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what household chore do you dislike the most?

While we have a thread about procrastinating...

what household chore do you avoid like the plague?

Mine's Laundry. Notice the capital L.

I would rather do anything, clean toilets, wash dishes, scrub floors, organize closets. And I love outside chores like mowing grass, washing cars, etc. 

I really dislike laundry.

For a minute, I thought DW = dear wife!  :D  :D

I'm always joking to my DH that we need a wife... I don't like doing the "wife" duties of cleaning, ironing, dusting... blah blah blah (In advance... Please don't take the statement "wife" duties to be discriminating toward women, I'm joking.)

That reminds me of Judith Viorst's 1970's harangue in a magazine entitled "Why I Want a Wife." She enumerates all the duties she carries out (housework, mothering, reminding spouse of appointments/taxes/etc) and concludes, "My God--who wouldn't want a wife?"

Since DH retired, I got no complaints.


and speaking of dishes again... I won't even do the "dishes" in my chemistry labs. I always make a deal with my lab partner: I do the experiment, s/he does the dishes. And they think they're getting the deal: little do they know that every compound known to ochem cannot be scrubbed off in this lifetime... mwahaha...

Can you do that? I mean, obviously you can, but it seems like your partner(s) are missing out on all the experiments! Not that I would have hated not having to do chemistry experiments (ugh), know? What do they do while you're doing the work?

Yeah, we pretty much get away with it. The lab partner/s always know what's going on anyway, and while I do experiment-stuff they clean whatever I've already used. Plus, with ochem labs there's always waiting time while something cooks or cools... since I'm used to doing the experiment, it usually goes faster if I just do it than doing it in a group of four. Plus, no dishes for meeee!!


and speaking of dishes again... I won't even do the "dishes" in my chemistry labs. I always make a deal with my lab partner: I do the experiment, s/he does the dishes. And they think they're getting the deal: little do they know that every compound known to ochem cannot be scrubbed off in this lifetime... mwahaha...

Can you do that? I mean, obviously you can, but it seems like your partner(s) are missing out on all the experiments! Not that I would have hated not having to do chemistry experiments (ugh), know? What do they do while you're doing the work?

Yeah, we pretty much get away with it. The lab partner/s always know what's going on anyway, and while I do experiment-stuff they clean whatever I've already used. Plus, with ochem labs there's always waiting time while something cooks or cools... since I'm used to doing the experiment, it usually goes faster if I just do it than doing it in a group of four. Plus, no dishes for meeee!!

I loved chem-lab, all of them! General, organic, analytical, physical, Biochem - these were my playground back in the day. Oh I used to do a little chem at home too for a while  ::)


I have a friend who's a chemical engineer. There's a little sign on her fridge that says, "You know what I do for a living. Don't raid don't know what you're eating."


Hmmm...only one, LOL! I'd have to say cleaning the bathroom. Right now there are 4 of us sharing one bathroom and needless to say, it gets kinda icky! I'll be SOOOOO happy when my hubby finally gets around to fixing our guest bathroom!


dishes suck :P

I hate dishes because there are always so many!  I'll clean all the dishes and put them away and then an hour later it's time to make dinner and the sink is full of dishes again.  It never stops!

Lol, I hear ya.  I hate thinking about washing dishes.  Once I'm already doing it it's not so bad after all.  I also dislike cleaning the bathroom.
Which reminds me, it's getting late and I need to get to my chores. :pirate:


Oooo, and dusting!  I loathe dusting, which is why everything in my house looks gray!



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