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You know what really grinds my gears.......

Ok so maybe I'm just a weirdo, but there's silly little things that really bug me for no apparent reason - what about the rest of you?  Is there any little thing that really annoys you, but probably shouldn't that much?

Ok I'll start:

I hate it when peolpe jiggle their legs up and down when they're sitting down.  Some people will do this continually and I HATE IT.  There's no logic to my annoyance but it really bugs me.

It also bugs me when women put their make up on on public transport - just wake up earlier if you want to wear it - and don't give people dirty looks when they stare at you.

In social life, not much of anything.  For work, I have a long list.

1.  People who don't turn their cell phones to vibrate.
2.  People who take personal calls during meetings.
3.  People who tap or click pens during meetings.  If you were so important, you wouldn't have to remind everyone of your presence.
4.  People who eat sunflower seeds / clip their nails / anything else with repetitive noise at their desk.
5.  People who take hot fish / seafood into a meeting room that lacks ventilation.
6.  A reply, for any reason, that consists of, "It's not my job."

There's more.


When people say "Who cares?"
If I didn't care, I wouldn't have mentioned it.

When I can hear people eating or chewing gum, right in my ear.
ahhhhhh. my mom does it all the time and it kills me!


I hate it when peolpe jiggle their legs up and down when they're sitting down.  Some people will do this continually and I HATE IT.  There's no logic to my annoyance but it really bugs me.

Oh I'm sorry!  I can't help it!!!!  It just happens!!!!

When I can hear people eating or chewing gum, right in my ear.
ahhhhhh. my mom does it all the time and it kills me!

This.  I quit chewing gum for a long time because of this.  It is sooo annoying.  Just freakin close your mouth!


lotus!   :nono: (although you did make me laugh)

yeah noisy eaters also really bug me.  One of the pharmacists who sits on the other side of the office to me really smacks her lips whilst eating and chews with her moth open - I always have to leave the office when she eats.


People who eat with their mouth open.

I used to have a friend who would call me up and eat with her mouth open ON THE PHONE. Good GAWD.


I am so with everyone on the noisy chewing thing. That is my biggest annoyance and it used to get me in trouble at the dinner table at home because I'd complain about it until my parents sent me out of the kitchen. Then at least I wouldn't have to hear them chewing anymore. Sometimes my own chewing sounds annoy me though, and I definitely keep my mouth closed when I chew. Ugh, the sound of saliva and food swishing around...

Another thing that is really ridiculous: In the bathroom we have a shelf where we put a package of toilet paper so it'll be there when we need it. I like to open the package and take out one roll at a time so that the rest of the rolls are protected in the plastic wrapping. My roommate takes out all of the rolls and put them in a stack on the shelf and throws away the package. I can't stand the thought of all that toilet paper sitting there exposed to the elements of the bathroom. I finally said something about how I like to keep them in the package and she said that she hates how it looks to have an open package sitting out there. We finally came up with a compromise in which we put a bowl on top of the toilet with one extra roll of toilet paper out at a time and keep the rest of the rolls in the broom closet in their packaging. We are both crazy.


People who consistently let their toddlers answer the phone when the kid is too young to talk, or understand what you're trying to say.


I wonder if people do that out of laziness, or because they want to see their kid be "cute"?
I guess it should be less of a problem now with cell phones. Unless they let their kid answer their cell phone. :/


Yes!  Noisy, smacky eaters should have been at the top of my list.

And the toddler on the phone is another thing.  I have a co-worker who will answer his cell during an inspection and it will be his three-year old grandson babbling to him.  And he doesn't hang up.  It drives me nuts.


People who consistently let their toddlers answer the phone when the kid is too young to talk, or understand what you're trying to say.

I do that with my sister.
I have my nephew answer the phone because I don't want to talk to her.


When people slurp food. This isn't just soup I'm talking about. How do you slurp lasagna? Solution: How bout you put a little more effort into eating and actually open your mouth, place the food inside, close your mouth, chew, and swallow. Thanks.

Also, when people shout at someone 3 feet away from them. Unless the person is 90% deaf, I doubt this is necessary. I do not need to hear conversations of people who are outside in the parking lot when I am inside my second floor apartment with the windows and doors closed.


OMG, when I was on the way back from the farmers market today I passed a woman at the bus stop who was standing there plucking hairs out of her nose!! (not the inside of her nose, but the outside)
Seriously, that's not something I want to see in public.  Do it at home.


when people whistle

when people have their phone on vibrate in class and u can still hear it... mine as well leave the damn thing on

when people the same one person in class keeps asking questions

when people trash my work area when i'm not there

when i say hi to a customer and they just look at me and say nothing

when people don't unload their own hand baskets in the supermarket they just leave it on the conveyor belt

when people talk on their phone while being served

when people drive slow in the fast lane

when people almost crash into u because they r talking on their cell phone

i could go on and on and on


Wet sock.  I hate it when I am wearing socks and i step in melted ice/water/snow that someone forgot to clean up. 

At my work: I hate it when people at my work talk about what a good server I am, how great the food is, how lovely my boss is, how clean the place is, etc.  Then make a huge mess and leave a $1 tip or no tip.  If the place was that awesome, why not respect the people that work there by being a little more tidy and SHOWING gratitude through a nice tip.  Today my boss was nice enough to let 2 people in well after we had closed (30 minutes after) and since she makes all the food to order, that meant she had to stay late to cook, and I had to stay late to clean.  We didn't mind because it was a slow day.  They knew we were closed apologized when they came in, and raves about the food. guess what? no tip.  That's just rude.


"I could care less."
"I could of done better."

NO. NO. YOU ARE WRONG. Think about the words you are saying.


i'm sorry fufu that really sucks :( ya if u had a good server why would u be an ass and leave a bad tip? that disgusts me but hey karma's a bitch


"I could care less."
"I could of done better."

NO. NO. YOU ARE WRONG. Think about the words you are saying.

YES.  Bad grammar in general...but ESPECIALLY "could of", "should of", etc.  What does that even mean?  ??? It's "could have", or "could've", thanks.  Also using the wrong word for to/too/two, their/they're, you're/your, affect/effect, etc.  They may sound similar, but they are not interchangeable.


"I could care less."
"I could of done better."

NO. NO. YOU ARE WRONG. Think about the words you are saying.

YES.  Bad grammar in general...but ESPECIALLY "could of", "should of", etc.  What does that even mean?  ??? It's "could have", or "could've", thanks.  Also using the wrong word for to/too/two, their/they're, you're/your, affect/effect, etc.  They may sound similar, but they are not interchangeable.

I didn't realize the "could of" thing, and I'm a big fan of spelling and grammar.  Maybe I did know it and I have been saying it correctly? Now I can't remember.
I still don't understand the difference between effect and affect, no matter how hard I have tried to.


Speaking of grammar pet drives me crazy when people confuse the usage of "fewer" and "less."  It happens all the time, but each time, I silentlly correct it in my head.


Since this is turning into a grammar gripe, how many of you read Grammar Girl?  I like her.



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