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Home Remedies....Health in your hands


Human beings survived on this planet rather successfully for over 100.000 years.
They could not have been successful if they had not used remedies offered to them
by mother nature. They had at their disposal plants and other forms of life to use as medicine.
Plants must have constituted 99 percent for remedial measures.

Traditionally, this knowledge percolated down to our ancestors like our Grand Mas and Aunts.
Unfortunately, due to social restructuring of family system, this rich source of knowledge that was there
in form of HOME REMEDIES, got lost.

During olden times, for curing complaints like sore throat to gas problem
from fever to cold and cough. From boils to cuts and wounds, were all treated
by our grand moms and aunts using simple home remedies.People went to doctors
only during dire emergencies which were beyond their comprehension.

Present day population runs to the nearest chemist and take medicines for even simplest of
health problem like congestion or stuffy nose or heavyness of stomach or gas.
For everything, they pop in pills.

Health insurence takes away a huge part of your income .

But to remain healthy, it does not take much. Just knowledge of simple home remedies
will see you and your family through year after year in pink of the health.

I can share whatever I know of home remedies and other members can also share their knowledge.
So can we have this as a sticky thread and discuss home remedies for health issues?

Naga Jolokia Addict

Not hot sorm?
Suddenly I have lost interest in them. :boooo:


I think perhaps I was not clear.  They are hot, just not as hot as Thais.  They are definitely hotter than jalapenos.  Here is the heat comparison.

Jalapeno peppers rate ~15,000 scoville units.
Limon chiles rate ~50,000 scoville units.
Thai peppers rate ~80,000 scoville units.


Ok Thanks storm.


Had stomach upset due to Antibiotics.
Powdered 1 Tbsp of Poppy seeds with 1 tsp of Sugar.
Took the powdered mixture just once.

Stomach has come back to normal.
No extra visits to the loo.

Very powerful sure shot remedy for "Loose Motions"  :flower2:


Had stomach upset due to Antibiotics.
Powdered 1 Tbsp of Poppy seeds with 1 tsp of Sugar.
Took the powdered mixture just once.

Stomach has come back to normal.
No extra visits to the loo.

Very powerful sure shot remedy for "Loose Motions"  :flower2:

Wow, would this work for "loose motions" and upset guts due to IBS as well?
and does it matter how you take the mixture? Did you just dissolve it in water, or...?


I took the powder directly. Tastes like candy. :)>>>
It cures any type of stomach upsets including those due to over drinking.

Just try it out once. You will forever be thankful to me.


A very useful home remedy for both adults and kids is Nutmeg.

Children suffering from frequent bowel problems are given little quantity of Nutmeg paste (2 to 3 gms).
It immediately stops frequent pooping and induces peaceful sleep.

For people suffering from insomnia, warm milk taken with 1/4 tsp of Nutmeg powder (mixed before boiling the milk) will give a good night's sleep. Or a candy made with Nutmeg will give the same effect.
Try it out.



Beginning this week, I had an upset stomach.

Just took 1/2 tsp of poppy seeds twice (chewed it to paste)and presto...the stomach came back to normal state.
I also took powdered Pomegranete peel along with poppy seeds.



Beginning this week, I had an upset stomach.

Just took 1/2 tsp of poppy seeds twice (chewed it to paste)and presto...the stomach came back to normal state.
I also took powdered Pomegranete peel along with poppy seeds.


I don't really think that your stomach is gone back to a normal state. I would think that you're just relieving the pain with an opioid (the poppy).

Oh No....I had no stomach pain. I had over active bowel movement. It got cured with 1 tsp of poppy seeds and 1 tsp of Pom peel powder.
It has been three days since I got cured and I am back to normal since then.


Senna leaf is an amazing laxative tea... in case anyones constipated. haha.

I have a bad cough today and a little bit of a headache.  The acv doesn't work for me, anything else I can try?


A very useful home remedy for both adults and kids is Nutmeg.

Children suffering from frequent bowel problems are given little quantity of Nutmeg paste (2 to 3 gms).
It immediately stops frequent pooping and induces peaceful sleep.

For people suffering from insomnia, warm milk taken with 1/4 tsp of Nutmeg powder (mixed before boiling the milk) will give a good night's sleep. Or a candy made with Nutmeg will give the same effect.
Try it out.


