The Truth About Fad Diets
Posted by Jane M on Dec 27, 2008 · Member since Feb 2006 · 373 posts
Not exactly vegan in intent but I do believe this reinforces the health aspects:
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That was a great video! It was clear and simple to understand--that should be playing on all monitors everywhere until people get the point--meat=obesity, disease, death!!! I don't understand why people think meat is healthy? I hear people say all the time--"I only eat healthy, lean meat." Really? there is such a thing as "healthy meat"?? NO!! NO! NO!!!
Anyways--great video--I hope it reaches a lot of people who need to see it!!!
Ugh- I could have done without all of the gross pictures of meat (I guess that wouldn't bother the meat eaters, though) but yeah, like Capture said, that was really easy to understand and I wish more people had to watch it! It was especially informative, at the end, when they reported that doctors take (was it one?) nutrition class and know that meat isn't good for people but don't say anything?
It was interesting to learn that such a small amount of meat (one tablespoon?) affected so many things and that three weeks of a vegetarian diet could lower LPL so significantly.
Forgive me if I got any of the stats/etc incorrect. It is difficult for me to sit still for 9+ minutes. Cool video, Jane!
I is a loooonnnnggg video, poor Megg! (Visions of Megg bouncing around room....) Oh and it is less than half of the medical schools require doctors to take any nutrition class. Had to watch it again to get that right....
I have a coworker who is on the Atkins...and I keep trying to tell her how bad it is for her. She is eating HUGE platefuls of hamburg, cheese and such. All she says to my remarks is "BUT I AM LOSSING WEIGHT!!!" eeeerrrrrr
I have a coworker who is on the Atkins...and I keep trying to tell her how bad it is for her. She is eating HUGE platefuls of hamburg, cheese and such. All she says to my remarks is "BUT I AM LOSSING WEIGHT!!!" eeeerrrrrr
*Ugh* Yes...I remember one of my co-workers was really into the atkins and would eat platefulls off meat (mostly highly processed lunch meat) covered in cheese and ranch dressing! *gross*!!
It is defintely shocking that doctors are barely even required to take ONE nutrition class! But when you think about how our goverment perpetually keeps us sick in order to further the meat-medical complex it makes sense--why would you educate the person that is going to then educate the people you are attempting to control? The things our government does to our food supply is criminal! I think we should all chip in and buy an island--declare our independance and have a self sustaining vegan community someplace in the tropics and we can grow our own food (that is not full of pesticides, chemicals, radition, has not been "processed", uncecessarily treated, heated, soaked, steamed, adultrated!!!!)
Damn, Capture you just voiced one of my all time fantasies....only mine consists of taking over a couple of states and creating a "United States of Vegan"....
I think we should all chip in and buy an island--declare our independance and have a self sustaining vegan community someplace in the tropics and we can grow our own food (that is not full of pesticides, chemicals, radition, has not been "processed", uncecessarily treated, heated, soaked, steamed, adultrated!!!!)
ETA: Can people cook for me, please? On this fantasy island?
I am seriously interested in creating a vegan community! I know Will Tuttle *swoon* is involved in creating one in Costa Rica--I keep lookingfor info on it, but I can't find anything yet :(
I just think it would be wonderful to have an egaltartian society revolving around the concepts of the vegan lifestyle--vegans, to me, seem to be much more compassionate people--it just seems like it would work! We just need to find a way for people to be able to congregate in one place!!
we are the nicest people in the world. but living on vegan island means no family and friends for me.
and no puppy dogs. :[ they aren't vegan.
my hamster is the only one that could come. :-\
Being vegan wouldn't we have an animal rescue section? I mean I thnk it would apply.
I thought dogs could be vegan and that it was cats that couldn't? Something about taurine?
Oh, Megg of course we'd feed you....something about a hungry Megg is just wrong and possibly a bit dangerous.
Oh, Megg of course we'd feed you....something about a hungry Megg is just wrong and possibly a bit dangerous.
Well, you know, you don't think my cooking skills are up to par, so we'd need to do something about all that. ;)
Friends and family are more than welcome--as long as they can be vegan while on the island :) and of course we will have animals! Resuces, wild, companion., as long as we are living in harmony with them and they are not being exploited!!! And I would never force an animal that is actually carnivirious to be unnaturally vegan.
Obviously things have to be worked out--but there are good models out there--take a look a Farm Sanctuary! Everyone that lives on the farm follows a vegan lifestyle--they even have a vegan bed and breakfast where their guests are asked to not bring anything non-vegan onto the premise out of respect for the animals <3 it is so lovely! Hopefully I'll be doing an internship up there next year and i'll elarn a lot about how a vegan community can work!!
what??!! i've never heard of that place. it sounds like the greatest ever. what state is this in? or country? ???
New York, right? I've never been either. Seems awesome. What kind of internship would this be, Capture? How? Do tell!
what??!! i've never heard of that place. it sounds like the greatest ever. what state is this in? or country? ???
OMG! Farm Sanctuary is like the BEST place ever! There is one in NY and one in Cali! Gene Baur is amazing too (he's one of the co-founders!) and he is one good looking vegan guy!
Here's the link to FS!
I can't wait to go out there!!
uh yeah ....he is hot!
There is Sasha Farms in Manchester, MI too....I still haven't made it out there though
Gene Baur came to speak at UF. It was great.
I'd love to visit Farm Sanctuary!
I was thinking of this earlier.
There was a great book I read years ago about a couple that moved to a unpopulated island near Australia and lived there for a year. Lived off what would grow on the island and they also did fishing.
After the year was up the wife left and the guy continues to live on the island.
Wish I could remember the book. Just I read it about 20 years ago.
Always been a dream of mine to give up all wordily possessions to move to a island like this.
I think we should all chip in and buy an island--declare our independance and have a self sustaining vegan community someplace in the tropics and we can grow our own food (that is not full of pesticides, chemicals, radition, has not been "processed", uncecessarily treated, heated, soaked, steamed, adultrated!!!!)
Well, there are vegan communities out there. I am not all that familiar with any of them though.
Personally, I would like to have electiricity, hot and cold running water, and all that.
uh yeah ....he is hot!
There is Sasha Farms in Manchester, MI too....I still haven't made it out there though
I loooove Sasha! I go work out there when I can--it is amazing! I miss my goats Stripes and Stephen Corbert, hopefully i'll see them soon!
Are you in Mich Jane??
Oh! I just checked your profile Jane! I'm 48108! We are practically neighbors!