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What is/was your major/ career aspirations?

I'm curious to know what most of u do for a living (when ur not kicking it here on vegweb) or what u r studying/ studied to be in school?

Me Business Administration major with a concentration in Accounting... 1 semester to go

Please i'm interested :)

I'm curious to know what most of u do for a living (when ur not kicking it here on vegweb) or what u r studying/ studied to be in school?

Me Business Administration major with a concentration in Accounting... 1 semester to go

Please i'm interested :)

I had several dream job, none of which I went to school for.  I wanted to be a naturalist, or a neurologist.

But I became a mechanical engineer instead.


I'm a sophomore in college majoring in Food Science right now. Originally I wanted to do Bakery Science, but dunno..I'd like to do a lot of stuff with food, not just the grains and baking part. Lately I've been having thoughts that I'm too stupid for this (mostly because I can't understand a word my Calc professor says and I also can't understand the book..and I dunno. I've just been feeling stupid lately), but I don't really know what I'd do instead. I like lots of different stuff I guess, like German (which I was pretty all-star at in high school) and stuff with languages but how would I get a job with that? And I don't think I like anything enough to actually do it. School wrecks things for me. All these required classes that are boring make me lose interest. Sometimes with all the stress and stuff I'm tempted to drop out and become like a housewife or something because I think that would be kind of fun, minus having kids. Sigh. I can't drop out though because my parents would kill me.


School wrecks things for me. All these required classes that are boring make me lose interest.

Thats why i got out of broadcasting and communications, my original plan for life since i was 8.

And. food sciencee. <3 We had a competition for that, i wanted to be on the team but they had to like, test foods that werent vegan at all. boo.

I seriously love reading all of this, i have some catching up to do on this thread still.


I guess I'll actually type my story here.

At the beginning of college, I was a pre-vet major, but I decided that being a vet. would be too difficult for me (painful seeing all the sick animals, etc.), so I switched to a double major in biology and psychology. I didn't really know what I wanted to do with it in the beginning, but those were two of my favorite things. Then, I figured out that I wanted to work in neurobiology, and knew that my majors were a good choice. So, I finished school, and was accepted to the Neuroscience Ph.D program here. After a year of that, I decided that there was no reason to go forward with it, because I didn't want to work with animal testing for my life, and I just didn't enjoy the program. I no longer have any career aspirations, except to find an ok job while P finishes school (again), and hopefully be a stay at home mom. I'd love to do something with cooking, at some point. I'm also just content being able to enjoy cooking on a day to day basis. I am really looking forward to having kids, and a family life, but I'm also enjoying my time without. Anyway, I've had one ok job since leaving the program, one bad job experience, and I've since been looking for another job. I've hopefully found one.


Sarah, come to my schoooooool. Dooooo iiiiit. I'm making a vegan club!! The posters I made advertising it have sequins and dinosaurs and my little pony stickers on them. I've probably driven away like a billion people with the goofiness of the posters, but they're still pretty rad. Which is why you should come to my school.


oh my gosh.
Your posters sound like everything i own mixed together.
Be there in five minutes.


I wish some more people without amazing college degrees would post cuz I feel like I'm the only college dropout on VW.

I dropped out, too. I was a technical theatre major. I taught children's theatre until I had my daughter and needed the health insurance. I work retail. I suck.


I'm a sophomore in college majoring in Food Science right now. Originally I wanted to do Bakery Science, but dunno..I'd like to do a lot of stuff with food, not just the grains and baking part. Lately I've been having thoughts that I'm too stupid for this (mostly because I can't understand a word my Calc professor says and I also can't understand the book..and I dunno.

You have to take calc for food science?  :o


for me i didn't like much of anything going into college...but  i was a bookkeeper at vons, so i decided hey i'm gonna be an accountant no matter what, no matter how hard it is... i think u just need that mind frame going through school because their is always going to be courses u don't enjoy or want to take but just set ur mind to it... don't give up... it will be worth it to stick it through... of course as some have mentioned if the program goes against ur ethics than f**k it... i would draw the line there as well


so when I left school I initially wanted to become a professional musician (french horn) and so did A levels to suit that.  Then I realised that there were 2 main things stopping me from doing this
1. I wasn't good enough
2. I was too lazy to practice enough to become good enough!

