What goodies should I order for myself?
Hi everyone! I have been a little bit MIA lately because I just finished Week 1 of my Teach for America summer institute. It is the most stressful thing ever. It involves getting up at five, taking the school bus to my school, teaching, attending workshops, taking the bus home at 4:30, and planning my lessons all night. We eat at a dining hall, so of course vegan goodies are nonexistent. The lunch they prepare for me to take to school everyday is ALWAYS the same thing--a measly salad with a scoop of hummus and a rock hard peach or plum. I am going to order myself a box of something-or-other to have as a treat/reward for surviving an ass-whooping these next four weeks. Something like cookies, candy, chocolates, SOMETHING.
Watch should I buy for myself? I rarely order things online, especially vegan things, so where can I shop? I can't afford anything too expensive.
I've never bought vegan food online! ??? What is it that you're REALLY wanting?? ?? ?? ??
how about some alternative baking company cookies! the lemon poppy are awesome!! :D
The lemon poppyseed cookies mentioned above are great,
I say get some crazy extracts, specialty cocoa powders, matcha powder, espresso powder, etc for baking!
Want some treats? There are a few HFS's near my office (seriously! - AND I FOUND TECCINO AT ALL OF THEM!!!!!) and I could pick you up something... I dunno... maybe larabars, anything chocolate (chocolate covered blueberries, anyone?), cookies, fancy tea... I'd bake you something and send it, but I don't trust myself in the kitchen these days.
Send me your address at school, and maybe you'll get something in the mail soon... ;)
I go to whole foods every sunday, I can pick stuff up for you and mail it
yeah, it sounds like its time for another gift exchange!
Operation: KissMeKate
I love those snap peas!
I haven't bought much food online either, but we'd never seen vegan chocolates in a real live store around here, so I got these for my husband for Valentine's Day: http://www.rosecitychocolates.com/vegan-chocolate-selection.html They were worth every calorie - but they're pretty expensive. I think http://www.veganstore.com/ has vegan chocolates that are a little more affordable.
I also highly reccomend the ABC cookies--they are soooo good! And also a second on the rose chocolates! I am dying to buy a box of them--but I can never justify the cost (or the fat!) but they would defintely make an extra special treat for yourself!
You should also check out Chicago Diner! They mail order there cakes--which are Oh So YummY! I am luck enough to pick up slices at my Whole Foods--but I know a lot of WF's don't carry them since they ship from Chicago.
Big hugs to you for all your going through--I hope you havea good time despite the suckage!
It's time for a vegan gift exchange! Go go go
I also highly reccomend the ABC cookies--they are soooo good!
ABC :o Is it like gum; do they come pre-chewed? That might be helpful to our crazy busy friend. It would save her time. I'll pitch in and help with the ABC part.
yeahyeahyeah!!! ;)b
yeahyeahyeah!!! ;)b
Yeah, I think it's time for another round! If no one else has a burning desire to organize this one, I could do it this time around!
How does that work?
ETA : Nevermind, I posted before reading the other post.
How does that work?
Please see the newly created "VEGAN PACKAGE EXCHANGE" thread for details ;)b
KMK, you need to find yourself some fun eclectic stuff on ETSY:
This is a marketplace for handmade goods. I like it because I have a lot of unique people come and go in my life, but I can always find a suitable gift there. e.g. my last gf was very "artsy" and loved busy filigreed (extremely gaudy) silver stuff and I found an artist there who made just the kind of thing she liked. ...I also paid a LOT of money once for some OOAK anthropomorph stuffed cat dolls I was buying for my niece. When they arrived though, they reeked like an ashtray so I ended up throwing them out.
Look around there though, lots and lots of stuff.
Here's an idea that may not require mail ordering:
get yourself a fine bag of vegan chocolate chips (ghiradelli even has one)
a great jar of natural peanut butter
take a spoonful and a handful and you will be satisfied for hours! (i would know, I do it daily)
maybe its an afrodisiac too? (sp??)
yeah, I might need to cut back to once per day when I'm trying to shed my excess of 35 lbs!!!
and look at where it got you! ;D
Here's an idea that may not require mail ordering:
get yourself a fine bag of vegan chocolate chips (ghiradelli even has one)
a great jar of natural peanut butter
take a spoonful and a handful and you will be satisfied for hours! (i would know, I do it daily)
nonono, what you do is, dip the spoon, (or small spatula, which I prefer) and dip that in the PB, then dip the PB covered utensil in the choc chip bag & move it around so the chips stick to the PB! yummers!