on here.


And as far as what I do when I feel it coming on, I stop whatever I'm doing and work out. But that only works when it hits quickly. When it comes on more slowly, I have a hard time heading it off without people to talk to.


Keep hanging out here and we won't be strangers for long!   :)


One thing I now know helps me with them is COMMUNICATING what I'm feeling. Even if it's to strangers on a message board. I feel a lot better today and you guys are part of it.

I totally know what you mean. Communicating is very important to matter the subject. It helps me keep the wheels in my head from rusting (I hope you followed my analogy). I absolutely hate talking with someone and they disappear out of nowhere. No one is forced to talk to me, I just appreciate a heads up when we're talking that you're leaving. It's manners.

Anyhow! Again, find what works for you and learn to work with yourself when that other half isn't around. The other half being your wife. It's want to be in a partnership, a team..but the both of you have to be individuals as well. Complete the CrossSideTop puzzle but be open to growing with your partner. Balance. This is good in case one of you stumbles or if something happens. You gotta be able to stand on your own.

I should note, I'm not bossing you around or saying I know everything because I'm not and I don't. I'm just trying to offer some feedback from my own life's lessons and observations. :)


Even if it's to strangers on a message board.

That won't last long.


I dunno, we're pretty strange...


You have a point.

Amendment:  We may not be strangers for long, but you may not find that comforting.  Case in point -> Vegan Poo.  I regret to let you down further with the info that shell already has a poo buddy.


"There are no strangers here, only friends you haven't met." (Will Millar)


One thing I now know helps me with them is COMMUNICATING what I'm feeling. Even if it's to strangers on a message board. I feel a lot better today and you guys are part of it.

I totally know what you mean. Communicating is very important to matter the subject. It helps me keep the wheels in my head from rusting (I hope you followed my analogy). I absolutely hate talking with someone and they disappear out of nowhere. No one is forced to talk to me, I just appreciate a heads up when we're talking that you're leaving. It's manners.

Anyhow! Again, find what works for you and learn to work with yourself when that other half isn't around. The other half being your wife. It's want to be in a partnership, a team..but the both of you have to be individuals as well. Complete the CrossSideTop puzzle but be open to growing with your partner. Balance. This is good in case one of you stumbles or if something happens. You gotta be able to stand on your own.

I should note, I'm not bossing you around or saying I know everything because I'm not and I don't. I'm just trying to offer some feedback from my own life's lessons and observations. :)

Not feeling bossed at all. You've been super helpful dude! All of you have. I came here for recipes and just happened to have a meltdown a few days later and... what's this? A forum of cool people? On the same site that I get my food stuffs from? I'm really grateful for your support and look forward to cultivating friendships here as I'm really excited about the changes I'm making and like finding people who have made them as well.


Just wanted to make sure you're doing well. Hope all is okay.


CST, I am so sorry you are going through a rough time right now and hope it passes quickly for you. I think you'll find that VegWeb is more like a family of friends. Hugs to you!


Just wanted to make sure you're doing well. Hope all is okay.

Doing really well. This little episode passed pretty quickly thankfully. I've had to take the last week off of conditioning and Jiu Jitsu  which has sucked (pulled a muscle in my lower back doing single leg deadlifts on Monday morning, then, that night while soaking in the tub I slipped and kicked the faucet and split my stupid toe wide open), but I've still been hitting my weight goals so all's pretty good. Looking forward to getting back to training on Monday!

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