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Hi hi!!

I really want to start volunteering somewhere, but I don't know where.  I know this is a diverse and giving group and I'm sure a lot of you have volunteered at one time or another.  So; What kinds of organizations do/have you volunteered for?  I'd like to find a great fit for my personality in the Miami area, but I don't even know where to start except 'google'.  :-\ 

Thanks for any help!!  ;)b

I'm going to volunteer for the Humane Society, just need to go in next Saturday for the orientation.  I've had lots of friends volunteer for's pretty nice in my town.  You come in when you can, walk dogs or help out with anything else they need.  My friend volunteered and worked for this group called Calpirg for years.  They work on a number of environmental, GLBT issues, voter registration, etc.  One group I'd really like to look into is the Sierra Club as well.  No shortage of places needing volunteer work, great you want to do it!


I used to volunteer at the library, I looooooove libraries.  I shelved books and such.

I have always wanted to volunteer at a pet shelter, but don't think I could take it.  One thing I have always really wanted to do is volunteer with some kind of pet therapy, taking animals to nursing homes and hospitals, but there is no program like that here.

Next week I start volunteering for the Barack Obama campaign, working at the local office, answering phones, helping people that come to visit, doing data entry.  I am oh-so-excited.  I was a bit scared to, because I don't think I can take it if we get another Republican for president, and I thought it would just tear me apart if that happened.  But I have to do my best to help Obama get in.

Also, another thing I always think I should do is adopt a grandparent.  There are many, many lonely people in nursing homes, or at home by themselves.


Oh gee, volunteering is actually my middle name. (Well, not really... of course). I've been doing some sort of volunteer work since I could walk! I'm always busy busy.

Lately, I've volunteered at my provincial political representative's office, at a local community organization, for the Optimist Club, and for my neighbourhood association.

First, is there an organization in your area that houses community information? They might have a listing of volunteer opportunities available right now.

Second, think about what you'd be interested in. That way, you can have a more defined search and won't get swamped by the positions available (because there probably are a lot). All the ideas so far have been great. What about working with kids? (You'd likely need a police check.) Or a service club? Or office administration? Lots of community groups/charities need people to answer phones, file things, etc. if that's not too tedious for you...

Believe me, you can do almost anything as a volunteer... It's a huge world of opportunities! Not to mention a great way to boost your resume, gain skills, and meet new people.


You can come volunteer in my classroom!

Sorry, that was not helpful, as I see you are in Florida.

But if I may put in a plug for your local public schools, (if you enjoy working with children/teenagers/children with disabilities) there are probably THOUSANDS of things you could do. You will most likely have to submit fingerprints and/or a background check, but the district will provide the forms, fees, and fingerprinting facilities.


check out greenpeace.. or help a homeless shelter.. or set up or help out a food not bombs :)


I filled out an application for the Big Brothers and Sisters organization.  I think I might try volunteering at a food bank or shelter.  I've done the library thing before and while I enjoyed it I really want to impact people.  As for the Humane Society...I don't know if I can handle that.  I think my apt would become overrun with animals because i would try to take them all home.

Thanks for all the input!!  ;)


I volunteer at a wildlife animal rehabilitation place. I get to play mommy bird to a bunch of baby birds one night a week. plus clean their cages & do dishes & help a little with the mammals. I really like it, I get an immediate sence of accomplishment at the end of the night & because they are all going to be released in the wild, theres no danger of me wanting to bring them home. Most of the other people I work with are pretty cool. I'm still new, but I can see being good friends with a couple of the girls.

PLUS it rienforces my veganism. My dad came over yesterday morning right after breakfast & I complained to him that my tofu bacon didn't turn out & he said that I should eat turkey bacon like him. I said I take care of baby birds in my free time, why would I want to eat their cousin?


