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Welcome to VegWeb's Soft Launch!

Hi all!

I just wanted to thank you all for stopping by the newly redesigned VegWeb! We're so proud of and excited about the site, and we hope you will be too.

There's a new blog section where we'll regularly post site news and have fun guest chef posts and all sorts of great stuff. Find out about the soft launch and about new and coming attractions here:

As always, if you have any questions or comments, shoot me a private message or email me at

Again, so excited, and stay tuned for even more delicious happenings!



It would be good if there were a way to report spambot posts to Admin. There's a new one in Stroller Derby today. 1 post with Nike Jersey hyperlinks in it.

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I just thought i'd drop by to mention some of the issues i've been experiencing. In hopes it will help.
I still don't have any of the recipes i've saved over the last 10 years.
Also, I occassionally have the same problem as others where I log in and it shows me logged in as another user.
And sometimes I don't stayed logged in. I go to another page and i'm not logged in then to another and i'm logged in again.

Thanks Laura and the others for all of your hard work. The site looks wonderful!

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Corbzy, I don't know if there's that ability right now... let me look into it! Thanks!

yabbitgirl, you're right, that's very necessary, added to the list... with many of the forum changes coming before the end of the week.

lilmissdisney, thank you so much for your feedback, both of those issues should be resolved now! let me know if they happen again, please!


Corbzy, I don't know if there's that ability right now... let me look into it! Thanks!

yabbitgirl, you're right, that's very necessary, added to the list... with many of the forum changes coming before the end of the week.

lilmissdisney, thank you so much for your feedback, both of those issues should be resolved now! let me know if they happen again, please!


I really like the new site, but I miss a vegetable categorie in the recipe section, where all the recipes that lost their categorie divided over the other categories?


I used to visit vegweb multiple times daily. I realized that the thing I liked most about the old site was the "Recent Reviews" list on the homepage that automatically updated. I found and tried so many of my now go-to recipes because I saw them listed there (actually either there or on the rotating user recipe pics that were on the sidebar, which I also greatly miss). I never would have purposely searched for them on the Recipes page. Please bring this back! Even if it's not on the homepage. I'm not really active in the communities, but finding recipes that were recently reviewed on vegweb is what helped me most in becoming and staying vegan. It gives new ideas and I think it attracts people in a different way than just having the "Most Popular" and "New" recipes listed. I also fear that without it my cooking repertoire will suffer a lot :(

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@Maaike -- They are divided into other categories based on recipe type, but we will be bringing back the vegetables category eventually. Until then, you can search by vegetable in the recipe section!

@laur b. -- It's an evolving process and your feedback is invaluable! I hear you on the recipes with new comments being featured. It's a good idea! I will add it to our "to discuss" list and talk it over with the engineers. It's a HUGE site with many improvements to be made, so please bear with us, we really want you to be happy and hope we can accomodate that. We just have to figure out how and where! 


Hi All!

We completed a round of updates to the site late last night/early this morning. Yay!

They are:

1. The star ratings on recipes are back! 

2. The forums are more functional with many new features added, including new comment boxes and reporting spam features!

Please let us know what you think of the updates. Hopefully you find the forums much more usable and the star ratings functional. 

We are working very hard to update recipe boxes in just a little bit (sometime today!) and so please check those out soon. There won't be categories to put your recipes into, but we will work on that next. If you were a big user of the Recipe Boxes on the old site, can you please let us know what you liked about them/their organization, so we can try to implement as many positive changes as possible.

Thank you so much for sticking with us during our soft launch, and we really appreciate all the feedback (good and bad) that's coming our way. We're listening!



One of the good things about the old recipe boxes was the ability to create your own categories, with your own personalised and changeable labels. So yeah, you could have Desserts or Sides or whatever, but I had a category I called "As Yet Untested" where I put things that looked interesting, to decide whether or not to keep them.

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@yabbitgirl thanks! very helpful!!


Okay, recipe box recipes should all be there in their entirety for everyone! Please let me know, if not. The ability to organize them will come soon, hopefully within the next week, so please stay tuned for that. Yay!!


and then everyone i am following dissappeared :(


@amymylove so sorry, are these people you were following on the old site and they just disappeared or people you followed on the new site and then they just disappeared? Let me know, I'll reach out to the programmers right now!


i was following them on the new site


Okay, let me look into it! Thanks!


how come when i click on a recipe like melty cheese i am only able to see the 1 main picture being used and not all the others uploaded by other users? is that something you guys are still working on?



For this one? That's a user photo (or one from Admin from way before my time!). Photos are a Phase 2 priority but I'll mention this issue to our programmers. Did you have a photo in there? Let me know! Thanks, Amy!


I haven't been logged in recently, so I'm not sure if this is related to the recent update or not, but threads with new posts don't seem to be marked as new anymore on topic listing pages (I mean pages like this).

Also, as I mentioned in another thread, off-site search engines are not (doing a good job of) providing links to threads in the new forums. My speculation about the cause of this is that there are many sites which link to threads in the old forums but very few which link to threads in the new forums. So even if the search engine re-crawls the site, the working links will have a very low rank compared to the broken links, and thus get buried in the results. I think the only way to fix this is to provide 301 redirections from the old-style to new-style links so search engines will realize that two URLs actually refer to the same thing. (This would have the rather nice side-effect of un-breaking old links.) Notice that search engines return new-style links for recipes (for which vegweb does provide a redirection).

Oh, and when someone makes a new topic, it doesn't show up as the "last post" (on this page), which makes it easy to miss new threads. (I think it has been like this for a while, but I can't remember if anyone has mentioned it.)

It is nice to see that the vegweb team is making progress though.


drats!  i hate, hate, hate that i have to search through upteen pages in my recipe box to find a recipe.  can't wait for the ability to create categories again, but i'm really not looking forward to having to spend hours reorganizing (labeling/filing) them all over again.  :(  i'm sure transforming a website is no easy task, but after months and months of waiting to be able to consistently be able to access the site again only to find frustration after frustration with the changes... i'm frustrated! :[


Thanks for the continued excellent suggestions, just wanted to say that again. Everything you're mentioning is being cafefully considered and many of them are being implemented! @yabbitgirl -- what do you mean by subnicks? Sorry, I'm slow! And @semiveg, we're working on those things as you type! Look for them very soon—yay!



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