Just be careful with nutmeg though, because I know it can be toxic too


Excerpted from a newsletter my Chinese med. practitioner just sent me:

"With the concern and worry, headaches are quite prevalent right now, here are some tips on getting rid of them:

Rubbing acupuncture points with your finger for 30 - 60 seconds or putting essential oils (see below) on these points can assist in relieving a headache. 

Liver 3 - On the top of the foot, in the depression between where the first and second metatarsal bones meet.

Large Intestine 4 - On the back of the hand between the thumb and first finger. In the fleshy part of the hand.

Stomach 8 - Approximately 4.5 inches from the middle of your head, at the corner of the forehead, a few inches in from the hairline.

Bladder 10 - Approximately 1.5 inches lateral to the middle of the neck, in a depression.

Helpful aromatherapy for headaches and migraines

Fill a small glass, 1oz. jar or bottle approximately 2/3 full
with Sweet Almond Oil,
To this add:

    * 6 drops Lavender Oil
    * 6 drops Clary Sage Oil
    * 6 drops Chamomile Oil
    * 12 drops Peppermint Oil

Cover and shake. Check the fragrance of the oil.

Fill any remaining space in bottle with Sweet Almond Oil.

To use: Apply to temples and areas of pain. Massage lightly.

You can also put some on the back of your hand, on the Large Intestine 4 point.

Other aromatherapy oils for headaches:

    * Lavender
    * Peppermint
    * Bay
    * Melissa
    * Jasmine
    * Eucalyptus "


Excerpted from a newsletter my Chinese med. practitioner just sent me:

"With the concern and worry, headaches are quite prevalent right now, here are some tips on getting rid of them:

Rubbing acupuncture points with your finger for 30 - 60 seconds or putting essential oils (see below) on these points can assist in relieving a headache. 

Liver 3 - On the top of the foot, in the depression between where the first and second metatarsal bones meet.

Large Intestine 4 - On the back of the hand between the thumb and first finger. In the fleshy part of the hand.

Stomach 8 - Approximately 4.5 inches from the middle of your head, at the corner of the forehead, a few inches in from the hairline.

Bladder 10 - Approximately 1.5 inches lateral to the middle of the neck, in a depression.

Helpful aromatherapy for headaches and migraines

Fill a small glass, 1oz. jar or bottle approximately 2/3 full
with Sweet Almond Oil,
To this add:

    * 6 drops Lavender Oil
    * 6 drops Clary Sage Oil
    * 6 drops Chamomile Oil
    * 12 drops Peppermint Oil

Cover and shake. Check the fragrance of the oil.

Fill any remaining space in bottle with Sweet Almond Oil.

To use: Apply to temples and areas of pain. Massage lightly.

You can also put some on the back of your hand, on the Large Intestine 4 point.

Other aromatherapy oils for headaches:

    * Lavender
    * Peppermint
    * Bay
    * Melissa
    * Jasmine
    * Eucalyptus "

Anything in there about menstruation and how to bring it on? lol


tea tree oil works for just about everything.  It has anti inflammatory, anti fungal, and anti biotic properties

for a facial moisturizer I add a some tea tree to a bottle of aloe, works great, and I have very fair, delicate skin. it helps reduce redness.  You can apply a drop of tea tree straight to a zit, it helps shrink it and reduce redness, plus helps it not get infected.

I also make my own diaper cream.  I do cloth diapers, so this washes off easily.

Buy a small can of Crisco, seriously, just vegetable shortening, then stir in a quarter teaspoon of tea tree, and slather on baby's bottom.  It helps seal the skin to prevent and heal rashes. plus its dirt cheap, compared to those tiny tubes of "natural" baby ointments.

3 kids in diapers, it works!!


Yesterday, my grand daughter of 11 weeks started grunting as usual but this time, she could not release gas by burp or fart. She was crying and my son and DIL did not know what to do.

I took the charge of the baby and did what my mom had taught me.

I opened the jar of real Asafoetida  and I held the jar cap to the baby's nose so that she could smell the strong Asafoetida.

Believe it or not, the baby let of a large burp within ten seconds and let off the gas and repeated it thrice.
She became calm and became a happy baby within 1 minute.

Try it out if you have such a problem.




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