what household chore do you dislike the most?
Posted by pineappleprincess on Apr 26, 2008 · Member since Aug 2006 · 885 posts
While we have a thread about procrastinating...
what household chore do you avoid like the plague?
Mine's Laundry. Notice the capital L.
I would rather do anything, clean toilets, wash dishes, scrub floors, organize closets. And I love outside chores like mowing grass, washing cars, etc.
I really dislike laundry.
emptying the garbage and cleaning the bathroom...1 husband +2 sons = icky bathroom >:(
I love - well at least like doing laundry, especially folding when it is all warm from the sun or dryer. I am always freezing so warming chores are nice.
I actually really like cleaning - and plan to get started on some spring cleaning soon. the only thing I don't like is starting a big project (like cleaning our the garage), and then losing steam half way through. that's when other people need to take over...
but vacuuming, washing dishes, doing laundry and hanging it out to dry, sweeping, tidying, reorganizing, washing the floors... all that is FUN to me. it helps me clear my head.
I HATE sweeping, mopping, and vacuuming the floors.
dishes suck :P
dishes suck :P
I'll do your dishes if you do my laundry!
I enjoy some cleaning..but mostly organizing. I LOVE to organize (I often re-organized/alphabetized my book shelves as a small child..), but I don't really like doing dishes (+ I'm just not good at it) or bathroom. LUCKILY, my husband does those! :-* I don't mind laundry..and liked it more when I didn't have to use a public/apt laundry room (and pay a ton!). I love to vacuum..we have this awesome, cute, li'l vacuum cleaner. I don't really like sweeping..but our apt is so small..nothing is really a chore (except dishes..b/c we don't have a dishwasher..and I dirty a lot of dishes). I like straightening up..OH
Dusting, now that's my least favorite!!! Makes me sneeze:
dishes suck :P
I hate dishes because there are always so many! I'll clean all the dishes and put them away and then an hour later it's time to make dinner and the sink is full of dishes again. It never stops!
Ironing I hate it.. with all my being. Unfortunately, both DH & my work clothes need to be ironed. >:(
I will agree with several others, I don't care for dishes either.
taking out the compost and cleaning the toilet. for some reason, my bf always requests cleaning the toilet on cleaning days.... weird. i think the compost thing is horrible because we put it off for so long that by the time it really needs to be taken out, its already moldey and mushy and fruit flies are all over. EW!
scrubbing the bathtub. I will do any and everything else just please don't make me scrub the fucking bathtub!
Dusting - I absolutely HATE to dust. Therefore, I don't do it. Well, that's not exactly true, I wait until I absolutely have to, such as being able to write a message in the dust. ;D
I LOVE to wash dishes and to load the dishwasher. I'm so Type A that I get my fix by tidying up the sink area.
I HATE sweeping, mopping, and vacuuming the floors.
Ditto on that
My dislike is cleaning the bathroom, being I am very picky on how it lQQks. But all n all I hate spring cleaning (detailing the house).
I love doing dishes, laundry, mopping floor(hands n knees), and dusting, etc.
Dusting-ughhh! It's so overwhelming, I get started and there are so many nooks and surfaces to take care of, I just get compulsive and end up spending a couple hours and then notice later in the day that another fine layer has settled back over all my work...bleh.
Consider this a vote for LAUNDRY. Yuck. It's just one of those never-ending tasks.
Also, I like jobs where I really see/feel a difference. I don't mind dishes/cleaning the kitchen b/c having a clean kitchen is so satisfying. (I enjoy cooking in a clean kitchen so much more!). Dusting/vacuuming is satisfying b/c I breathe so much better after it is done. I really don't mind cleaning bathrooms because it's so refreshing to have a clean bathroom.
But laundry? It goes from tucked in a hamper to tucked in drawers; hidden to hidden. Plus, once it's clean it's not really DONE... it's a big pile till you go and fold it and put it away. So it's really a few chores masking as one.
PS--I'm posting this as I'm procrastinating from cleaning--how fitting.
Dusting - I absolutely HATE to dust. Therefore, I don't do it. Well, that's not exactly true, I wait until I absolutely have to, such as being able to write a message in the dust. ;D
Yeah, dusting is the impossible task. You can never get rid of it all - most of it just floats and resettles itself. ::) >:( It's amazing how long I can ignore the dustiness of my house, though. ;D
#1 would be mowing the lawns... although for the last five or so months, since Dad agreed to be the chief mower instead of forcing me to be, I kinda don't hate mowing so very much. I'm now the edger/trimmer, and gardener; especially the vegetable garden. (Gee, I'd better get my arse into gear and prepare it for winter crops. :err:)
#2 would be vacuuming - it just seems to make me irritable and violent. If I could vacuum a room with no furniture or other crap all over the floors, that'd be fine. I mean, I like vacuuming when we move house! It's easy! Otherwise, nah. :P
Half of me finds making a house/garden tidy very satisfying. The other half of me usually rebels.
for some reason, my bf always requests cleaning the toilet on cleaning days.... weird.
yeah my bf always requests cleaning the toilet too! very weird.
My worst (I think) is vacuuming. I seem to be able to vacuum the floors about 10 times and still be vacuuming up the bloody cats hairs. Honestly, no matter how many times I vacuum there's always cat hair on the carpet. I can't see the damn stuff but the vacuum still gets clogged with it! Like, the carpet is light coloured and I really can't see cat hair, but it's there all the time apparently. It's not as if my cat is even long haired. Aaaargh! Cat hair!
sorry rant over ::)
Washing the garbage pail when it gets disgusting. And yes, it gets disgusting because I put it off.
Ironing, basically because I am so bad at it. My mother never buught anything that wasn't Permanent Press. Now I see why. Ugh. But I love natural fibres so I have to do it. Right now there's a mountain of hot weather clothes waiting to be ironed. :P
I just thought of one that I don't like - taking out the garbage. especially in the winter! I'll do anything but that...
I have to agree with cleaning the bathroom - scrubbing the toilet always makes me gag. I would also say laundry, although it's mostly just the folding part. I have no problem throwing stuff in the washer and dryer, but it may end up sitting in the dryer for a couple days before I finally fold it and put it away.