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You Know You Do To Much Vegweb When _______________!

fill in the blank!

YKYDTMVWW you think, "Wow, I need to post this on vegweb when I get home!"

YKYDTMVWW you start keeping your camera on top of the kitchen counter to take recipe photos.

YKYDTMVWW you think, when having your picture taken, "That would make a great avatar!"

YKYDTMVWW all the computers at the circ desk where you work are permanently logged into your vegweb account.'re sneaking kisses at work when nobody's around, and the thought flitting through your brain is, "the girls on the MA thread are gonna love this!!" ::) ;D choose recipes based on which of your favourite VegWebbers tried them. e.g. "If carrot wench tried this, it MUST be good!" :>


...all your other friends say they need to check their facebook, you say you need to check your vegweb.

...instead of asking your real life friends for their opinion on stuff, you'd rather ask your VW friends.

ive been reading through this thread and ALL of them apply to me!! haha


You are so excited that you are getting your grandma's vintage dishes because you know they will make great backdrops for your VW food porn!
(I'm getting them this spring when she drives through!)


When the term "vegweb" becomes a verb used to discuss time spent on vegweb.

Husband: "What are you up to?
Me:"Vegwebbin' it."



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