Posted by KissMeKate on May 23, 2008 · Member since Aug 2007 · 7322 posts
You Know You Do To Much Vegweb When _______________!
fill in the blank!
YKYDTMVWW you think, "Wow, I need to post this on vegweb when I get home!"
YKYDTMVWW you start keeping your camera on top of the kitchen counter to take recipe photos.
YKYDTMVWW you think, when having your picture taken, "That would make a great avatar!"
YKYDTMVWW all the computers at the circ desk where you work are permanently logged into your vegweb account.
YKYDTMVWW: You refer to fellow vegwebbers as 'friends' and talk about them often
YKYDTMVWW: You cite threads as actual conversations you've had IRL.
YKYDTMVWW: You are constantly reminded of people on VW by every day things in life.
YKYDTMVWW: You feel more connected with VWers than you do with most of your real friends.
YKYDTMVWW: You refer to fellow vegwebbers as 'friends' and talk about them often
YKYDTMVWW: You cite threads as actual conversations you've had IRL.
YKYDTMVWW: You are constantly reminded of people on VW by every day things in life.
YKYDTMVWW: You feel more connected with VWers than you do with most of your real friends.
"Well, I was talking to a friend about it, and...."
That's me, every day.
YKYDTMVWW: You swear this girl who frequents the same library as you do looks just like laurabs, and you have to stop yourself from saying hi to her because it is real life and not vegweb and that can't possibly be the case.
YKYDTMVWW: You mention the idea of such a thread and it takes on like a house on fire... >:D 8-)
YKYDTMVWW: You gradually forget all your old recipes and instead find yourself thinking, I must go search VW for something for dinner!!
YKYDTMVWW: you got depressed when the forums shut down for a wile
YKYDTMVWW... you drop VW friends into conversation often enough so that your IRL omni friends refer to the site and them like we all know each other.
YKYDTMVWW: You refer to fellow vegwebbers as 'friends' and talk about them often
Case in point: On my first day at Victoria's Secret (I think it was even just the orientation), I said, "All of my FRIENDS were asking if the discount applies to catalog orders." I was of course speaking of all of you who asked me/were talking about that. ;)
AND yesterday at work..and after getting home....I was thinking about how I feel so much closer to a lot of you..than I think I could ever get to any of my coworkers (I know I don't know them really yet...but yeah...).
YKYDTMVWW: You try to turn on your laptop, it won't turn on, so you start freaking out, but not being able to do VW is the first thing on your mind (the battery had died for some odd reason, even though I think it had been plugged in).
:)>>> you!
YKYDTMVWW: You click the refresh button a few times to see if anyone responded to something.
I think I do all the things already mentioned.
YKYDTMVWW: You can't go on vegweb for 2 or 3 days and start to get stressed out about how you are going to catch up on everything when you are finally able to get to it.
YKYDTMVWW: You participate in a care package exchange without ever thinking about the safety of of contents...after all...these people ARE "strangers"!
YKYDTMVWW: You have dreams about other vegwebbers.
YKYDTMVWW... if you go out of town for a week, you post about why you won't be posting.
YKYDTMVWW: You click the refresh button a few times to see if anyone responded to something.
i'm just going to hijak this thread for a bit.
you live in georgia and are in a punk band eh? i'm going on tour playing bass for my bf's punk band www.myspace.com/boogdish, if you live near carrolton, you should come to the show!
June 30 Carrolton, GA @ Alley Cat's 105 adamson sq - All ages even though it's a downtown bar, $3
back to the thread. i keep thinking, oh, i dont go on vegweb enough to have anything clever like this. and then i read more posts and think... oh yeah... i do that.... oh... i do that too... and on and on. hehe.
YKYDTMVWW: You click the refresh button a few times to see if anyone responded to something.
i'm just going to hijak this thread for a bit.
you live in georgia and are in a punk band eh? i'm going on tour playing bass for my bf's punk band www.myspace.com/boogdish, if you live near carrolton, you should come to the show!
June 30 Carrolton, GA @ Alley Cat's 105 adamson sq - All ages even though it's a downtown bar, $3
I don't live THAT far from Carrollton...maybe I can make it! :D
I recently moved, so I live about 1.5 hours away.
YKYDTMVWW: When you get mad that you had to answer the phone / help someone at work instead of wasting time on the internet.
YKYDTMVWW: Something funny/enraging happens and you immediately start to compose a post about it in your head...and you can't WAIT to get home to post it!
Yeah, I second dreaming about VWers you've never even spoken to on the phone.
When you're offered a chance to talk to/meet a fellow VWer, your entire world has to come to a halt. Forget work, forget that appointment--time to VEG!!
You start talking about VW and VWers to people who don't even speak English, let alone care about the environment!
You hand out the website to anyone you know who is remotely interested in veg*nism. And to your good friends, even if they're not interested. You also tell them to look for your screen name.
(You get kinda depressed if no one ever reviews your special recipe you invented and submitted. :-\ But you're too embarassed to say so. :-[)
YKYDTMVWW: You feel more connected with VWers than you do with most of your real friends.
I'm glad I'm not the only one!
Pretty much all of these are true too! :)>>>
YKYDTMVWW: You refer to fellow vegwebbers as 'friends' and talk about them often
YKYDTMVWW: You cite threads as actual conversations you've had IRL.
YKYDTMVWW: You are constantly reminded of people on VW by every day things in life.
YKYDTMVWW: You feel more connected with VWers than you do with most of your real friends.
YKYDTMVWW: Something funny/enraging happens and you immediately start to compose a post about it in your head...and you can't WAIT to get home to post it!
YKYDTMVWW: When you get mad that you had to answer the phone / help someone at work instead of wasting time on the internet.
YKYDTMVWW: You have dreams about other vegwebbers.
YKYDTMVWW: you got depressed when the forums shut down for a wile
the last one...I actually talked to my therapist about it!!!And we made a "safty plan" cause I couldnt log in to hang out with you guys ::) ROFL
the rest...I do alllllll the time.
this thread cracks me up ;)b
Twas Heliamphora's idea! ;D
Aww, it's nice to hear that we all are depressed when the forums are down, and that we all like to refer to each other as friends!
I'm so glad I'm not alone in feeling this way - I really thought I was the only one!! Yay, I'm not crazy after all :D
No, we're just equally crazy. :D
I feel like this thread needs a hespedal to tell us that we spend too much time on the interwebs.
this thread cracks me up ;)b
Twas Heliamphora's idea! ;D
Aww, it's nice to hear that we all are depressed when the forums are down, and that we all like to refer to each other as friends!
Hehee! I started a fun! 8)
I'm so glad I'm not alone in feeling this way - I really thought I was the only one!! Yay, I'm not crazy after all :D
To quote the mob from Monty Python's 'Life Of Brian'... "YES, WE'RE ALL INDIVIDUALS!!" :smirk:
this thread cracks me up (baypuppy)
Yes and we all know I am just plain CRACKED anyway!
YKYDTMVWW...most of your 21st Century "feminine" education comes from VW and you have read all 96 pages (last time I saw it) of the thread about Diva cups and you are planning to buy the gadget that lets you pee standing...
YKYDTMVWW...when you understand NY and HFCS...and ummm YKYDTMVWW too.
YKYDTMVWW...when you are reading internet news and want to post a link to VW for certain people because you know who of your VW friends would enjoy it, but you forget your mom, IRL friends and your kids who would be interested too.
YKYDTMVWW...when you hear about animal abuse and say to the TV "Oh VW Davedrum would have a FIT about this! I'll have to let him know. (The same goes for vegan sightings on TV and you know which of the vegwebbers would want you to share.)