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Welcome to VegWeb's Soft Launch!

Hi all!

I just wanted to thank you all for stopping by the newly redesigned VegWeb! We're so proud of and excited about the site, and we hope you will be too.

There's a new blog section where we'll regularly post site news and have fun guest chef posts and all sorts of great stuff. Find out about the soft launch and about new and coming attractions here:

As always, if you have any questions or comments, shoot me a private message or email me at

Again, so excited, and stay tuned for even more delicious happenings!



Looks amazing!! I love it. I hope everyone comes back!


Thanks, l2a! Iriairi -- it's a slower migration process because of complicated, old code... all of your recipes will be there in the next couple of weeks! Thanks!!


blog link works for me now, didn't on Friday... I dunno why but whatever, pleased it works

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Yes, stars and I like having user pics on the main page Also, Is there a way to get to what on the old site was "Show new replies to my posts"? I used that a lot. Maybe I'm just not seeing it.


It doesn't do very much at the moment, but I thought I'd mention that I've started working on a userscript for VegWeb. For those who don't know, a userscript is a little program that, if installed in your browser, runs automatically when you visit certain pages and can modify those pages. Potentially, I may be able to implement some features in a userscript fairly quickly which might make using VegWeb a little more pleasant while waiting for the site developers to implement equivalent features in VegWeb itself.

For example, as I'm sure everyone has noticed, the "new posts" links currently don't work right. My script tries to fix them, so when you click such links you'll hopefully be brought to the correct page. Also, it adds some buttons to the comment editor that insert the appropriate tags to use e.g. bold without having to manually type in the <strong> and </strong>. It also adds a quote button that uses the blockquote tag to quote posts like

yabbitgirl, on Jun 17, 2012, wrote:

Also, not being able to insert a quote when responding to an earlier post is not going to work, particularly on the chat-type boards.

To use the script, one needs Firefox with Greasemonkey (what I use and therefore, best supported), Safari with GreaseKit, Chrome, or Opera (the latter three I have installed, but only used for minimal testing). (It is conceivable that even Internet Explorer with an appropriate add-on might work, but I am completely unable to test such a configuration, so I won't be able to provide much help if it doesn't work.)

If you are using such a browser, the script can be installed from here. Also some more details are available.

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I haven't had a chance to grab your script yet, but thanks for your effort; I appreciate it!


Yay, I love the new look! Hopefully things will work better now. =)


Today I see there's a "My Recipe Box/Meal Planner/Shopping List" link but it doesn't do anything, if you click on it you end up back on the home page.



I am excited about the new look of the site. I appreciate all of your team's work and hope the migration is going well. I would say I had many of the same reactions as many of the others and it seems you've already given some answers about my concerns, but I'll still reiterate them below for safe measure.

- Beautiful looking site!
- Oh no, where has my recipe box gone?
- Even if my old recipe box wasn't save, why can't I add recipes to a new recipe box now?
- I miss the star rating system too!

Also, I heard you say that if you want to save recipes, you should just click the "like" button and the recipe will be saved on our profile; however, I do hope we can save recipes to a recipe box without "liking" them especially if there is no star rating system....because many times I want to save a recipe so I can try it later and only want to like or rate the recipe after trying it. If I have to "like" it just to save it to my profile that impacts the rating when I haven't even tried the dish yet.

Lastly, I would echo that VegWeb is running sluggishly in California, but I know that will improve with time.

Thanks for all your hard work!!


Another vote for the star system! Also, how many times am I going to need to log in? Every time I show up I have to log in. :(


Was there any warning about this "upgrade" that I missed? Anytime I see upgrade to a site I'm involved in I say, "Oh NO!" I realize you must have worked hard on this but the old site worked pretty darned well. Why fix what wasn't broken? This is a big disappointment to me and I'm really sorry that you felt the need to change.

It runs slower than molasses, there are many bugs and many things that were made worse. I'm going to have to start looking for a site that doesn't remind me of faceplace. A real forum. Call me old fashioned.

I see "Like" buttons and I'm now looking for the "Dislike with a passion" button. Where is that one?


twobluemoons, they had to upgrade the site because there were tons of security issues with the old one. I don't know how often you visit, but vegweb was unavailable more than like half the time since December because of virus attacks... and of course, always the spammers in the forums. Some users' computers were infected with viruses as well. I believe vegnews had intended on upgrading vegweb anyway for a while, but the security issues sealed the deal there.

I'm ok with the Like buttons, but I do wish we could have stars for the recipes, as well as our "edit" "report" and "delete" buttons (which I believe are coming soon-ish).

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One of the things the new improved VW doesn't do, is inform you when you have a PM waiting. I used to get an email telling me I had one waiting. If semiveg hadn't told me, I would never have clicked the Message tab to check.


Thanks for the continued feedback! Trust me, it's all being added to the docs for serious discussions, and implementations of suggestions are going into effect as soon as today! Thank you again for being such a great, supportive, vocal, and passionate community, it's one of the reasons why I feel so lucky to be part of VegWeb!!


I just realised the subnicks are gone. So sad, they were fun!


over all, I am happy with the new design. It looks really good. I am having minor issues with finding the new posts. I miss how the new posts used to bump the thread to the top. Also, when I click on a "new post" link, it seems I end up in random spots in the thread, not the last 2 posts I have not seen or even on the page they are on. I am very thankful the recipies I saved links to on my desktop favorites still seem to work. I was afraid I was going to have to delete them all and start the file over.


How do i find items i added to my shopping list?


On your account page, there is a "Recipes" tab, under which there is a "Shopping List" button.


I'm glad that you went ahead with the soft launch rather than continue to let the old site spread viruses. I think the new site is very pretty (yay for purple!) and trust that you will restore most of the old features in time.


I'm with yabbit! I miss subnicks.



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