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"orthorexia" ?

I stumbled upon-ed this today - I'd never heard of it before, but maybe others have.

It was a really interesting read, but I'm not sure what I think about whether this constitutes an eating disorder.  It seems like it would be really easy for everyone who tries to bait me into eating debates on a daily basis to use this against me, although I don't think just being vegan is anywhere near as extreme as what they're talking about. 

Does anyone know if orthorexia is really considered a valid medical diagnosis?

there was a thread on here where someone posted a link to a 20/20 video "about" raw foods, but it seemed to focus more on orthorexia..i'll go find it..

firefightress posted this link:
which i thought was interesting.
it seems like orthorexia could kind of be like an ocd thing, with the obsession being eating only clean and pure things, but i dont know a lot about psych things.


being a vegan or being raw does not necessarily mean you are orthorexic (obviously). orthorexia is just like any eating disorder in that you have huge issues with food and are pretty much unwilling to put anything in your mouth that you have not somehow justified as being a healthy food.

for instance, someone can be a healthy eater, but not mind binging every once in a while on cookies or ice cream. totally normal, even though they almost always eat healthy otherwise. orthorexics WOULD NOT do that.


I think orthorexia is defintely a valid form of ED--but yeah--just because you eat healthy/veg/raw doesn't mean you have a problem. I don't think ED's or a persons lifestyle for that matter is always black/white/cut/dry--they are multifasitated and range all over the place. Just as I'm sure no two vegans eat alike, no two individuals battling ED's will be similar--they cross over a lot too--like ana/bulimic, binge/starve, ortho/ana, etc.

As with any medical diganoses I think it's case by case to determine the extent.


I say it's legit. I feel like some people really underestimate how broad of a thing eating disorders can be, because they haven't been exposed to them. I know several people with ed's, and living with someone who has one definitely gives me a better understanding, probably.


Thanks for the replies - I know I have a lot to learn about things like this and I hope I didn't come off as sounding rude - I just asked because I always get such great information here. 


Eight years ago, I was diagnosed as an anoretic with bulimic tendencies. I had a severe obsession with eating healthy, although at the time, there wasn't a name for it circulating around. And out of that obsession, without my ever even realizing it, I spiraled into the world of anorexia and bulimia.

I think orthorexia is more commonly viewed in conjunction with a recognized eating disorder such as anorexia, bulimia, even compulsive overeating instead of being diagnosed as an eating disorder in itself. When I asked my doctor about it, this was a couple of years ago when I first heard of it, he said that there really wasn't enough guidelines for someone to be medically diagnosed with orthorexia alone. It can often be the starting point for anorexia/bulimia/COE if it does end up progressing.

As of now, it is obviously not an epidemic like other eating disorders are or else we'd be hearing much more about the dangers of it. I really wasn't surprised when they came up with a name for it because they have a title for every other eating habit out there.


I guess the key to the definition is the obsession and how it dominates your life.  There are some people like Jack Lalane that never ever cheat and never eat bad foods.  I think that's a bit obsessive, but it probably doesn't fit the definition.

I also agree with the_starveling that the underlying problem might also include anorexia.  Many anorexics hide under the guise of being "healthy' and many of them turn vegan to further restrict calories under the guise of all valid reasons to be vegan.


i was in a support group with someone whose primary diagnosis was changed from Anorexia to Orthorexia...this was just last year though, so its fairly recent.

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