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Home Remedies....Health in your hands


Human beings survived on this planet rather successfully for over 100.000 years.
They could not have been successful if they had not used remedies offered to them
by mother nature. They had at their disposal plants and other forms of life to use as medicine.
Plants must have constituted 99 percent for remedial measures.

Traditionally, this knowledge percolated down to our ancestors like our Grand Mas and Aunts.
Unfortunately, due to social restructuring of family system, this rich source of knowledge that was there
in form of HOME REMEDIES, got lost.

During olden times, for curing complaints like sore throat to gas problem
from fever to cold and cough. From boils to cuts and wounds, were all treated
by our grand moms and aunts using simple home remedies.People went to doctors
only during dire emergencies which were beyond their comprehension.

Present day population runs to the nearest chemist and take medicines for even simplest of
health problem like congestion or stuffy nose or heavyness of stomach or gas.
For everything, they pop in pills.

Health insurence takes away a huge part of your income .

But to remain healthy, it does not take much. Just knowledge of simple home remedies
will see you and your family through year after year in pink of the health.

I can share whatever I know of home remedies and other members can also share their knowledge.
So can we have this as a sticky thread and discuss home remedies for health issues?

Naga Jolokia Addict

wow what a great idea!  I'm always looking for home remedies.

I can share one that worked for me lastnight.

For Dry Coughs that Keep you up at night
Sprinkle your pillow with Apple Cider Vinegar.  (I didn't want to get my pillow dirty, so I used a kleenex instead and slept with it by my nose.  I was sleeping within minutes, no coughing!)


ginger is great for an upset tummy. ginger candy, ale or root.


garlic oil clears up ear infections in kids (and adults too i guess?)


garlic oil clears up ear infections in kids (and adults too i guess?)

If you can get hold of Aloe Vera leaf, just grill the succulant leaf on a flame and when it starts dripping, let it cool a bit. Then squeeze
the leaf and put the liquid drops in ears. The infection and pain disappears in no time. My aunt used to do this to me and my brother.


What a great idea for a thread...I love it!!
I have lots of home remedies, but I will mention a few here:
*For immune boosting when you feel something coming on:
Foods: kale, shiitake mushrooms, miso, garlic, hot chilies, and lemon
Herbs: echinacea, nettles, etc.

I love everything people have written so far! ;)b


this is not 'all natural' but its economical and effective and painless  ;)
to get rid of warts apply clear nail polish to wart daily.If applied daily it should get rid of the wart within 2 weeks.AND it wont come back!
much better/cheaper than getting it frozen/burned off at the dr's office and carrying around a HUGE blister for a week waiting for it to fall off. Only for the wart to come back.
you can buy clear nail polish for .99C!

Itching wart on my under arm was subdued by me by applying very hot chili pepper (red) . I just cut a hot Thai chili pepper and applied the juice directly on itching wart.I applied only for two days and the itching stopped for good.It was itching every now and then during the last three months.


this is the best idea for a thread.  ;)b
ive heard lemon juice works on zits, but thats about all i have to offer.


this is the best idea for a thread.  ;)b
ive heard lemon juice works on zits, but thats about all i have to offer.

Poulice made of flour dough when applied over zit for two to three days, bursts open the zit without much pain.


I've posted this on other threads, but I'll repeat it here so others can find it:

When you have a cold, it's not the tissue rubbing and wiping that burns and chaps your skin. It's the left over mucus on your skin that is literally burning it. Every time you have a good blow, clean off your nose with a dampened clean tissue or wipe. It won't get sore.


Thanx for that one yabbit. I tried it last weekend & it worked great. No red, sore nose.

I've posted this before too. To soften your skin, cut a wedge of lemon & rub all over your hands, legs, whatever. Let dry & rub off the lemon bits. You won't believe how soft your skin is.
Just be careful you don't have any little cuts on your skin...ouch :o


I also use tea tree oil for ....well... A LOT. scrapes, zits, nail fungus, earaches, allergies, cold sores....

Aloe vera plants are great for burns.

Also, if you ever get burned by cayenne or red pepper, apply cooking oil (olive, canola, etc.) to it, not water.  Water makes the burn worse. I found that out the hard way.


A drop of lavendar oil on the back of your neck or forehead will help you relax if you're upset or wired. Go easy...a drop is plenty.

Edible lavendar oil on a sugar cube helps too. Remember in Sense and Sensibility when Eleanor administered lavendar to Marianne when Willoughby refused to acknowledge her presence at the dance?

I've used both to good effect. I also burn lavendar in my oil burner when I have a particularly obtuse student. Not for them--for me.


If you have sandlewood oil, nothing better than that for relaxing and also removing tension from mind.
Applying a drop on the forehead with a mild fingertip massage brings on deep sleep.


tummy burning or feeling too full after eating cider vinegar is amazing. I take a swig or too and feel better within 30 minutes.


Isn't anyone gonna post about using a garlic clove for a yeast infection?

I've never tried it, but that's what they say.  "They" being VWers.  :)


this is a fun thread.

i have a problem i would like a more natural approach to, if anyone has ideas!

i don't remember what the doctor called it, but essentially my skin in one area renews too fast and the cells shed and the new skin isn't "ready" to be exposed. the skin is itchy and uncomfortable. right now i'm treating it with hydrocortisone creme. prior, i had tried tea tree oil and other things, thinking it was contact related. but it isn't. any ideas?

This is very easy. You can apply Rarified butter (Ghee) lightly twice or thrice a day. In a week or so, you will feel a new person.


This is very easy. You can apply Rarified butter (Ghee) lightly twice or thrice a day. In a week or so, you will feel a new person.

Not vegan.



This is very easy. You can apply Rarified butter (Ghee) lightly twice or thrice a day. In a week or so, you will feel a new person.

Not vegan.

Would coconut oil do the same thing? ???


If you have a problem with aimal fat, then next best alternative is coconut oil.


If you have a problem with aimal fat, then next best alternative is coconut oil.

Well, this is a vegan site, so I think many would object to using animal fats as a remedy.  Wasn't sure if you were aware that it in fact is a vegan site, so just wanted to pass that info along  :)



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