So then I bummed around for a year or so and as luck had it my job was in a pharmacy... <snip>

This was seriously one of the hardest things I've had to do. Not hard in the lots-of-stress-crunching-down-on-you sense (that would be the academic job search), but rather in a prolonged, something-isn't-right-and-I-don't-know-how-to-fix-it sense.

I did a LOT of music in high school (though, in retrospect, not nearly as much as my friends who actually went on to music). I think part of me thought that was what I had to do, since I had put so much time and money into it. But I loved it too--I loved the music, and I loved the people I met through it. I auditioned for music conservatories in college--got into two, wait-listed at a third, rejected from a fourth. I ended up going to a regular University program instead and did a music minor at one of the conservatories I had been accepted to as a major.

In college I joined a college-community orchestra and it was really depressing. I remember just feeling really sad that this was was going to be my experience with music, since I was used to participating in programs designed to train future professional musicians. My holier-than-thou self found it just so... BASIC in comparison. I took lessons, but without any juries/recitals planned there was no real REASON to do what I was doing.

The next year, I joined one of the conservatory orchestra. It was more up my alley, but I still felt out of place (since I wasn't a performance major). My teacher approached me about adding a performance degree program, but that's when I decided to double-major in psych and soc and also when my wrist injuries started kicking in. (I play the viola, which is the world's most ergonomically incorrect instrument.)

For the rest of undergrad I made do with college-community orchestra and lessons, and added extra chamber groups where I could. In grad school, however, I went to a big university that didn't let nonmajors take lessons from faculty or play in the ensembles. So, for a few years I really didn't play at all. Then finally in my last year of grad school I found another community orchestra... and I HATED it. Everyone else in the section had been there for years and years and I was just stuck in the back (a few times there wasn't even a chair set up for me).

It's just within the past couple of years I think I've found peace with music in my life. When I moved out to my current location I found a community orchestra that I love, mostly due to nice section mates and a fantastic section leader. I play chamber music with some members occasionally, and it satisfies me. I dont' feel guilty that I'm not doing more. I practice just as much as I need to contribute to the orchestra, and that's really all I need. (One day I'll get to the point where just playing etudes and stuff for the heck of it is fun too...) I think it also helps that I've met more professionals whose stories mirror mine, so I know I'm not alone.

Sorry for the long post. 1) Shelloid's post struck a nerve and 2) this story might be more relevant to the topic than my actual career path.


caroleena - you're lucky to have found a decent orchestra to play with.  I've now kind of given up on my horn due to several bad experiences in orchestras and wind bands.
I joined a wind band when I was studying my science A levels - it just so happened that first horn was amazing so that everyone assumed that I was rubbish - then when I became first horn (when he left to go to music college!) the band leader decided that all the peices should have minor horn parts and no solos because I wouldn't be able to cope - I wish he'd just given me a chance.
I tried joining a few other bands but they didn't have any spaces for horns, so no luck there.
At uni I joined the orchestra, but because I wasn't doing a music degree again they assumed I was crap (honestly I wasn't, but my self esteem wasn't great either by then), and so I was put on 3rd horn for the peices that had 1st and 2nd horn with the main parts and then on 2nd horn for when 1st and 3rd horn had the main parts (depending on the music sometimes 1st and 3rd are the key roles and sometimes 1st and 2nd are the key roles).

Since then I haven't really tried any other bands / orchestras, so I don't really play too often.


I'm a sophomore in college majoring in Food Science right now. Originally I wanted to do Bakery Science, but dunno..I'd like to do a lot of stuff with food, not just the grains and baking part. Lately I've been having thoughts that I'm too stupid for this (mostly because I can't understand a word my Calc professor says and I also can't understand the book..and I dunno.

You have to take calc for food science?  :o

Unfortunately yes :( I looked at the course sequence last night and the good news is I only have to take Calc 1, which is what I'm in now. But I have to take a bunch of statistics courses and biometrics. I have no idea what biometrics is, but I'm frightened.


