Straight Edge
Posted by springtime on Jul 14, 2008 · Member since Jul 2006 · 33 posts
Hello, friends of the veg
I've been interested in the Straight Edge movement for quite some time now, since I'm vegan, find drugs disgusting, rarely drink and don't smoke anymore.
Are there any sxe-ers out there who'd like to share their experiences and stories? like, do i have to listen to hardcore to be straight edge? or will M.I.A. do?
Hey, I think I might be able to help you out here. I'm not actually 'officially' straight edge; for one reason or another, although a lot of my friends claimed edge I just never did. I do listen to hardcore but I listen to a bunch of other stuff too and that's one of my reasons for not calling myself straight edge, even though I make the choice not to drink, smoke, or take drugs. I feel that hardcore and sXe are so linked that to claim edge pushes you into that box.
For me, it's enough to politely refuse a drink at parties and keep the rest to myself. Those sXe friends that I do have never press me to put a name to the choices I made, and at the same time I don't end up infringing on what I feel is something I have no claim to.
I'm not saying it's forbidden to be straight edge and not a hardcore kid (much as I love hardcore!), but for me it doesn't quite fit.
Ummm, I may be kind of out-of-the-loop. What is straight edge? When you said straight edge I was thinking that this was going to be about razors.
like, do i have to listen to hardcore to be straight edge? or will M.I.A. do?
Rule of thumb: You can listen to M.I.A. for the first six months during the transition period. After that, hardcore or Mel Torme.
Ummm, I may be kind of out-of-the-loop. What is straight edge? When you said straight edge I was thinking that this was going to be about razors.
no drinking, no drugs of any kind..i know this one kid who doesnt eat chocolate because it has caffeine in it and caffeines a drug..dunno if all sXe people are like that..
it goes with the hardcore scene, but you dont really have to be into hardcore to be edge.
i think another aspect is not being promiscuous. i've heard that sxe started out as an in moderation kind of movement, but its certainly changed over the years. and i think even ian mckay smokes now. but i might be wrong about all these things. one thing that i do know is that if you're straight edge and dont know who minor threat is, then... well.... thats just crazy.
(I) Don't smoke
Don't drink
Don't fuck
At least I can fucking think
I can't keep up,
Can't keep up
Can't keep up
Out of step with the world
Ask me.
I can help you with everything.
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How long have you been sXe, ryan_veg?
What do straightedgers do during moments of crisis. I drink once a year when camping, and not much then. When Cat died, though, I drank quite a bit. What would a straightedge person do with emotions there is no suitable outlet for?
Also, is there some compulsory exercise component to sXe? I'd think that if you cut out stuff that's bad for you, you'd also increase stuff that's good for you.
How long have you been sXe, ryan_veg?
What do straightedgers do during moments of crisis. I drink once a year when camping, and not much then. When Cat died, though, I drank quite a bit. What would a straightedge person do with emotions there is no suitable outlet for?
the edge kid i know cuts, which makes me sad because ..i dunno it just does. i guess because i do and like. ugh. dont wanna get into that.
he also does a lot of weird dangerous stuff. like theres this thing at my pool that we keep kickboards in and it looks kinda like a cage. he had the idea to get in it, zip tie it shut, have someone throw it to the bottom of the diving well, and try to get out using the crappy first aid scissors. its a fun game i guess (we call it sharkcage) but he does a lot of that stuff..i guess it's kinda like a non drug high..
i would think being veg would go along with being sXe because of the hormones and antibiotics from the cows that get into meat and milk..
the edge kid i know cuts, which makes me sad because ..i dunno it just does. i guess because i do and like. ugh. dont wanna get into that.
he also does a lot of weird dangerous stuff. like theres this thing at my pool that we keep kickboards in and it looks kinda like a cage. he had the idea to get in it, zip tie it shut, have someone throw it to the bottom of the diving well, and try to get out using the crappy first aid scissors. its a fun game i guess (we call it sharkcage) but he does a lot of that stuff..i guess it's kinda like a non drug high..
OK, as the resident medical nerd here on VW, regarding the shark game, stop it. it's not a game, it's incredibly dangerous, and well, he could die. sorry to be the buzzkill, but it's like that choking game. woohoo, adrenaline, but it can lead to death, and dying is just not worth a couple moments of a headrush or whatever the point is.
the edge kid i know cuts, which makes me sad because ..i dunno it just does. i guess because i do and like. ugh. dont wanna get into that.
he also does a lot of weird dangerous stuff. like theres this thing at my pool that we keep kickboards in and it looks kinda like a cage. he had the idea to get in it, zip tie it shut, have someone throw it to the bottom of the diving well, and try to get out using the crappy first aid scissors. its a fun game i guess (we call it sharkcage) but he does a lot of that stuff..i guess it's kinda like a non drug high..
OK, as the resident medical nerd here on VW, regarding the shark game, stop it. it's not a game, it's incredibly dangerous, and well, he could die. sorry to be the buzzkill, but it's like that choking game. woohoo, adrenaline, but it can lead to death, and dying is just not worth a couple moments of a headrush or whatever the point is.
yeahh its pretty to watch but i do worry a lot about someone dying..we always have the oxygen and stuff out and ready just in case and theres a way to push the bottom out of the "cage" and like there's five or six lifeguards there when this happens so i dont think it would be DEADLY but yeah. its not the safest thing to be doing. psh. it's probably THE most dangerous thing to do at the pool, aside from eating chemicals q: i have asked him once what would happen if he couldnt get out and died, and he was like "then im dead."
umm but im sure most straight edge people are more concerned about their safety haha.
My opinion, in my advanced age, is that who you are, is who you are. If you find yourself comfortable with a certain image or crowd or scene then be comfortable.
About self harm? Let me direct you here. Not the same scene but still one with similar hurdles to jump.
How long have you been sXe, ryan_veg?
What do straightedgers do during moments of crisis. I drink once a year when camping, and not much then. When Cat died, though, I drank quite a bit. What would a straightedge person do with emotions there is no suitable outlet for?
Also, is there some compulsory exercise component to sXe? I'd think that if you cut out stuff that's bad for you, you'd also increase stuff that's good for you.
maybe thats why sxe goes along with hardcore. writing/playing music is an awesome release of emotions. yessss.
thanks for your replies.
ofcourse i know that i am who i am, and i have the right to be in whatever way i like. But i'm asking because it feels nice to be part of something. I mean, i completley agree with the lifestyle and i like the idea of being this cool hardcore person. even though i listen to less hard music. I like the idea of a six month transitional period, haha...
I'm not worried about emotional outlets, though. I never felt the need to lock myself into a cage and try to get out, cut my arms, fuck random people or get drunk out of my mind. If i'm sad, i cry, if i'm happy i smile. So i guess that won't be a problem.
but, please keep sharing your thoughts. since we're in a vegan territory i think a sXe discussion is at it's place.