What song is stuck in your head today?
Posted by yabbitgirl on Aug 23, 2008 · Member since Apr 2006 · 14266 posts
WHY oh why is it that the song that gets stuck in your head and goes roundandround all day is never one you actually LIKE? In fact, it's usually one you hate!
And if not, you hate it by the end of the day.
Today I'm stuck with a song from "Guys and Dolls": Sit down you're rocking the boat.
What's in your head today?
Yeah, I don't get it. I can watch it on the YT website, but not as linked here. ::) >:(
.....ah, my favourite animation/video style AND beautiful lyrics...
You find the best ones, db.
I agree, it's a very beautiful song.
Streets of Glory by Israel Vibrations
please don't judge me, but....
my brother took the ipod thing out of my car and reset all of the presets on the radio to the rap/hip hop stations, so that was all i listened to while driving over the weekend. also, this song reminds me of him, with the slow motion shots of the money and diamonds...that is the kind of guy he is haha. anyway, ive been humming it since friday, and its a little embarrassing. ::)
Ha Ha, "Y'all got some chicken wings?" :)
takin it old school today
>:D (I actually kinda like this song.)
Oh what a night!
Late December back in 63
What a very special time for me
I remember, what a night!
Oh what a night!
Though I didn't even know your name
I was never gonna be the same.
What a lady--what a night!
I felt a rush like the rolling of the thunder
Spinning my head around and taking my body under--oh what a night!
(Since this song lodged in my brain I've been thinking...it came out in the 70's and I don't think the singer--then in his mid 20s-- would have actually been old enough to be the protagonist in late December of 63, though I could be wrong. Yes, I know, I'm pathetic. It's just that it makes me feel funny to hum this tune since I was born in June 62.)
Are you talking about Frankie Vallie? He was well into his 40s when that song came out.
And Thank you, it is now the song in my head. ;D
Ghetto Gospel by Tupac ft. Elton John
Earlier today I had that Pocket Full of Sunshine by Natasha Beddingfield song in my head.
Random ass day.
Omg. I just watched this on your fb page. :)>>>
Wii Mariokart is extremely frustrating, but :iloveyou:.
I like that song. That's cute. He needed to sing about bullet bill (I call him bullweas). He's my favvvvvvvorite.
Best.song.ever.Or.at.least.most.entertaining.at.the.moment. ;D
Listening to this (among many other songs) to try and get Xmas Krap out of my head. :o
I don't find the music vid very interesting, but the song sounds good to me right now.
I've been trying to find this for over a week now. YAY ME. YAY LIMEWIRE. YAY IPOD.