Best wart remover??
Posted by weelittlebuddy on Mar 01, 2009 · Member since Oct 2006 · 304 posts
I have this big wart on the back of my hand for almost a year. I've had it removed by a doctor once (I think she freezed it off), but it grew back in a short amount of time. What methods have you guys used to remove a wart (and ones that actually worked?). I don't want to go back to the doctor just yet because my copay is $80.
I've never had a wort but my friend got rid of hers once by covering it with duct tape, making sure it had no air I guess... and it went away...
I really wouldn't know anything else... tea tree oil?
Tape a banana peel on it. Haha, i know that sounds insane. but my dad did that when i was little and it went away fast!
Plus, it gets you to eat more bananas because you have to keep putting new ones on ;)b
I used to go to the doctor when I was a lot younger and they'd use either acid, freezing or burning them off.
i had one on my foot and they used acid and it didn't work. they had to surgically remove it!
i've read different raw/macro/ect diet things say how warts will go away. i would try some of those acid dealios they have at the drug store. not pretty, but that is a hard-core wart.
are you sure it is a wart and not some kind of growth?
When I went to the dermatologist, I thinks she classified it as a wart....She never mentioned getting it tested or anything. I think I will try going to the drug store and getting some super powerful thing.
The banana peel sounds super interesting, but my wart is soo huge, I'm not sure if the banana peel alone could take it off....
I've never had a wart so I have little experience with their removal, but I remember once a few years ago my mom got a little wart (a bit smaller in diameter than a pencil eraser) on her back that she tried getting rid of with one of those store-bought wart removers, and it didn't work. So then and she had me put toothpaste on it everyday and cover it up with a band-iad. Not the eco-friendly kind of paste, it was one like mentadent or something. After 1-2 weeks it dried, shrivelled, and fell off. Ha! It never came back, either. I'm not sure if that would help you since that's a pretty stubborn wart of yours if you've already had it removed, but just my two cents.
The banana peel sounds super interesting, but my wart is soo huge, I'm not sure if the banana peel alone could take it off....
My dad had a very large one, and it permanently worked for him! I dont remember how long it took, mabye a week of one on there? (guessing, it was a long time ago)
I've heard of both the duct tape and banana peel cures. Give it a try!
I'll have to let my friend know about the banana peel too! that sounds interesting!
Let us know if it works for you
the duct tape thing can work, as long as you are not sensitive to latex or adhesives. found that out the hard way.
BP, years ago I had a huge one on my baby finger. And boy did it leave a crater when they burned it off. I almost fainted because they cut most of it off before putting the liquid nitrogen on, and it was bleeding when they applied the stuff so I guess that wasn't a smart idea...probably got some nitrogen in the bloodstream. fun. had to lie down in a back room for 20mins recovering.
Okay, so I'm going to try the toothpaste/band aid idea! I hope it works!!
P.S. Points for the Scooby band aid?? ;)b
pretty cool! Good luck.
I have three experiences to share. First my daughter had a wart on her foot and the banana peel method worked good and it never came back. :) Then my son had warts all over one of his hands. We tried the banana peels but they were very messy and hard to keep on with duct tape and plastic wrap etc. so we gave up. :-\ Then we used fingernail polish and he kept up with it faithfully for about a month and they went away never to return, so far. ^-^ He just put it on every night before bed. I have had a large one on my foot for a couple of years and have tried the duct tape method for a month with no results, :-\( then I tried the fingernail polish, same thing :(. Now I am trying the banana peel method. I have duct taped the banana peel on the bottom of my foot and wear a plastic bread bag on my foot. I take it off at night and put the fingernail polish on. I have only been doing this for a couple of days so don't have any results to report yet except for telling how squishy my foot feels all day.
haha, aw. I hope it works out for you! Walking around with a banana peel on your foot should be rewarded somehow!!
i just got rid of some warts on the pads of my feet by using Dr Scholl's wart remover pads for about 2 weeks straight. I used the Dr Scholl's plantar warts pads i dont know if it'd work for something that big but the picture on the box shows it being used on a hand *shrug*. it's these little pads that are about the size of a hole-punch that you put over the wart and then cover it with the fabric band-aids that come in the box (super strong so you dont have to worry about it falling off). the little pads have that salyclic (sp?) acid so the first few times i put it on i could feel it slightly burn but only when i was standing on my feet so...
they worked though
i had a cluster of warts on my calf for about a year, i really didn't pay any attention to them until they started getting worse, i told my dad about it and he told me about the banana peel method, i did it ONCE and they went away and never came back (at least not yet, but that was 5 years ago!) if the toothpaste doesn't work, i would definitely try the banana peel! ;)b
yay! muy puntos for the scooby band aid.
they use a strong strength of salicylic acid to remove warts, and it is also in aspirin, you could try crushing an aspirin and making a paste with some water and covering the wart with it.
I had a planters wart and i had waited too long so it had to be frozed with liquid nitrogen (hurts like hell). But my Dr told me that if it happens again, to use duct tape like alot of people said here. I'm pretty sure the kind of warts you get on your hands are not quite rooted as deeply, so even if its been there a while, i would think duct tape would work...just might look funny with it on your hand.
Banana peel...never heard of it but I sure would try it if I ever get one again!
In India at my place, warts (larger) are tied tight with a Horse Tail hair and fresh lime is smeared on wart simultaneously.
The wart drops off in less than a week . There is no bleeding at all.