Detoxers Anonymous
Posted by vabeachraw on Dec 28, 2009 · Member since Jun 2009 · 705 posts
I wanted to start a thread for those detoxing, fasting, and cleansing. What format are you following? what are you doing/ drinking/ avoiding? How far along are you, and what are your goals?
For me, I am doing a 5-day smoothie/ juice fast; I am planning to drink juices, smoothies, and water with various combinations of greens and powders (hempseed, flax, maca, spirulina, etc.). I also am going to drink at least 64oz of water w/ lemon a day.
Then, on Saturday, I will assess how I feel and where I stand on things...if i need to continue, or if i feel 'cleansed'; if i see my digestion regulating itself (or at least starting to), etc.
I will document my progress on my blog (its new, just getting started with the whole raw- blogging! :)
i read on about a lot of people having skin rashes related to detox...
I stand corrected then. I guess the nurse in me is trying to figure out the pahtophys behind detoxing and a rash and I can't. However, I certainly am no expert on anything...LOL
oh no i was just suggesting; i had just been reading about it the past week and thought it might be connected- hahaha i have nooooooooooo medical background whatsoev.
i have a rash on my side and a rash on mw wrist... can't figure out what it is; tiny white little bumps; maybe some sort of deposits? dunna the one on my side has been there for monthsss possibly a year and wont go away..grrrr..... any ideas?
Here in what I know about detoxing and delayed detoxing--when your body takes in toxins and it can not eliminate them or process them it gets stuffed into your fat cells. When you detox or start losing weight the fat that your body is letting go of essentially "melts" and the stored toxins are "uncovered." The toxins can do all kinds of weird stuff to you--bu for sure you can have a delayed detox reaction to toxins.
That was probably a really bad explanation...but hopefully you get the idea <3
Hugs and kisses for you Storm! <3 <3
detox and fasting is different to me.I go by my body and what it say`s to me.I pass everything in 12 hour cycles anyway.So for me a good clear diet fast is okay.One day and my body has passed everthing out.Then if i want to detox then i use herbs or just water lots of water for 2 days that seems okay for know.I may change as i age.
detox and fasting is different to me.I go by my body and what it say`s to me.I pass everything in 12 hour cycles anyway.So for me a good clear diet fast is okay.One day and my body has passed everthing out.Then if i want to detox then i use herbs or just water lots of water for 2 days that seems okay for know.I may change as i age.
that's cool that you have a system that works for you.
I think my body is too used to raw--I don't feel like I am detoxing at all anymore--my weight loss has pretty much stalled--but I feel great. Maybe my body just has no more toxins and what not to give up right now--if so--yea for me ;p
How is everyone else doing with detoxing? Anyone have new tips, products, etc??
my detoxing has SUCKED. for the past day and a half, i have yo-yoed. then again, tues i worked 12hrs, wed i worked 11.5, and today its looking like another 11-12. i've done moderately-raw; i was too tired to prepare anything and didn't have anything 'quick' and raw last night so is ended up eating spaghetti w/ my roommate (vegan, though). then today i didn't have time to pack anything and only grabbed 4 bananas from the house (i only had 8), and ran out the door. at work they were having a conference, so the temps got dibs on the wrap and sub platter...i got a veg wrap; now i feel blahhh and like a failure; i'm trying not to be so down on myself, but i really need to reeval. and get together a working game plan for the days to come: the 12-14hr work days 6-7 days a week for the next few months.
i remember last summer when i first went raw; work got busy like this and i ended up reverting to mostly cooked, quick meals. then it started taking a toll on my body and digestion, and it doesn't help when the raw meals i have prepared make me bloated and gross and icky...seriously. i think its best that i just bring a big reusable shopping bag filled with fruits that i can jus nom throughout the keep me energized and going and are meant to last outside of the fridge and can survive being at my desk for that long.
Hey VBR <3 Don't feel like a failure! Raw, especially high to "100" raw, is not an easy diet/lifestyle to follow--I really understand how you feel, I would start a raw cleanse only to end up falling off half way in or so--it happens and you can not beat yourself up for it! I think it is important to remember that we do not eat raw as a punishment, but as a loving gift to our bodies--to eat this way floods our cells and organs with such pure nutrients we heal ourselves from the inside out. That is not to say that if we stop eating exclusively raw or if we have a few cooked meals here and there that we are doing something wrong. This is the thing that always gets me too--I feel such tremendous guilt for eating something unraw that it leads to unhealthy views or obsessions about food. We eat to nourish ourselves--does this mean we always have to do it raw? No. You know your body and all the demands that are placed on you--trust in yourself that you will come back to raw--or the type of eating/detox that you feel is best for you when the time is right <3 <3 <3 until then take it easy on yourself <3 we love you no matter what you eat <3 <3 <3