Why Don't Prunes Have a Warning Label?
Posted by jeanacorina on Feb 22, 2009 · Member since Aug 2007 · 694 posts
So, I've been on iron pills for a few weeks and feel fantastic.... except for the expected constipation.
So, tonight I'm eating a serving of prunes, and I got to thinking... "Okay, so I know I'm eating these because I'm constipated, but why don't they say on the container: "CAUTION! Excessive prune consumption may cause massive poop?"
Last time I ate prunes I was a teenager and I just liked them a lot (still do). So I ate half a bag in one sitting. It's a healthy snack, you know?
Boy, did I regret that decision later! I pooped for like an hour straight!
Anyway, I had no one else to share this with. Carry on.
Haha, oh dear. ;D
Bwahahaha! Ahhh *sigh* **tear** Thank you JC! I love poop related humour! Too many giggles right now!
I love prunes too, but I am afraid to eat them. You never know when they're gonna attack. I'll only eat them if I plan on being home the rest of the day.
Its kinda the same way I feel about coffee. Would love to have a cup in the morning at work, but would regret it an hour later. It wreaks havoc on my digestive tract. Oh well....
Raisins will do the same thing.
I thought everybody knew the dangers of prunes. I always figured it was the fibre, and yet they give old folks prune juice for the same effect, so there must be something in the juice itself. Hmmm.... 8-)
Raisins will do the same thing.
I thought everybody knew the dangers of prunes. I always figured it was the fibre, and yet they give old folks prune juice for the same effect, so there must be something in the juice itself. Hmmm.... 8-)
Something to do with the potassium, magnesium and sugars that occur in prunes that makes it have a laxitive effect.
Since all my kids had to be on soy formula, it can really be constipating, so we would give them an ounce of prune juice in one of their bottles once a day. We called it their "chocolate milk". Kept everything moving right along.
I thought everybody knew the dangers of prunes.
Well, I had heard about it. But I usually insist on figuring things out for myself. Don't believe everything you hear.... unless it's about prunes!
I'm glad you're feeling better. (And cleaner?) ;D
Mamá Yabbit
PS: This belongs on the letter thread. Lástima.
We called it their "chocolate milk".
I learned that dried prunes will actually bung-you-up... (unless you eat half a package). You need to stew the prunes (or drink prune juice) in order to enjoy(?) the "laxative effect"
Its kinda the same way I feel about coffee. Would love to have a cup in the morning at work, but would regret it an hour later. It wreaks havoc on my digestive tract. Oh well....
I am so with you on this one. Coffee and I do not go well together :(
Its kinda the same way I feel about coffee. Would love to have a cup in the morning at work, but would regret it an hour later. It wreaks havoc on my digestive tract. Oh well....
I am so with you on this one. Coffee and I do not go well together :(
Yeah...I don't understand how people drink coffee! Do some people build up a tolerance to its "effects"? I love coffee but I avoid drinking it because I don't feel like spending the rest of the day in the bathroom!
Coffee never had that effect on me, though DH drinks it just because it keeps him regular. However, the other day one of my students gave me a box of chocolates because she passed N Am Lit (why does no one ever give me perfume? Don't I look like "the perfume type"?). I haven't eaten chocolate since Christmas but I thought, well I'll have one or two. I was rather "tied up" that day and the chocolate seemed to get things moving. It's never done that before, maybe it's because I haven't had any since Christmas.
I`m on the prune juice. It is helping keeping things moving along quite well. LOL
Alright, even though i've read this thread plenty of times. this time i sworeeee it said
"Why do only ladies wear purses?" Haha.
Just thought i'd share :)
Alright, even though i've read this thread plenty of times. this time i sworeeee it said
"Why do only ladies wear purses?" Haha.
Just thought i'd share :)
In S. Europe quite a few men wear purses. So there. 8-)
So....I was wondering if prunes stop 'working' after a while of eating them. I usually eat them regularly to um, ahem keep regular, and I swear they just do their 'magic' anymore....is there something wrong with my colon or something? It's really strange. Like before, I could eat just 1 or 2 and be cleaned out, and I've tried eating A Lot, like 5 or 6 and *nothing*. Is it possible to become immune to prunes? Do I need a colon cleanse? Has this happened to anyone else? What are other good methods ? I tried the hot water and lemon thing because I read a shot of vitamin C can get you going in the a.m. and that doesn't work...and I drink coffee daily so that doesn't usually work either....Psyllium husk fiber powder? Sorry if tmi, I've just never had this 'problem' before lol....
Yes, they DO stop working. (For me, anyway.) I've had up the ante considerably. Now I have to eat phenomenal amounts of dried fruit, and sometimes combine it with coffee.
However, not to worry: when I went for my colonic, the hydrotherapist said that the best thing to do was just rotate strategies. Eat prunes until they don't work anymore; then switch to eating lots of kale or leafy greens; then try Vitamin C; and on and on around the mulberry bush.
do you eat alot of whole fruits & veggies? things with fiber like apples? maybe you just need to mix it up.. whats the first time you eat in the morning? try to eat a piece of whole fruit like a halfhour before the rest of your breakfast.
exercise helps too. try jumping around for awhile. things have to start moving...
Yes, they DO stop working. (For me, anyway.) I've had up the ante considerably. Now I have to eat phenomenal amounts of dried fruit, and sometimes combine it with coffee.
However, not to worry: when I went for my colonic, the hydrotherapist said that the best thing to do was just rotate strategies. Eat prunes until they don't work anymore; then switch to eating lots of kale or leafy greens; then try Vitamin C; and on and on around the mulberry bush.
Thanks br, I will try rotating! Glad I'm not imagining this whole prune immunity thing! ::) ;D