Posted by Saby on Sep 23, 2007 · Member since May 2006 · 60 posts
I wasn't sure if I wanted to have breakfast, but I decided that it's better for me to so I decided to have something simple. The only cereal in the house is cornflakes (ugh) and so I take the last of it put it in a bowl, chop some bananas and put some soy milk over it.
I eat it. chomp chomp. swallow....
and then I proceed to take another spoonful and I ... I SEE A BUG!!!! eEeeeeeeeeeewwwwwwwwwwww and .... IT MOVED!
Nasty! I don't want to eat things that move!!!! So I promptly vomitted what else I possible could have eaten, threw that yeeacckk out, ad now I'm brushing my teeth.
I need some strong black coffee. RIGHT NOW!
*erg* That is real unfortunate! I hope you feel better! :-\
Ewww. Yeah, bugs love cereal. I usually check the bags if they've been in there for a long time. :p
The price you pay for organic, non-GMO cereal products, wheat berries, fllour, etc...bugs love them even more than the processed stuff! I suggest you transfer your cereal etc. to glass or airtight plastic when you get it home...may not stop the bugs but you WILL be able to see them!
why would anyone eat CORNFLAKES??
eheh... j/k ;)