What song is stuck in your head today?
Posted by yabbitgirl on Aug 23, 2008 · Member since Apr 2006 · 14266 posts
WHY oh why is it that the song that gets stuck in your head and goes roundandround all day is never one you actually LIKE? In fact, it's usually one you hate!
And if not, you hate it by the end of the day.
Today I'm stuck with a song from "Guys and Dolls": Sit down you're rocking the boat.
What's in your head today?
A Song For Beggars by Ruiner
It's the whole album today.
Is it odd that I've loved Tori Amos' cover of that song for years, but I hadn't heard the original? At least I don't think I had... it's really pretty. :)
Well, I've never heard Amos' cover. She sings one of my favourite songs though. It starts with a short poem by Leonard Cohen.
Tori's been quoted as saying that she thinks 'A Case Of You' is a perfect love song, and she wishes she'd been able to write it or one like it. :>
'Silent All These Years' is a lovely song too; it's from her first album. I've never heard it with that poem attached before... I wonder if that and the video was put together as a tribute to someone or other? ??? I has all of Tori's albums on CD... unusual for me, I don't buy many discs, but... she's my favourite singer ever. :iloveyou:
I have the mp3 version with the poem attached. I'll email it to you from work on Monday or Tuesday.
Do you have a link to Amos' version of 'A Case Of You'? I'd love to hear her interpretation of it.
Thanks! :-* I have 'A Case Of You' on mp3... I'll upload it to my website, you can download it from there.
........done. Here it be. Happy to share any of her other songs if you want them. :>
We should setup a vegweb music exchange of some sort :)
good idea!
Old Man & the Land - Railroad Earth
I can't find a great youtube recording :-\, but it's a beautiful song!
I love Spark by tori Amos, I used to put the single on repeat.
That's a great one Ohm_i ;)
Glad you like EMG
Love, Love, Love this song!!!!!
We should setup a vegweb music exchange of some sort :)
We should!
Thanks to a post on Secret Vespers I now have Ian Anderson singing "Baker Street Muse" in my head. Oh dear. Not what I want just before toddling off to church...
The Descendents - Get The Time
Prostitute - Guns N' Roses.
Wagon Wheel- Old Crow Medicine Show! Fun to sing walkin home drunk from the hookah bar haha
I know, I thought I removed it. Oops! I'm was a neo-luddite until a few years ago, so I'm pretty computer illiterate. I can't get a video to post, because I have no youtube icon...ANYWAY...I removed it. But it was good, had it worked :D
I love to sing this song, thinking I can actually sing. :( Oh well...
i wish i could speak/understand french...
i wish i could speak/understand french...
Even if I understand the words to this song, I'm not really sure what it's about. I always think it's an hommage to Nature or something. This singer is from the city where I live (Moncton). Her brother owns one of the two vegetarian restaurants in Moncton. I believe he also wrote the lyrics to this song.
A have a much more obnoxious song in my head, it takes about 3 times listening to it to like it, i hated it at first, now i'm in love with it
i'm guessing most here will hate it :D
<object width="425" height="344"><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/zRDY1sy0-co&hl=en&fs=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>
(ugh, i fail at posting video sorry for the coding or anything off)
Steel Pulse- "A Who Responsible"
Bongwater- "Psychedelic Sewing Room"
If You Want To Sing Out, Sing Out by Cat Stevens from Harold and Maude, my favorite movie ever! :)
A-Punk, Vampire weekend.
Muse- Map of the Problematique