What did you do for exercise today?
Posted by ellen00a on Jun 09, 2009 · Member since Jan 2009 · 44 posts
So this is a total rip-off of the "What did you cook/eat today" thread, but I thought that people might also enjoy posting their workouts/getting inspiration from other people's. Here we go!
Yesterday: 5 mile run
Today: probably a 9-10 mile bike ride
Great idea! I'm always trying to find fun new things to do for exercise. Today, I'll be doing some Tae Bo...I was going to bike, but it looks like rain. :)
shred 1, hike/walk, light soccer
40 minutes of a dance video
lunch break!
10 minutes on treadmill (then my knees started to hurt. ouch) ab cruncher machine, ab roller machine, bike for 10 minutes.
Does mixing cupcake batter count as exercise?
bally's!!! i freaking love that gym!! :)>>>
Does mixing cupcake batter count as exercise?
Yes. ..Especially if you were whisking.
30 Day Shred
Does mixing cupcake batter count as exercise?
Yes. ..Especially if you were whisking.
I was!
Today was a company softball game so that had to be my exercise. I always throw in lots of unnecessary running when I play. Tomorrow hopefully will hold out and I can bike to work, 10 miles each way woohoo!! Can't wait!
Does mixing cupcake batter count as exercise?
i think it does!
along these lines:
i changed my bike tires.
i biked to work.
i worked.
i took out the trash.
that's all exercise, right?
1. Is this different from Boot Camp?
2. Why is this on the cooking board?
3. today's exercise: I sat upright.
1. Is this different from Boot Camp?
2. Why is this on the cooking board?
3. today's exercise: I sat upright.
I think it accidentally redirected to the cooking board... oops. Does anyone know how to change it?
gym 2.5 hrs :)
cardio and upper body strength training!!
yay me!
This is my weekly training plan that I *try* to stick too!
Sunday 5mi run
Monday 5 mi run and capoeira class
Tuesday 5 mi run
Wednesday 30 minutes cardio 30 minutes weight lifting and capoeira class
Thursday 5 mil run
Friday 30 minutes cardio 30 minutes weight lifting
Saturday long walk--like 8-10 miles
I don't always make it to capoeira--espccially if it rains and it gets canceled and sometimes I sub a long bike ride for a run--but that is what I set up a couple weeks ago and plan on keeping though the summer :)
1. Is this different from Boot Camp?
2. Why is this on the cooking board?
3. today's exercise: I sat upright.
I think it accidentally redirected to the cooking board... oops. Does anyone know how to change it?
The easiest way is to hit "report to administration" for a post in this thread and then in the text box tell admin that you're not reporting the post, but you'd like the thread moved to chit chat.
Two mile walk on the beach in the water....more resistance. My life sucks so much... ;D
Two mile walk on the beach in the water....more resistance. My life sucks so much... ;D
that sounds heavenly!!! its so disappointing to me that i live 5 minutes away from the beach but i never go to the beach. :/
i want to go to my Below the Belt class at the gym, but the story time at the library coincides....I can't decide!
hmmmmm work on my abs (need it!) or chase a crawling infant around the library floor?
Both will be good exercise!
its so disappointing to me that i live 5 minutes away from the beach but i never go to the beach. :/
OMG, Why, why, why?!!! :o
Thanks HH!
Today I am starting my intensive summer training to stay in shape for Nordic skiing. I am about to go on a 2-hour bike ride. :)