For the first 14 years of my life, I was determined to be a veterinarian. Then, our vet invited me to come and watch my baby girl get spayed. That ended the dream. Seeing her laying on her back, tongue clamped out, and smelling her burning flesh (they used a laser for the surgery) was beyond enough for me. I cannot cut up animals. When we had to dissect frogs, I made my partner do it all. When we had to dissect fetus pigs, my partner wouldn't do it either, so I paid the kid in front of me a dollar a day to do it for me. Dissections in school are so unnecessary. It makes me sick. They just cram a bunch of dead fetuses into a bucket of formaldehyde and ship em off.  It's just simply wrong. We also hatched eggs back in 5th grade with an incubator. The teacher then took us out to the woods and cracked open the ones that didn't hatch and chucked them into the brush.

So, scratch that. I was the kid who buried the nature mishaps, such as baby birds that fell out of our tree and died. I also moved the roadkill out of the way of cars so they wouldn't be ran over once again. When I was real young, I even petted a roadkill bunny while the other kids rode over the roadkill turtle with their bikes for a mini bike ramp.


Now, I'm either wanting to do something in psychology, such as a PSR worker, an occupational therapist, a counselor specializing in cognitive behavioral therapy.. etc.. Or, I'd love to run my own doggy day care.


In Hialeah?!  LMAO!  Please, pretty please let me know how that goes for you. ;-)


I wish some more people without amazing college degrees would post cuz I feel like I'm the only college dropout on VW.

I didn't even go to college.  I got accepted to Kennesaw State and Southern Poly, but I didn't have the money.

I guess I will post my stuff.

In high school, I worked at (GASP!) McDonald's.  That's right.
Just before high school ended, I got a job at Regal Cinemas.  I worked there for 5 years and was an assistant manager for 4 1/2 of those years.
I worked at Blockbuster for two months as a way to get a little extra money while I was still working at the movie theatre.
I currently work at Jim Ellis VW / Audi.  I've been here for 7 years.  I absolutely hate it.  I'm like Erin, I wish I didn't have to work and worry about money.  I just want to see the world.

Now, things that I would LIKE to do.

I've always wanted to be in a band.  I am in a band, but I'm talking about a real band, one that actually tours and stuff.  I'm getting too old for that now, though.  So I'm working on doing something of my own.

I would love to be a chef or own a restaurant, but the economy sucks and I don't know if I could deal with that sort of pressure or the hours.

I would love to be an actor.  I've always wanted to be in movies.  But only movies that mean something, not just random BS movies.

I want to paint.  I actually have some stuff, so I should start practicing.

I would like to do something to help the world.  I don't really know what that would be, though.

That's all I can think of right now.



I have been trained a's closing after 8 years (greedy landlords). I've been finishing my bachelors degree in molecular biology. I work in a biochemistry lab with e.coli mutanogenesis.  And in six months I begin taking my GRE and sending out my graduate school apps for landing a spot at hopefully a university where I can catalyze my dream of doing both research and academic work like teaching in likely the field of Virology (or some other microbiology field). I have had many wonderfully inspiring teachers and I would absolutely love to contribute to the field and change someone's life in a positive way.


Currently I am an Operations Manager for a company that makes automotive components. The last year or so has been very stressfull laying people off and those who are left have tonnes more to do and then you take 25% of their pay off them! I enjoy my job most days but don't love it, the financial rewards are there for sure but my main aim is to stash as much cash as possible and pay of my moregage so I can get a job that I really love. I don't know what that is yet, so maybe I plan on semi-retirement at 50 and just work part time. I like animals, cooking, growing veggies and being outside so anything that would involve that.

How I ended up in my position is a little strange. I got kicked out of high school at 16, got a job in a factory for 10 years, went to night school to get what I need to go to University, went to university as mature student (mature my ass), graduated top of my class, emigrated, got a job as an engineer in Ohio, moved to Chicago.

I ended up in operations and really in management by accident really, one day about 4 years ago I was happily being an engineer when the GM of the company I work for called me into his office, all of the planning department had quit, 4 of them on the same day giving no notice! Can you help? Sure but I have no experience planning or purchasing but I'll give it the good old collage try. Well I must have done OK as now I manage the whole operations of the company.

And to think they said I would end up in jail or dead when they kicked me out of school. (Technically I will one day end up dead but I think they were talking short term!:)).


Another anthropology BA (emphasis in cultural anthropology) with a second major in English.  Got an MA in English with a focus on teaching English as a second language.  I teach adult ESL part time through a community college.  I spend the rest of the time with my kids and dogs, house and yard, and walking dogs at our local animal shelter. 



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