Can't rate recipies
Posted by veganamanda on Jan 05, 2013 · Member since Apr 2010 · 3 posts
Am I missing something? I'm trying to click on the empty stars to choose my rating, but it doesn't work. I don't see anywhere else to rate.
Am I missing something? I'm trying to click on the empty stars to choose my rating, but it doesn't work. I don't see anywhere else to rate.
This has been fixed, so sorry for the delay!
it's still not working for me. Can't rate recipes.
Hmm.. we are looking into it right now. Everything's working on our end, so just trying to figure out what's going on. Thanks for the update, and we'll let you know what we find out!
Hi all! If you're having this problem, can you let me know specifically where you're clicking and what browsers you're using. Thanks!
hi I am clicking directly on the stars. It does not work on the latest versions of Firefox, IE or Chrome.
This is really annoying. The mouse pointer doesn't even change to the interactive element hand.
I cannot rate any of the recipes for example vegan mozzalla cheese.
I have try using explorer and chrome and iPad -- nothing
Another Chrome user, I haven't found it to work on any so far I've looked at.
Nope....not working
I keep trying but no luck.
Can anyone rate a recipe or it just some of us for some unknown reason?
I can not rate recipes either. I tried clicking on the stars. Using latest version of firefox.
Has this been fixed, because I still can't rate recipes.
trying to rate recipes as well (I'm a new user). i'm using the latest version of firefox as well. Would love to rate recipes since i'm frequently using this site for my new vegan eating. Hope it gets fixed soon! Love this place!
I can't rate either and haven't been able to since the site redesign. (I'm on Chrome, Mac)
I also can't rate recipes. I am also using Chrome on a Mac.