You know what really grinds my gears.......
Posted by shelloid on Oct 04, 2009 · Member since Nov 2006 · 4427 posts
Ok so maybe I'm just a weirdo, but there's silly little things that really bug me for no apparent reason - what about the rest of you? Is there any little thing that really annoys you, but probably shouldn't that much?
Ok I'll start:
I hate it when peolpe jiggle their legs up and down when they're sitting down. Some people will do this continually and I HATE IT. There's no logic to my annoyance but it really bugs me.
It also bugs me when women put their make up on on public transport - just wake up earlier if you want to wear it - and don't give people dirty looks when they stare at you.
when people say, "where is it at?"
when people yell at or talk to their kids while you are talking to them on the phone.
I hate hearing silverware clanking together and styrofoam squeaking
how can u tell when u r supposed to use affect and effect? i have never understood that :(
Affect is more of the action of influencing or impacting, while effect is the result of something (cause & effect).
yay thank u!
"Where are you headed" instead of "Where are you going?"
And asking someone if they can do this or that and they say, "Oh I might could."
Or they write you an email and tell you they "just balled all through (movie title)." No honey, "to ball" is a euphemism for the mattress mambo, and somehow I just don't think you did that all the way through "The Passion of the Christ"...although, who knows. ;D
What really gets to me is when you are going through a check out or being "waited on" by someone who is so busy chatting to their friend or co-worker or another customer that they don't even look at you! I am always convinced they are going to make a mistake or overcharge me because they're not paying attention.
I hate it when the checkers talk to each other too Yabbitgirl! I also hate when they pick up your food, an ask "is this good?" um no, I hate it but I keep buying it.
Wet sock. I hate it when I am wearing socks and i step in melted ice/water/snow that someone forgot to clean up.
Worse: Wet sleeves, particularly if it has ribbing on the wrist. Just. drives. me. crazeee!
"IRregardless." no, dear, that would be "regardless." Irregardless is a double negative and therefore an impossibility.
And asking someone if they can do this or that and they say, "Oh I might could."
Huh. I've never heard that.
Bible thumpers. I hate it when people try to push religion on me. I have my own beliefs, they may not involve the bible, but they are not any worse. How do they know that their beliefs are any more real than mine? It is not like God herself came down and said "the Bible is right and everybody who doesn't believe is a fool" or something like that. Pushing their religion on others is WRONG! Whole societies of people are destroyed due to this. Look at the native american people...
I also hate when they pick up your food, an ask "is this good?" um no, I hate it but I keep buying it.
This happened to me today in the grocery store. >:(
Also, every time I go into Jo-Ann Fabrics and Crafts to buy fabric, the person cutting the fabric always asks, "what are you going to make?". This irritates me to no end, it's none of their last time I answered "crotchless panties". She didn't make eye contact with me after that!
That's genius, Storm, I wish I'd been around to see that!
:-D ;D :-D :-D :-D
That is amazing.
You're added to my heroes list.
That's hilarious, but I think people just ask those questions because they're being nice/would like some conversation. don't know.
yeah, checking out groceries is no fun, and it's nice to learn about new foods. I've been a checker before! I don't mind when people ask about my food. People just making conversation to pass the time I guess. They probably mean "tell me about this" more than "is this good".
MIGHT COULD is annoying....I agree.
I cannot STAND being on hold or being transferred for the 14th time when I am trying to call somewhere to straighten out a bill or ask a question about my X service. I usually end up being hung up by accident, or end up being told to call the original number that I called (after being transferred a million times).
I hate LOUD motors on cars or motorcycles.
I think Jo-Ann staff are told to ask that.
I also cringe when people end sentences with prepositions. Well, except "where are you from?" That one doesn't bother me for some reason, but I can't stand "Where is it at?" or "Where are you going to?" Ugh.
I must admit, I grew up saying "might could." Then I went to college and realized a few things and I don't speak like that anymore.
Here's my biggest one. I hate hate HATE when people tell other people to "shut up." I HATE IT. It drives me crazy when I hear my kids at school yelling it at each other all the time...but what's even worse is when I hear the teachers saying it to the kids. :(
so last time I answered "crotchless panties".
This made my coffee come out of my nose.
so last time I answered "crotchless panties".
This made my coffee come out of my nose.
D'oh! I forgot to use might could today. It was going to be my inaugural use. I'm still not entirely sure on how to use it, though. It's not a west coast expression.