I use to volunteer for a no kill animal shelter…. I loved it! Problem was I ended up bringing home so many animals because you fall in love with them all!  :)>>> I had to quite doing it though because I moved 2 hours away from the shelter and I haven’t had time lately to find a new one. I could only volunteer for a no kill shelter, the ones that euthanize (like the humane society) I could not handle. I’d come home in tears every night…. :'(


I use to volunteer for a no kill animal shelter…. I loved it! Problem was I ended up bringing home so many animals because you fall in love with them all!  :)>>> I had to quite doing it though because I moved 2 hours away from the shelter and I haven’t had time lately to find a new one. I could only volunteer for a no kill shelter, the ones that euthanize (like the humane society) I could not handle. I’d come home in tears every night…. :'(

I don't think all the Humane Societies euthanize.  The one I used to live near in MI was a no-kill facility.  I would just them out to see how they are in your area.


I would like to start doing some volunteering with my 2yo and thought a shelter would be good.  I actually did a google search of MD no kill animal shelters and there is only one in the area and it is a ferret shelter.  I don't know much about ferrets, does anyone here? 

There is a shelter about 1/2 hr away by a Whole foods so I could do both in one day, but it wasn't on the list.  Their sites says " What makes Defenders so unique is that we hold adoptable animals for as long as it takes to find each and every one a forever home." :-\

Any opinions, suggestions or thoughts about volunteering with a 2yo?


I've volunteered for an archeologist.  I helped with the collection.  I've built houses with Habitat for Humanity.  There are Women Built teams where only women build the house.  You get better access to the power tools that way.  I've volunteered at a museum, where I sat in the basement and geolocated where plant specimen were located.  I've volunteered at a "soup kitchen," serving food.  I like the more active gigs where I get to interact with people.  I once tried to volunteer at an animal shelter, but I was told they weren't looking for volunteers.  Another thing you could do, being in Florida, is learn how to wash birds.  When there's an oil spill they need bird washer volunteers.  Basically, it's just sudsing them up with detergent.  It wouldn't be a regular gig, just during emergencies, but you'd have to learn how to wash them beforehand.


I use to volunteer for a no kill animal shelter. I loved it! Problem was I ended up bringing home so many animals because you fall in love with them all!  :)>>> I had to quite doing it though because I moved 2 hours away from the shelter and I haven't had time lately to find a new one. I could only volunteer for a no kill shelter, the ones that euthanize (like the humane society) I could not handle. I’d come home in tears every night…. :'(

I don't think all the Humane Societies euthanize.  The one I used to live near in MI was a no-kill facility.  I would just them out to see how they are in your area.

Agreed....kind of....
Some humane societies claim to be no kill...meaning they don't kill for population control. They do however kill animals that are deemed to be 'unadoptable'....meaning the sick, injured and badly behaved. In other words they do not rehabilitate. My Stanley for example would have been killed at the humane society because he was born with leukemia. The animal shelter I volunteered at only killed the animal if there was no way to save it, otherwise they rehabilitated the animal prior to adopting. They've adopted out numerous sick and otherwise ''unadoptable" animals....there is a person for every animal, no matter how quirky the animal is.... that is what I mean by no kill....
I just loved that place I volunteered, so awesome to see so many lives saved  :)>>>


Before moving to Texas I volunteered at my local VA Medical Center.  I was an official volunteer for5 years and un-official about 10 years before that.  I did several things there.  Read letters to the patients, clean up at the national cemetary, christmas gift distribution, and tons of office type work.  I'd type policies and letters, re-organize filing systems and filing, making copies, distributing mail and answering phones.  Basically I did anything that was asked.  Even working in the dental service even with my phobia of dentists.  :>  I had a great time talking to the veterans.  This was a predominantly a psychiatric hospital so they said whatever came to mind. 


i don't know if they have a chapter by you, but try  they do short term volunteer work so if you can't commit to a certain project or organization you can still help by doing something, even if it's only for random days.


I'm a ski instructor with the Canadian Association of Disabled Skiers, it's great! there's nothing quite as satisfying as watching a kid do something they never imagined they would be able to do


OMG!  Big Brothers and Sisters just called!!  I'm meeting with a kid and his family (grandma & 2 slightly older sisters) on Sunday!  ;)b


See if there's a chapter of Food Not Bombs near you... they're one of my favourites.  :)>>>


I volunteer at a homeless shelter through my UU church.  I choose to serve meat, so something like that might be contradictory to your ethics. 

Good luck in finding something that fits. 

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