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help Im sick right before holidays

I need help, I must get better by next thursday and I cant stop sneezing  or coughing. how do I get better?

Eat well, get lots of vitamin C (eat a ton of fresh fruit or buy some pure powder) and include some garlic.  Lay off any strenuous exercise, just keep it to some long slow walks in the fresh air.  Keep away from cold/flu medicines and antibiotics- they will prolong the symptoms and not help your body in the slightest whilst antibiotics degrade your immune system (they really are poison! )

I have a friend who is a pharmacist and he refuses to take any medicines, only natural remedies.  He swears by vitamin c for most illnesses.  He recommends taking a very large dose of the pure powder.  You do end up with diarrhea until your body adjusts, but it really helps the healing.  My friend is 70 years old, but you would think he was 25, so its obviously working for him!

I hope you get well soon Choc soy chica!


Raw can throw it in the raw green soup or the cashew alfredo sauce...


... i am not of the opinion that antibiotics degrades one's immune system... steroids/coristone, on the other hand, does hurt it

drink plenty of fluids, and don't stay inside all day! really the only thing you can do to help your immune system do its job is eat well and sleep well, but getting some fresh air will help you feel better.


Amen to the garlic advice!

Also, find a straight up expectorant.

Gross, yes, but getting all the phlegm/general yuck out of your system can reduce the length/severity of a cold, from my experience.


Thanks everyone. My colds last for a month or two so hopefully I can get lucky some how. I'm drinking lots of oj and making matza ball soap with garlic. I just started so I don't know how well it's working

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