"Lean, Mean, Meat-Free Machine" WW article on Vegan Weight Lifter Robert Cheeke
" Cheeke is a bodybuilder, but he has an even better reason to be proud of his massive muscles—they’re made of soy. (And almonds and tempeh and hummus.) Cheeke isn’t just vegan; he’s vegangelical. He’s preaching the good news that eating a plant-based diet doesn’t mean being a noodle-armed wimp.
Admittedly, in this city o’ veggies, we’ve seen a lot: a vegan tattoo artist, a vegan prom, even a short-lived vegan strip club. But is Portland ready to be the American capital of vegan athletics?
Because of Robert Cheeke, we’re on our way there. Through his website, veganbodybuilding.com, the 28-year-old former security guard has reached out to more than 1,500 vegan athletes around the world, produced an award-winning documentary, and created two Portland-based events—Vegan Vacation and Vegan Holiday Festival—with a prestigious international guest list.
“Nobody else is doing what Robert’s doing,” says vegan fitness guru Brendan Brazier, a repeat champion ultramarathoner and bestselling author of The Thrive Diet. “His site is one of the best resources for vegan athletes, and in just a few years he has become America’s most recognized vegan bodybuilder.” "
Another reason why Portland, OR is the best city?
Excellent article and website. I'll have to show it to the trainer at my local gym.
I took advantage of a complementary assessment with my new membership there. I couldn't believe the high protein diet he recommended and was encouraging others to follow. It was 100% meat. When I told him I was vegan the only non-meat protein source he could come up with for my "special" diet was tofu. Unbelievable.
Vegan bodybuilding is an excellent website that I point nonvegans to whenever they tell me all vegan are skinny and weak and need to eat more. ::)
I'ma send this to my dad! He's into weight lifting and has recently been following more of a plant-based diet once I convinced him that he didn't need 200 grams of whey protein a day to build muscle. Yay!