What song is stuck in your head today?
Posted by yabbitgirl on Aug 23, 2008 · Member since Apr 2006 · 14266 posts
WHY oh why is it that the song that gets stuck in your head and goes roundandround all day is never one you actually LIKE? In fact, it's usually one you hate!
And if not, you hate it by the end of the day.
Today I'm stuck with a song from "Guys and Dolls": Sit down you're rocking the boat.
What's in your head today?
Repo was totally awesome!!
I prebought the DVD... I can't wait! I haven't seen the movie yet, just bits and I bought the album... I really can't wait to see it. I will probaby organize a private viewing with people that I know are interested in seeing it!
Ugh... I so want to see Repo. And due to the current poopiness of the exchange rate, I can't afford it. I'm becoming so jealous of you folks who can... that it's almost making me feel ill, when I pause to dwell on the subject. I guess I'm a bit dezydrated or somethin'. ::) :( :P
Not this version, but the one from the LP is stuck in mah head... however, this one has a video for your enjoyment. :P ;)
That narrator sounds like Ringo. Is it by any chance?
I grew up listening to Mum's LP recording of The Point, which is (as I found out yesterday on YouTube) a much-truncated version of the original, and spoken/sung by Harry Nilsson alone. It was interesting watching some of the Ringo one. ;D
What song is stuck in your head today?
for some reason, an older song "Dime Cual Es Su Nombre" (Roberto Blades) ...
... that, with the striking B/W filming, has a haunting melody & message (n.b., song is in Spanish language) that has been wonderfully rendered.
~ fr
A 20-year old nightmare named Miguel Bose. He never could sing, but Daddy was a famous bullfighter and Mummy was a fashion designer.
(Hell, Stephanie of Monaco even cut a record once.)
"Soy tu amante bandido (bandido!)
Corazón, corazón malherido..."
the wombles song.
the wombles song.
Yup. Along with "Remember You're a Womble"!!
Any song my coworker thinks she has to sing over the day. She has a radio at her desk and sings to most everything. She should not sing Josh Grobin songs. As well, she should not clip her nails during the day. That is just rude!
Thanks to work... two horrid pop songs by Fergie which get played every day, I swear... I won't mention song names, out of kindness; I wouldn't want them stuck in your head too. I can't believe how juvenile and asinine her 'music' is. It boggles the mind.
Listening to this album non stop through my shiny new headphones with amazing sound quality... it's like an eargasm. *drools*
Night Ranger - "Sister Christian"
Again, I am not pleased with this development.
Under Pressure by Queen!
Under Pressure by Queen!
I likes that song. ::)
I'm listening to this, among other songs, to try and get crap outta my head.
I luff it. :)>>>
"Mama look down and she spit on the ground
Every time my name get mentioned.
Papa say "Oy, when I catch that boy
I'm gonna put him in the house of detention."
I'm on my way...I don't know where I'm goin'.
I'm on my way, takin my time but I don't know where.
Goodbye to Rosey, the queen of Pomona.
Seein me and Julio down by the schoolyard."
--Paul Simon
Omg. I just realized that the Cool Whip song is stuck in my head. >:(
Omg. I just realized that the Cool Whip song is stuck in my head. >:(
this song has been in my head for days!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
maybe this one will work
Hahaaa, Mikaaa. ::)
i had never even heard of him but that song just sticks!