NVR: Keep your man from straying! BS?
Posted by Camillus on Sep 14, 2007 · Member since May 2007 · 1009 posts
My favorite comment, "But we all know how the story goes after that: Time passes, and people slip into a spiral of unfaithful behavior that may start with a flirt, or a cup of coffee, or a drunken night at the hotel bar."
So apparently it is the women's job to keep the relationship together... comments ladies? Did this annoy anyone else?
I should read the article before responding but I know what it's going to say. >:( Some people actually believe that it IS the woman's job to keep her man happy. And if he does stray, that it is somehow HER fault.
Haha! This is great! I love how it offended both parties...I feel as though these articles always make guys out to be victims; victims of the female species not taking care of their needs. Its like women just have to treat them as pets and it will all be fine. And Women have to act as babysitters so that they keep "their man" happy. I don't know, but I think that when my relationships happen I would like them to be for who I am and what he is, that we both enjoy each others company and that neither one of us has to fall into "5 ways to keep your partner" phases. I have more to say, but I'm trying to type fast so the boss man doesn't see ;)
So basically--men are animals with no self-control, and it shouldn't be expected of them because testosterone is beyond brain, discipline and self-knowledge.
I don't think it's just the women that should be angry about this "article." It sounds like something from June Cleaver's era.
I was married for 16 years, the last 2 years I spent on the couch, I never strayed. My father never strayed.
It is both parties responsibility not to stray. I keep telling both of my daughters "If you have a boyfriend you cannot trust, get a new boyfriend...I mean it is not like straying is like the common cold, it will not clear up with time." .....PC correctness here....I also keep telling myself that about women.
This is the one thing that will get me on a soap box!!! I have an Aunt who just "stoled" her best friends husband, it is driving me and most of the family crazy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hmmm, Scrabble night. Now that will keep him interested ;D
looks like some solid, well documented research ::)
If baypuppy gives it the stamp of approval...
well then I have no other choice than to believe it.
Really I don't even want to read it because I can tell by everyone else's comments that it might annoy/infuriate/anger me. Not today, thanks.
p.s. miss you camillus.
The article reminds me of a line from the movie Latter Days. "It's the woman who brings love to a marriage." That can surely be accomplished through a rousing game of Scrabble, just be sure to let him win.
It is up to the man to make his wife happy and it is up to the wife to make her husband happy.
It takes two to tango.
Out of curiosity-- would the article have been any better received for any of you if it had been written toward both males and females?
I feel the same things it talks about could, basically, be said about both genders. Each side should make efforts to make sure each other are feeling happy and fulfilled in a relationship.
i can't even begin to explain...
Out of curiosity-- would the article have been any better received for any of you if it had been written toward both males and females?
I feel the same things it talks about could, basically, be said about both genders. Each side should make efforts to make sure each other are feeling happy and fulfilled in a relationship.
yes, somewhat, but not completely. in my eyes the reason it was so terrible was because it is assuming certain roles. i.e he man is always the cheater, and that it's the womans fault.
I saw this on the front page of yahoo this morning and got a good LOL. It reads like something out of cosmo or seventeen.
I saw this on the front page of yahoo this morning and got a good LOL. It reads like something out of cosmo or seventeen.
that is the impression i had as well... where did they even get it from?
I also believe that are people who cheat no matter what (remember I'm not condoning cheating at all here).
Say a husband or wife gave their spouse their all here everything and much more. And the spouse cheats is the other souse responsible? Of course not.
So I would say a spouse does bare some responsibility if their spouse cheats to some extent but not 100 %. No way. Not at all.
I also believe that are people who cheat no matter what (remember I'm not condoning cheating at all here).
Say a husband or wife gave their spouse their all here everything and much more. And the spouse cheats is the other souse responsible? Of course not.
So I would say a spouse does bare some responsibility if their spouse cheats to some extent but not 100 %. No way. Not at all.
i agree
I think these types of articles are ridiculous. Cheating is based on the individual, and their moral compass. I would NEVER, in a million years, cheat on my partner - regardless of how bad our problems were. I'd either try to work them out, or if we both agreed it was impossible, I'd go my seperate way. All it takes is some communication, after all. Besides that, I respect my partner too much and have too much respect for myself to lie and sleep around with some other person.
Same goes for my partner in regards to his views to me. If there is a problem - we go to one another, and talk about it. It's not my responsibility to keep him from cheating, and it's not his to keep me from cheating. We are responsible for our own choices, and our own actions. We both choose to go to one another when there is a problem. Other people choose to cheat. Either way, the responsibility lies in the individual who chooses such an action.
Well said. And I don't know of a single case where cheating made the situation better. Just get out of the relationship if you're unhappy. That's so much easier than having the infidelity blow up in your face.
It's not like Yahoo is full of good advice, so I'm not surprised that they put this as their "defining" front page story, so to speak. Out of the 7 normal "In the News" headlines, there are usually 2 that are about celebrity problems, suggestions, though if it is at all beneficial, the AP writes it so that it sounds "dangerously radical". It is sad that most Americans get their news from these barons of bunk.
It's not like Yahoo is full of good advice, so I'm not surprised that they put this as their "defining" front page story, so to speak. Out of the 7 normal "In the News" headlines, there are usually 2 that are about celebrity problems, suggestions, though if it is at all beneficial, the AP writes it so that it sounds "dangerously radical". It is sad that most Americans get their news from these barons of bunk.
Reminds me of my journalism prof's dictum: Believe nothing of what you hear and only half of what you read.
Modern journalism seems to have jettisoned his other rule: If you can't back it up, don't write it.
Okay..he seriously starts out with a "Celebrity Couple..." example. Great way to define our society..by a select group that's splashed everywhere by the media..great standard.. ::) I definately can take this guy seriously now.