What kind of Plant(s) should I get?
Posted by lisaanddini on Nov 26, 2008 · Member since May 2007 · 2179 posts
My company is moving to a different building & I'm going to have a window! Yay! I didn't realize how excited this would make me! I really want to get a plant, or maybe a bunch that all look nice together, but I don't know what kind to get. I know pretty much nothing about plants except that I am usually good at killing them so it has to be something hardy. But I also want it to be pretty! I really like orchids, but they seem high maintenence. Maybe a bonsai? & then I could put a mini buddha next to it? The window faces SSE in case that makes a difference.
Pothos is a vine that is almost impossible to kill.
African violets are great and come in many different colors. They are also pretty hardy.
If you have the commitment, you should get an orchid. They are a bit more picky regarding humidity and temperature but they are beautiful!
I have an orchid in rehab at my apartment right now. A rescue from my boyfriend's lab. It has a new leaf that's gotten huge in the last few weeks. I'm so proud.
ps - I love plants.
I have a desert rose, it's a really cool plant and I haven't killed it yet.
I kill plants. Really I do. But at work, I have ivy, two peace lilies, an african violet and a philodendron. Oh and a small bamboo pot next to my docking station. All the rest are atop the cube storage shelves and closet because thats as close to light as I get.
Just remember to water them consistently and they should flourish! Yay plants!
I have two avocado saplings plucked from my compost, the seeds germinated!
get a Jade plant!!!
not only are they gorgeous, but they're pretty sturdy plants that require little watering in the cold months, and are fairly easy to care for.
oh, and You can very easily snip off a sprig of leaves, get them to root in a small jar of water, and replant for more jades of various sizes (depending on the pot, of course).
Shane's jade has grown immensely in the last 3 years we've been together. His mom and I just re-potted it in a beautiful, big pot that I got from one of my mom's funeral plants, and it's continuing to thrive. I love it.
I really love succulents and cacti. They are...harder to kill. They are also very beautiful. The only one that we've had die was our Living Stone, but he was partially eaten by a bird (if you recall).
I have a jade plant too! Yours is purdy tho... :)>>>
oh, pfft, that's just a GIS image.
our jade is kinda lopsided compared to that one.....if my camera stops sucking, I'll snap a shot of ours and post it.
oh, pfft, that's just a GIS image.
our jade is kinda lopsided compared to that one.....if my camera stops sucking, I'll snap a shot of ours and post it.
you little cheat...
I'd also recommend jadeplant, bamboo, ivy and spider plants. Spider plants are supposed to be great at cleaning the air of formaldehyde (from outgassing carpets and office furniture).